World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 343

Chapter 343 Kill the Pope (13)

Jack, the creator and chief developer of Arcadia.

He was born with a deformity that made him unable to move even a single part of his body and had to live in bed for the rest of his life. He was born with the heartless fate of being unable to do anything and living his entire life meaninglessly, but everything started to turn upside down due to one person who was interested in him.

[Huh... It's quite an interesting toy. It must be worth researching.]

Paul Paul, a mad scientist who was looking for a test subject to use for research in the same hospital where Jack was born. Jack was kidnapped by him and taken to the secret research facility Hive, where he met his destined lover.

[I'll tell you interesting stories!]

With Jack, who can neither eat nor turn over, Jenika draws in a sketchbook with crayons and chatters to tell her own story. The story of her young girl, about 6 years old, was sloppy and crude.

Magnificent nature with huge mountain ranges, vast seas, green plains and rivers.

Numerous creatures living on the enormous continent.

Each country with its own unique culture and customs, civilization, and history...

Jack built his own world in his imagination to overcome such terrible boredom and boredom. No one dares to imitate... He achieved feats that transcended human limits, but the world that exists in illusions and fictions had no value.

That is until I met one person.

[They say people who don't talk are deep in thought... I wonder what you'll think as you've never said a word in your life...] [

Wait a few months. I'll provide a window for you to express your thoughts in the future.]

Project Sixth Sense, which was promoted with the goal of creating a system that enables direct information exchange between the brain and machine so that the paraplegic can express his thoughts freely.

However, Jack showed an unprecedented level of 100% synchro rate, which is absolutely impossible for a human being, and confidently revealed the world in the illusion he created by himself to reality without hesitation.

[This world I created... started with your story. To me, who couldn't see, feel, or taste anything... Your story was the beginning and end of my world.] [

So I imagined all the people laughing, talking, crying, fighting, angering, and rejoicing in your story. And all the stories and countless creatures created and destroyed over a long period of time in this world...]

Confessing his sincerity to Jennica, the original author and the biggest reason for the creation of this virtual world, Jack asked .

[What is the name of this world in your story?]

And in response to his question, Jenica named it with a trembling voice.


The birth of an unexpected and unexpected virtual world.

The Sixth Sense Project has expanded to an unprecedented scale in this highly realistic world made to the point where nothing can be touched anymore.

Project Butterfly Dream (胡蝶夢).

Arcadia Co., Ltd. was newly established with a huge and ambitious goal of starting virtual reality game service in this world. Jack, who started the work to introduce Arcadia to mankind through them, had no choice but to fix the world he created as a whole.

[Hmm..... This is more to worry about than I thought..... There are a lot of new things to add...]

In a world created through free imagination, countless settings, rules, and laws are created.

In a complex worldview and history, it is full of secret and dangerous but very mysterious and tempting conspiracies and hidden secrets.

Many unnecessary, dangerous, or meaningless stories have disappeared or been deleted.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[It's understandable that I don't need it... But it's such a waste...]

Jack, the architect who created everything in this world called Arcadia.

Called ‘Father', he loved everything he created and had many attachments. That's why he made a lot of arrangements to protect as many things as possible. But now Jack couldn't help but sigh as he saw the fruit sprouting from the seeds he had planted.

[Ah..... Really.....]

Eden, the capital of the Holy Empire and the Holy Land.

He had a lot of thoughts as he watched the main character and core area, which plays a key role in the numerous stories of Arcadia, collapse helplessly in a single moment.

[Is this why we had to discard the settings that needed to be discarded in advance...]

Mortal power is a powerful power that can completely kill even adventurers with immortal protection applied, and it is a setting that completely breaks the balance of the game, so it is the highest priority. Jack, who hid him who was the target of deletion.

He himself expected how dangerous this would be, but he looked down at the world of Arcadia with eyes mixed with sincere remorse as he looked at the results derived from a complacent mind that there might be a problem and regret that it would be a waste to erase it.

[Please... I hope you organize it neatly so that it doesn't go to the end anymore...]

Infinite freedom. and endless possibilities.

As the creator and father of all things, bound by that motto and only to behold, he prayed with all his heart.

I hope that the world I created will not suffer from a cataclysm any greater than this.

I hope that there will be no situation where he has no choice but to intervene in Arcadia himself.

* * *

Mortal. Corruption. perish.

A clash between those who each have a single divinity that is opposite to each other.

In that ruinous and destructive collision, everything in Eden was terribly torn down.

“Lord, let your brilliant light fill all the darkness, and in the holy cross all the immoral will repent and condemn. Give me the strength to judge the fallen evil.”


The divine power that dwells in Amen's whole body along with the prayer text. Along with his full faith, the transcendent power that came from the muscles that were swollen to the point of being hideous showed the appearance of a merciless judge who punished evil.

[Time of Judgment]

Koo-woong. cooong.

Mercy, a heavenly god and mythical weapon in the form of a huge and massive cross.

Amen, who is trying to crush Tan and Morse with the weapon that is bigger than himself. However, while narrowly avoiding his attack with a single difference, the two were engaged in a fierce battle with each other.

[The head of the head of those goddamn chicken wing idiots is mine! Quietly give up!]

“This is nonsense. In order to complete the revenge, the author must be killed with my own hands.”

Beyond avoiding and blocking Amen's fierce attack, Tan and Morse growl at each other and fight, telling each other not to touch each other. Doing their best to each other, pouring out all kinds of powerful secret techniques, they showed a spectacular scene that opened their mouths.

[Follow me. give in obey I am the lord of corruption! ruler of the demon realm. Devil. It is Satan!]

[Death will always be equal to all living beings. die. The Last Breath.]


Kwak Kwa Kwam. Wow.

People let out sighs mixed with lamentation as they saw the gods, each holding their own divinity, displaying their strength to the fullest and screaming and clashing.

-Ha..... I'm tired of swearing at this damn dungmangem now.

-lol. Even if it's fucking like this, you're going to talk nonsense about infinite freedom, infinite possibilities, right?

-???: This happened all because of the users! We got it wrong!!!!

-Why does this goddamn game company make the real God Game so bad...?

- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I really want to shed bloody tears for the divine system users.

-Also, I bet everything on making a patch like X and applying it recklessly.

Morse and Choco Piezoa are literally at the level of playing an otherworldly game together.

The two players were competing fiercely, showing strength equal to that of the level 500 Amen.

Demon King Satan holding the Deathbringer, an absolute god like the symbol of the Devil World.

His mighty and infinite divinity, one of the undisputed deities in Arcadia, was so overwhelming that even Morse, who was superior in the first place, and Amen, who were inferior to each other, were overwhelmed.

[King of Manmaji]


Tan unleashes his powers to his heart's content and releases the power of corruption and divinity to his heart's content with Jaeyoung's probability. And the result was his one-sided victory.

Morse is knocked out after receiving a massive blow. And behind him is the Pope, who lost an arm and is bleeding, moaning in agony. Amen.

“Keu... Keu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu eu ug.....”

He, who was put in a state of incapacity for battle after receiving a fatal blow, looked back at the Holy Land, Eden, which had collapsed to a completely disastrous level, with a face mixed with various emotions, and stood proudly in front of him. I looked at him with eyes that said it couldn't be like this.

Demon King Choco Pie Joea.

[Are you giving up now? It seems that he showed all of the assets he could show.]

Although he overwhelms them with his powerful power, Tan has exhausted quite a bit of probability than I thought.

Even if he thought about it, he thought that this was too much.

However, at the words of Tan, he almost screamed in a fit.

“It can't be... it can't be! This Eden... I... and this Holy Empire!”

Countless people who supported themselves and the Holy Empire lost their lives, and Eden, which has never collapsed and shined brightly forever, was stained by the mighty power of corruption.

A huge catastrophe that he could not possibly prevent.

It was a hopeless situation to the extent that a normal human would have given up, but he did not give up.

The mission that I have as the first representative and apostle of heaven.

The firm conviction and belief that I have carried in my heart throughout my life.

And the wrath of a man who lost all his precious things.

It made Amen take out the last remaining hand.

“Never bow down to the ugly evil!”


A pure white glow emanating from his body.

and that moment. Divine power on a vast scale different from now began to spread out into the sky.


A key base and sanctuary of Eden, which was in charge of channeling with the heavens.

There, the first apostle, Amen, sacrificed his life to ask for help from a being to stop this great catastrophe.

“Glorious light that shines brightly in the sky, I call upon the great and lofty Aspect of Glory that protects and administers justice to this world...

A self-sacrifice spell that summons a celestial being at the cost of one's life and soul, such as Cardinal Gideon. Looking at the pope who was reciting it, Tan looked back with a puzzled face.

Woo woo woo.

The celestial ruler who was watching over all of this in the form of a guardian angel.

Highly glorious Aspect Michael.

She looked at Amen, who was calling out to her for help, and then looked at the bastard bat staring blankly at her, before letting out a deep sigh and closing her eyes.

“Come to this land now and burn all evil with the holy fire and condemn it!”


Completion of the self-sacrifice spell.

And the holy fire that rises from the divine power that has risen accordingly.

Looking at it, Michael knew instinctively.

The fact that at this moment, regardless of the probability, I could pick up the divine Muspelheim and descend into the main body and legally punish that bastard bat.


My heart is burning hotly, but my head cools down in return.

I knew all too well what her role was in this moment.

With a feeling of vomiting blood, she had no choice but to give up this moment that was allowed to her.



A prophecy given as the ruler of the heavens.

With the words of refusal to intervene, the brilliant brilliance that shone Amen and the filled divine power and holy spirit disappeared like a lie. And Pope Amen, who distorts his face with a very embarrassed expression. He looked down at his chest in disbelief.


The god of corruption, Deathbringer.

As he watched the blade of darkness pierce his heart, he looked at a being grunting with an annoyed voice in front of him.

[I don't even know how things are going right now. Anyways, the ignorant bastard...]

The first Apostle Pope, Amen, who supported the Holy Empire like that, died.

Being abandoned by the heavens that he believed in all his life.

Facing a more miserable and futile end than anyone else.

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