World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 419

Chapter 419: Branch managers are having a hard time!

Beings living in the flames of a burning hell. A cruel and harsh world where struggle and power are revered and only the survival of the fittest logic is applied.


It was a place where no morals and laws were established... It was like a crucible of chaos, but surprisingly, there was an order of its own in this hellish world.

-Those who want authority, win that power through struggle.

-The strong have the right to take everything from the weak.

- Weakness is the true sin.

A simple ignorant yet hot-tempered race that solves everything with only power.


In Arcadia, these demons were so strong that even the weakest monsters could not dare to ignore them because of this barren and harsh environment in which weak people could not survive.

A force that possesses power that is not inferior to anywhere when compared with individual objects. But even so, Pandemonium had never once won the upper hand over Heaven in Arcadia.

[Those who face the demons of hell, be afraid. They are fearful beings who love blood and slaughter more than anyone else, and whoever falls for their sweet whispers will find no peace from them even in death. Even pure souls will be corrupted and will struggle in eternal pain in the hell of the abyss.]

Stories spread by numerous priests of the Church centered on the Holy Empire. Heavenly sabotage is carried out by any means and methods to spread countless stories related to the vicious and wicked atrocities of the demons, instigate fear, as well as to slaughter all warlocks and dark knights related to them, and to thoroughly suppress their forces. . And because of that, the Demon World was never able to enter the light amidst the persecution and persecution of everyone as evil.



Heaven lost its immense influence by losing the Holy Empire and the Holy Land, Eden, in countless upheavals, chaos, and huge disasters. On top of that, starting with the birth of a dark kingdom that had never existed before, the forces of darkness increased to an incomparable level.

Due to various factors, the world of demons was experiencing a tremendous expansion of influence that had never been experienced before, and was securing its enormous probability.

And as a result, new abnormalities began to occur in the demon realm.

[The Dark Ages are coming.]

Nargal, Lord of Slaughter.

As the commander of the 2nd corps of the Demon World and in charge of managing all the kingdoms of the Demon World on behalf of the demon king Satan when he was absent, he summoned all the corps commanders below his rank and got lucky.

[The stronghold of the celestial forces has been corrupted by the great dark lord, and their lofty divinity has fallen. Due to the huge disasters that hit the continent, many lives have been shed and died, and only the grief, sorrow, and pain of those who survived fill the world.] Arcadia's current

situation is literally heading towards the end. The previous peaceful and stable era is completely gone, and in this world full of chaos and disorder, the people of Hell are actively moving around the continent like fish in water.

[Completed the quest Massacre]

[Completed the quest Tragedy in Despair]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Completed the quest Corruption of an Innocent Youth]

[Completed the quest Harsh Death of Old Mother]




Users who play as warlocks and dark knights. They committed countless evil deeds in order to raise the level of bad karma for their own strength and growth, and in the process, indescribable people fell into grief, despair, and anger and corruption.

[A devilish bastard... even if I die, I will definitely take revenge...]

[My child! Why did you kill my child! Why the hell!]

[Ha, give me one more chance. I'll bet my soul, so please...!]

Those who mercilessly destroyed families living a peaceful life, stimulated and corrupted the sincere and innocent young man's desire, and committed all sorts of indescribable atrocities.

Unlike before, a huge narrative related to this demon world began to wriggle, thanks to the adventurers who roamed all over the continent without any checks or hindrances, repeating all sorts of vicious acts.

[My... and the moment when your followers open the gates of hell is approaching.] The

hidden bases responsible for the connection between Arcadia, the middle world, and the demon world.

The gates of hell located there. Also known as Hell Gate.

The door, which had never been operated except during the massive invasion of the demon world in the past, was now showing signs of being opened by countless people.

[Hmm..... Heart of Darkness...? What is this...?]

[Get the thousand-year-old thorn of despair? Where else do you get this?]

[Kill 10,000 NPCs...? There are too many of them...]

Numerous descendants of darkness who are fulfilling and completing the necessary conditions one by one so that the demons of hell can fully descend to the Arcadia continent with their original powers. Hearing about this secret but fast-paced evil plan, the commanders of the Pandemonium couldn't hide their excitement.

[Then... is the day finally coming when Arcadia will be completely dyed in darkness?]

Diablo, the ruler of demons with a noble lineage and the lord of fear and despair.

[Cheuk... Tender human meat is the best... It's been a long time since I've eaten it.]

Gluttony, the source of corrupted monsters, monsters, and hungry anglers, and the lord of infinite appetite and greed.

[The pile of corpses will increase after a long time... I hope there are more materials for experiments.]

Death Lich, the lord of the living, is all dead who have not even been allowed to rest in death because their souls have been corrupted.

[Haa..... After a long time, the moment will come when our sisters can fully indulge in that pure spirit.]

And even Lilith, the ruler of the dream demons and the lord of all corrupt desires and desires.

Corps commanders who vomit freely the desires and delusions that each of them had in their hearts. The intense energy they radiated was huge enough to completely swallow Arcadia from above.



a powerful dimensional boundary that completely blocks that power.

The power of those blocked by the huge and powerful wall that existed from the moment of creation did not have any influence on that delectable and coveted Arcadia.

An absolute establishment that does not allow any intervention or interference without following due process.

Because of the setting, they had not been able to devour Arcadia even though they had that great power, but now they clearly felt that the long-awaited moment was imminent.

[I command in the name of Nargal, the lord of slaughter and commander of the 2nd Corps of the Pandemonium on behalf of the great Lord of Hell. No struggle is permitted until the gates of hell are opened. Assemble your ranks and prepare for war and slaughter. The moment the door to Middle-earth opens...]

Nargal paused for a moment as if imagining the moment that day came. And he continued speaking in a voice full of excitement, as if he could not stand it.

[We will trample and corrupt that continent to our heart's content and turn it into a world of complete darkness.]

The mission that all beings in the underworld inevitably pursue.


As if they were going to achieve their goal of completely staining that continent with darkness and corrupting all souls, they all shouted as one.

[Everything goes according to the will of the great corrupt dark lord...]

* * *

“...With this, we will finish the final report regarding the invasion of machine civilization in the second half crisis scenario.”

Director Kang Tae-hoon of the Crisis Management Response Team finished the report with a nervous face. When he finished his report, Executive Director Myung-Han Kwon and other branch heads who were attending the meeting via video each looked at one person with indescribable expressions.


President Lee Mi-yeon, who was seriously examining each and every report in her hand. She muttered for a while, checking something intently, then nodded and said:

“I think this is enough. You have suffered a lot.”

“....thank you.”

The atmosphere was suddenly relieved when he said that he had suffered a lot. And each of them was making expressions that clearly revealed their indescribable intentions.

‘Ha..... Finally, that crazy scenario has finally been resolved.....' ‘

What a mess I haven't been able to get off work for nearly two months.....'

‘Is the emergency resolved now... ..? Will you let me go to work properly?'

‘Money is good, but I don't have to live a daily life.'

A late game crisis scenario that could trigger the demise of Arcadia.

It was none other than the branch managers of each branch who suffered the most from the emergency that was triggered at the same time as it started.

Because of their position as top managers in charge of branches spread all over the world, those who could not get off work properly and lived 24 hours a day eating and sleeping at the company. They almost had to give up their daily lives to the extent that it was almost safe to say that they were living in the field, and they had to devote all their minds to solving all kinds of problems pouring in from all over the place for more than two months.

“Now, for trivial or light issues, each branch will take care of it on its own. Maybe it was because there were too many agendas than I thought, but it took a lot longer than I thought just to sort things out.”

A race of slimes that completely engulfed the Japanese continent.

An unusual change in magic engineering, tinkering with the remnants of the mechanical civilization Gestalt.

The birth of a battle mage battle mage, the so-called strength mage of a new school of magic.

In addition to that, President Lee Mi-yeon, who reached an agreement through in-depth discussions and discussions regarding numerous changes and updated contents, spoke softly to all those who had suffered for the past two months.

“Everyone has had a hard time. From today, the state of emergency will be completely over and we will return to work normally. Because today is Tuesday.... If there is nothing special this week, everyone should not go to work and each should take a vacation. It's good to make money...but it's meaningless if you don't have enough time to spend it, right?”

[Thank you.... boss.]

[The boss also... you've worked hard.]

Branch managers who take care of a huge amount of money, almost tens of billions of won in annual salary. However, since they suffered from tremendous workload for two months, it was CEO Lee Mi-yeon who tried to provide maximum convenience in her own way. And the heads of the branches glistened as they dreamed of their own plans at her words to take a break this week.

But at that moment.....


A beep sounded as if it had been waiting for it.

And since they didn't know the meaning, the atmosphere in the room started to change completely in an instant.

‘no way....?'

‘Isn't it...? It won't be.....'

‘Please..... come now again...?'

An audible beep only when another critical event occurs. And President Lee Mi-yeon, who was staring at the computer monitor without saying anything, opened her mouth with an awkward smile as if conscious of everyone's eyes watching her.

“This... what should I do...? Looks like I have to go on vacation later.”

[Why the hell is that...]

“Because a new scenario has been created.”

At the same time, CEO Lee Mi-yeon shares the notifications on the monitor. And the branch heads who saw the name of the newly created main scenario through the monitor thought seriously in their heads as if they had promised.

[Act. 4 Invasion of Pandemonium]

‘Ah..... Should I really leave the company...?'

I wondered if money or something like this shitty company would just run away.

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