World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 422

Chapter 422 Demon World (3)

Arcadia, the fantasy world.

In a world full of mystical magic and terrifying monsters, demons and angels were unique.

good and evil.

Two huge forces that split into completely opposite dichotomous values and cause countless disputes and conflicts for an eternity of time in an extreme confrontational relationship.

heaven and hell.

From the moment of creation until now, those who have continued to quarrel with each other in endless antagonism. However, with Arcadia in between, the angels' camp clearly prevailed in their influence.

[A dark threat is imminent throughout Arcadia. Through a thorough investigation, uncover the plot and punish all those involved.]

[The shadow of darkness is coming to the Derun area. Be sure to investigate the relevant situation and make a judgment of justice.]

Archangel Michael, who foreknows the future and insights into the truth, with the foresight of causality.

Thanks to her outstanding and merciless leadership, the Holy Empire Saints and Holy Kingdoms seized supremacy over the entire continent with overwhelming power. Heaven, which gave them enormous power, used them to aggressively beat the black magicians and thoroughly trampled the sprouts of the demon world that were growing.


the stronger the light, the thicker the darkness.

A Saint of the Holy Empire who boasts absolute authority and power and can achieve anything he wants with overwhelming power. And with their power, demons and devils should not have been able to even set foot in Arcadia, but rather, the evil has become more and more secretive and huge.

[There is no mercy for those who deal with evil demons. Repent under the judgment of the true God.]

[Rotten flesh contaminates the surrounding area. Cut out all the surrounding flesh so that there is no remorse.]

As if there was no negotiation with the devil, the Holy Empire gave away all mercy and thoroughly punished them all with punishment and retaliation. But it was obviously more ruthless than I could have imagined. [


... Mother !]

[No. It's unfair.]

The Heretic Judges and Holy Knights have shown their ruthlessness many times to show God's judgment regardless of means and methods. Although they are revered as holy and noble people who act on behalf of God, to those who were unjustly sacrificed, they were no different from demons worse than the devil.

[Ah..... God... why.....]

[Why did you do me this kind of pain...] An

extreme fanatic who burned dozens of thatched houses to catch bed bugs. field. And sweet voices have always been heard in the ears of the victims who were shedding bloody tears and suffering because of them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Do you want revenge...?]

[Do you want power...?]

The worst moment of losing a precious person and being immersed in grief. Demons always whispered to those who felt endless anger and hatred towards the Holy Empire and the world itself, and longed for revenge.

[If you want to avenge the one who made you suffer at any cost, call on my name.] [I will

give you the power to avenge that.] A

humble and ordinary citizen of Arcadia who has neither money nor power nor influence in the world. field. That's why those who couldn't do anything with their own strength took that hand even at the cost of their souls.

[My name is Nargal.]

[My name is Lilith.]

[My name is Gluttony.]

Nameless lowly people who gained power by making contracts with countless demons and spread throughout the continent. Driven by their unbridled rage against the world and their resentment towards the Holy Empire, they set out to completely overturn this contradictory and twisted landscape.

[My followers. Thoroughly carry out the task for the resurrection of the great darkness.]

[Open the gates of hell for the destruction of the Holy Empire.]

[Stain this world with blood for your revenge.]

In the contradiction of goodness The blooming evil.

And the good that becomes more heartless and cruel in order to beat the evil that is getting bigger.

The forces of evil, which continued to grow in strength without being rooted out in the cycle of the endless wheel of the wheel, finally announced its resurrection.

[Act. 4 Satisfying all conditions necessary for the start of the Pandemonium Invasion scenario.] The

black magicians completed all tasks before the time Ellis predicted had passed.

When all the adventurers and NPCs came together to complete their tasks and satisfy all the difficult and difficult conditions, Alice finally began the prelude to this huge stage that had been previously designed.

[Optimum Scenario No. 3362.]

[Code-002. Start emergency patch.]

[Code-283. Apply the changes.]

Automatically proceeding update. And as a result, a huge change began to occur in the barren wasteland of the central continent of Arcadia.


Originally, it was an ordinary hunting ground inhabited by a small number of monsters. However, a sudden and violent earthquake began to occur there, and soon something gigantic tore the ground and revealed its appearance.



A huge building in black. Its geometric and beautiful appearance, shaped like an altar, was like a work of art, but it soon began to radiate a tremendous amount of dark energy.

“Kee... Kieeeek.”

“Crukreuk. Kreuk.”

A building that exudes such ominous power that even monsters without intelligence detect something strange and flee with all their might. And not long after, the land in the area began to turn black.



A huge portal opened to that altar.

Numerous things soon began to come out through the door that pierced the huge and mighty dimensional wall that blocked the Pandemonium and Arcadia and forcibly created a passage.



Numerous devils of hell with appearances that make the taste of food fall apart just by looking at them.

Those who live in the Demon Realm where only the survival of the fittest and the law of the weak are the best. Although they were low-level monsters faithful to their instincts and lacking intelligence, they were powerful individuals whose fighting power could never be ignored.

A wasteland filled with hundreds of thousands of hellish armies.

And soon, the demonic beasts that protruded endlessly gradually decreased and nothing came out, and at the end, an existence began to slowly walk out of the swaying crack of the dimension.

[Hmm..... It's been a while since Arcadia...]

A being with goat's horns and bat's wings. Resonus, a low-level demon with a typical demonic appearance and the lowest-ranking commander of the 2nd Corps, who follows the will of Nargal, the lord of slaughter.

He looked down at his hands in total disbelief and muttered as he lit up black flames.

[I didn't believe it when I heard it, but... that you can really come out with all of your body's power... that's amazing.]

When you appear in Arcadia through summoning or advent, at most half... at worst. He could only use less than 10% of his strength. It was a few experiences in the past, but he recalled the memory of that time and smiled pleasantly for a moment.

grip support.

Huge sparks spread around his body, and he seemed to have taken a slight blow. However, he nodded with a strange smile as if he knew.

[Right. It's because I still don't have the power of the Pandemonium to exert my own power...?]

There are countless restrictions on Hell's Gate. After breaking them, he confirmed that he could not summon his power and the higher beings until the demon world's darkness encroached on this world.

[Go guys. Destroy, tear and devour everything. Today is the day of predation that you have been waiting for so long, so paint this world with despair and fear and spread darkness widely

. Resonus at the forefront of the As the only intelligent body and acting as a commander, he looked at the monsters advancing with a bizarre cry and spoke as if he was truly honored.

[Everything goes according to the will of the great Dark Lord.]

* * *

[Ha..... It's progressing faster than expected.]

Jack already knew that the related scenario would begin. So it was not surprising, but I sighed as if I was having trouble with the fast-paced narrative.

[How long has it been since the second half crisis scenario ended, and such a grand narrative...]

Another huge event has occurred that will throw the entire continent into chaos within a few months without a year's term. It was a video that was obvious without even looking at it, starting with the creation of users who would be harmed or dissatisfied with this, and a huge riot.

‘Just forcefully bury it...?'

That's why Jack, as the chief developer and creator, had to protect this precious world he had created, so he seriously contemplated even the extreme measures of fundamentally preventing this scenario from starting.

Of course, insisting on the great principle of infinite freedom or infinite possibility, Alice would have blocked it, but as the person with the highest authority, it was theoretically possible.

However, despite a lot of trouble, he couldn't do that in the end.

“Wow..... The game got really crazy while I was in America?”

A boy who is watching the moment when the Hell Gate opens in real time through the monitor and the invasion of the Pandemonium begins with an interesting look in his eyes.

Top manager Kim Min-soo.

He said with a playful face as if he was enjoying this spectacle while eating popcorn without looking away from the monitor as if it were very interesting.

“I was disappointed that the 2nd Holy Demon War scenario was scrapped, but I didn't expect the scenario to be transformed in this way. Alice's autonomy and judgment are higher than I thought? Is it because the amount of data collected is as vast as that of Argos?”

[Yeah..... I don't know the difference? It was like that from the beginning.]

Jack tries to answer roughly with a smile on his face, but inside he is sweating profusely.

It was in his heart to want to intervene in this situation through numerous methods, including President Lee Mi-yeon, right now, but that was impossible now.

“Hey. I thought for 10 years after starting the service, it would just go flat without any fun, but it was very hot right from the start. How many big scenarios like this happened? Are you saying you regret not paying attention to it earlier?”

He sips a Coke, regretting that he missed too many fun things to see. It was a serious matter that determined the survival of this company, but he muttered as he looked at the current situation with an interested face as if he didn't care about that.

“Will it turn into a post-apocalyptic thing if Pandemonium takes over? I don't think a zombie or survival thriller would be bad...”

Unlimited freedom. and endless possibilities.

Asura, the chief manager of this virtual world and the owner of the black mist, created the principle that all stories must be completed in the hands of users freely without any interference.

As long as Asura was watching this world, Jack... no one dared to touch it.

He is the epitome of a naive and petty personality who repays resentment a hundredfold even if he forgets grace, and he forcibly stuffs a big and huge taffy into his mouth in an extraordinary way.

Jack couldn't help but watch.

I hope that Asura's interest will cool down and he will turn his eyes elsewhere as soon as possible.

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