World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 450

Chapter 450 The One Who Asks to Stop and The One Who Blocks (1)

The Five Disasters Appearing in Arcadia.

As a result, the situation in the game was rapidly changing and rampaging like crazy, but the situation in reality was not that different either.

- Arcadia said ‘Arcadia' again.

-Operational problems of Arcadia Co., Ltd., which is insane. The international community exploded in dissatisfaction.

-A large-scale consumer dispute occurred in Arcadia Co., Ltd. Is it an unprecedented class action lawsuit?

It is a crazy operating behavior that can not be avoided without cursing.

As huge incidents that affect the entire continent broke out every day, the patience of ordinary users who could not enjoy the game properly reached its limit.

“You damn gamer! Are you calling this operation now?”

“Just stay still! It's a scenario, it's nabal, and you don't need it, so don't do anything!”

“Even if a chimpanzee runs it, I’ll do a lot better than you bastards, you fucking bastards!”


Angry protesters gathered in front of the company and staged a sit-in.

Super-large pickets and candles were held by nobles, super-large screens and sound systems, and even Molotov cocktails appeared. This large-scale demonstration was full of dangerous smells that could escalate into riots with just the slightest collision.

“Oh my gosh... these are all people gathered for a game...?”

“It was really crazy. Has a crowd ever gathered at a demonstration like this?”

Gwanghwamun Square where Arcadia's headquarters is located.

The police, who were watching the public who gathered there and surrounded the company in all directions, looked stunned and swallowed their saliva at the spirit of the angry people.

“This... if I really mess with it, what will happen...?”

“The estimated number of people... is at least 300,000. 300,000.”

“Wow..... It's not like some country has been turned upside down, but it's because of one game that many people flocked to it...?”

“The real world is going crazy.”

Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to the streets, throwing away their daily lives and livelihoods.

However, the reason why they came and made their voices was far from such noble things as the future of the country or the political situation.

“People can become like this because of one game.....”

The first of mankind... and the best virtual reality game, Arcadia.

Pure anger towards game companies that perpetrate heinous operations that turn such a fantastic game, which is like a piece of art, into a perfect poop mangem.

Those who had to stop the wrath of these mad... but too serious gamers all shuddered in a cold sweat and instinctively surged in fear.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The fact that a similar phenomenon is happening not only in Korea but all over the world.

* * *

“Hmm... that's interesting.”

Min-soo Kim, the culprit, is looking at this situation with interest, where all branches of Arcadia Co., Ltd. are exploding.

He gulped down a can of hot chocolate and smiled at the world in the game.

“Has a disaster ended in vain? To die without being able to make proper contact with regular users.”

Originally, the Blood Emperor would have turned the entire Southern Continent into a realm of vampires, making humanoid NPCs and monsters his own. Due to the deceitful setting that he could never deal with with living creatures with blood, he was suitable for the difficulty of the second half crisis scenario, but the opponent he faced was not very compatible.

“Even if I meet you, what is slime? Since they were clumps of slime, they couldn’t do anything and were robbed.”

A living slime made of green slime without a single drop of blood.

The Blood Emperor, who had already undergone a second half crisis and was reborn as the strongest race in the absolute world, was finally killed in vain due to the collective lynching of those who were reborn as the strongest race, and the enormous physical force coming from a mass close to the size of a huge mountain range. And Minsu, who watched the whole process without missing a single one, muttered and spat out a laugh as if it was absurd.

“Isn’t this cheating? It's adventurous, it's nabal, and it's a level where all the other disasters can be sorted out with just those slimes, right?”

Slime's power beyond common sense beyond what I thought. In addition to the overwhelming number of individuals, the terrible regeneration rate was also a problem, but rather than that, the characteristics they had were too deceptive.

“What on earth were you thinking when you added the trait of evolution? Theoretically, there is no existence that can be said to be superior to each other.”

A characteristic that changes the biological traits of the entire race by supplementing their own vulnerabilities and further targeting the enemy's weaknesses, using the death of their own kind as a stepping stone. Minsu grumbled at Jack's atrocities for doing such a ridiculous thing, but Alice responded in a calm tone on his behalf.

[Considering the situation at the time, it was a reasonable enough decision.]

In a situation where everyone gave up, the slimes stood at the forefront and prevented the invasion of the mechanical civilization Gestalt despite countless sacrifices of their own people. At Alice's explanation that it was the result of the efforts and dedication of the entire race, Minsu waved his hand and said.

“Anyway, that’s not much. Will this create the situations I want? The urgency disappears, the urgency.”

Adventurers who struggle with all their might to prevent the disaster they created. Minsu, who was looking forward to the many stories to be derived from that effort, absolutely did not want the story to end with an empty death like the Blood Emperor.

[Do not worry. The situation that the administrator is concerned about will not happen.]


[Didn't you already prepare a countermeasure?]

“I...? Was it...?”

Minsu never thought about slime as a variable. That's why he tilted his head at Elise's words, but soon nodded at her explanation.

[Anyone can attack only one of the five catastrophes that have manifested. Therefore, the slime race that has dealt with the disaster that started in the southern part of the continent cannot be involved in the other four disasters.]

“Aha. That's how it works.”

Users who have to choose only one of the five disasters they want to target.

It was Minsu's ploy to prevent a situation in which a few specific users solved everything, but when he said that the clue clause also applied to slimes, he smiled in repentance.

“It wasn’t my intention... but I did a good job putting it in. After all, I am a genius.”

Min-soo wants to watch the desperate struggle that everyone walks and crawls through the thorny road spread out in front of them, rather than a certain few handling all problems as if they were solvers.

That's why he was looking at one person with his bright eyes shining.

“Now..... out of the remaining four, what will be your choice...”

An existence that is your own apostle and, in a way, the most decisive cause of the start of this final chapter.


Looking at him over the monitor, who is struggling with the options in front of him after accessing the game, Minsu picks up a new hot chocolate with a look of great anticipation.

“No matter which one I choose, I'm sure it won't prevent the rest of the catastrophes?”

Looking forward to seeing his face as he is at a loss as to what to do in the face of a difficult problem he has designed.

* * *

“Ha... that's really fucking dirty.”

As soon as he logged into the game, Jae-young sighed as he looked at the selection window that appeared in front of him.

And as if they had been waiting for him, Tan and El flew in flapping their wings and made a fuss.

“Lord Master! It's a big deal!”

“Why are you back now? A great darkness has appeared in the world.”

Tan, who looks nervous like a poop-hungry puppy, and L, who speaks more seriously with a stiffer face than ever before.

The two of them didn't even explain what they were talking about, but Jaeyoung covered their noisy chatter and said with an annoyed expression as if he knew everything.

“know. Asura or something came back?”

“How could the owner of that...?”

“Did you know about the existence of Asura...?”

Tan and L, who have told Jae-young many secrets of this world, but have never mentioned Asura.

The two are genuinely astonished at Jae-young's words that they already know that the being of fear and destruction, who has equal power and authority to the great Creator who created this world, has come to this world again. made a face

“Is there only one or two adventurers wandering around here? I already know the story of the people who have already lost their minds over the disaster or what it is, but I know everything.”

Jaeyoung says it casually as if it's not too surprising.

Tan and L, not knowing how to react to his reaction so unconcerned, looked at their owners blankly with expressions of confusion.

“So... from your point of view, which one do you see as the biggest problem?”


“What do you mean, master?”

Tan and L roll their eyes at Jae-young's sudden question, as if not understanding his intentions.

To those two, Jaeyoung asked again with a face full of confidence.

“You guys must have been briefed on the situation from your subordinates. Who is the most dangerous of the bastards out there right now?”

Huge disasters that cannot be assured of victory even if all the members of the continent of Arcadia do their best.

However, there was no fear or sense of crisis on Jaeyoung's face as she tried to face the disaster. Rather, the feelings I felt from him were...

close to annoyance.

“Over there, the owner... the guys running amok outside... do you know that each one is the same as me and that chicken?”

Tan asks with a worried face, wondering if he didn't understand the seriousness of the situation.

And he gave advice with a look of genuine concern.

“Even if you're the owner, it's impossible to deal with it alone. Even if we borrow our strength, it may be difficult to win.”

However, at his words, Jaeyoung murmured with a strangely cold smile.


Woo woo woo woo.

and that moment. Tan froze at the strong energy emanating from Jaeyoung's body.

“This is..... nonsense...”

A dense and gigantic storm of probability that can never be fathomed.

He couldn't stop talking about the fact that a single human being had such an enormous amount of probability that even if he collected all the probabilities of his own... no, all the divinities, including the celestial world, could not even be compared.

[Probability: 9,584,929,810]

Through the 2nd Holy Demon War, Jae-young brought about a direct revision of the worldview and the opening of the heavens and demons that were not even planned. In addition, by giving birth to the Holy Demons, a hybrid race of heaven and hell, which cannot coexist, he has an absurd level of probability... literally, a level of probability that can change the fate of Arcadia alone.

“L, do you know?”

Archangel Michael, who always looked into the future and gave advice to create the most optimal situation.

Jae-young asked about the future that her pioneering vision of causality was looking at.

“What kind of disaster do I have to smash to pass a huge, bulky candy to the mouth of that damn asura or what?”

Jae-young, who is a disaster, a fool, and has no choice but to shit on himself and the top developer's plan, who holds this game in his hands and manipulates it like a toy. At such a question, the face of Archangel Michael, the lord of the lofty heavens and Aspect of Glory, turned white.

‘Dangerous..... How the hell can such a huge narrative...'


The flow of a huge narrative set on the stage of this whole world going crazy with the storm of cause and effect and the descent of Asura, centered on the human being in front of him.

In the midst of the ever-changing storm as the two collided, she struggled to look at the future at a level she could not dare to handle.

“The Central Continent... Please stop the Central Continent.”

Even though it was just a glimpse of fragmentary fragments, L landed on the floor in a state of exhaustion as if all his strength had been consumed.

“I'm going to destroy this world, so where can I stop it?”


“Let’s see if you get what you want.”

Jae-Young chose the disaster he would attack by slashing down an option with his finger.

So he muttered with a genuinely angry expression.

“It’s show time now, you damn developer.”

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