World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 454

Chapter 454 Who Asks to Block and Who Blocks (5)

“Either Ashura or his father will forcefully shove a huge and bulky candy into their mouths that neither of them can handle.”

Creator of this world. And Asura, the being in the void, equal to him.

A human being who has an unimaginable dream of feeding taffy to the two highest-ranking deities that no one can touch.

At his declaration, Declen burst into laughter even in the desperate situation where the spark of life went out. No, I had no choice but to explode.

[Kkeukkeuk..... Kuhhahahahahaha!]

Mad and arrogant. arrogant and cheeky

An idea that cannot be expressed in any words....

Declen looked at him with an expression of regret at the man's determination to sincerely stand up to the two who could be said to be true gods. .

[Brave human being, compared to the road you are walking, I am nothing more than an extremely normal and normal level.]

Declen muttered while looking at me with eyes as if you were qualified to pick me up. However, Jaeyoung responded with a smile as if to wait and see.

“don't worry. I have no malice, but in a way your death is part of that grand plan.”

Whatever it is, the moment when the scenario of this final chapter presented by the damn best developer is in progress, I have to force myself to tune in.

Jaeyoung, who had to kill Declen in order to do that, said as if not to look at him with too much resentment.

“Even if it's not the direction you want, I'll give that father a good shot.”

Declen felt a strange feeling as if all the anger and resentment he had accumulated in his heart for an eternity melted away at that assurance and confidence-filled commitment.

[Is that so... was it like that...]

In the peaceful feeling of finally being freed from the hellish yoke that had been tying everything down on him, Declen murmured as if it was very pitiful.

[Why did I finally meet a human like you... I regret it.]

Declen looks back on her past life to see if she should have paid more attention to those bug-like humans. However, at his words, Jaeyoung smiled mischievously.

“Oh, you don’t have to be sorry about that. After all, a person like me is so out of the ordinary that I would never have met someone like him.”

[Is that so...]

Although he has long since given up the lingering attachments to life, Declen feels very sorry for this fleeting moment when he only has a conversation right before his death. The fact that he met someone who truly understands him for the first time was so precious to him. Realizing that his time was running out, he asked Jae-young with a serious expression.

[Human, I didn't ask for your name.]

“My name?”

When he suddenly asked for his name, Jaeyoung made a strange expression. And he answered right away.



Declan muttered his name to himself for a while. And he asked, exuding intense mana from his whole body as if he had reached the last brilliantly shining flash of light before going out.

[Dex, can you promise that you will never give up and walk that path in order to achieve the mission you just told me about?]

“What? promise? Why is that all of a sudden?”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Answer the question. Will you really realize the long-cherished wish I couldn't achieve without abandoning that mission?]

Declen asked seriously again, not as if joking.

Now, that gray energy had engulfed most of his body except for his head and chest, and Jaeyoung gave a slightly puzzled look at his sudden question, but soon nodded.

“okay. I promise.”

And Declen, who smiled strangely as if satisfied with the answer, soon thanked Jaeyoung.

[Thank you.]


“What is this...?”

Jae-young puts on a bewildered expression when a powerful storm suddenly begins to rage around him. However, I was able to quickly notice that there was no murderous intent in that strange phenomenon.

[Looks like there's only one thing I can do for you to help you accomplish that impossible task.]

Declen says her final goodbyes as if she's made up her mind. At the moment when his body rapidly disintegrates and disappears, he muttered to Jaeyoung in a low voice as if praying.

[Please... I hope my last legacy will help you along the way...] Jae-

young, whose situation has not yet been properly grasped.

However, Alice, who was monitoring and analyzing the situation by mobilizing all available resources, was rapidly operating the arithmetic circuit with repeated beeps.

[warning. warning. Critical variables occur.]

[Special NPC Declen. Special power activated.]

[Unexpected abnormal behavior detected.]

[Intensive analysis mode activated. Reexamination of possible scenarios.....]

Originally, the light dragon Declen, which was a late stage crisis scenario and a huge disaster, had to fall at the cost of the sacrifices of countless adventurers and dragons in a fierce battle that devastated the entire continent.

But at this moment. As he faced the existence of Jae-young, who was no different from a community with the same destiny as his own, he came to create strange results that no one expected.


“What is this...”

Jae-young saw that the enormous body, about the size of a mountain behind the town, had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a small crystal the size of an adult's head.

And the moment he inadvertently picked it up, crazy messages began to cover his eyes.

[The light dragon Declen, who will destroy the world, has died.]

[The Central Continent's disaster has been cleared.]

[There are three remaining disasters.]

Five disasters that Asura forcibly opened.

At the same time as the news that two of them were cleared, a huge reward for monopolizing one disaster began to pour into Jaeyoung.

[Mythic feat. You defeated a disaster single-handedly.]

[All beings in Arcadia revere the birth of a hero.] [

Your actions will be forever recorded as a story in mythology.]

[Obtained the title ‘Savior of the Dragon'.]

[The title ‘Adventurer who stopped destruction' was acquired.]

[The title ‘All Master' was acquired.] [The title

‘Master of All Weapons' was acquired]

[The title ‘The One Who Protected the Central Continent' was acquired I did.]




Jae-young gets tired of acquiring a special title that is difficult for others to obtain. And then again, the ignorant contribution was dropped on him like a nuclear bomb.

[Acquired 5000000000 contribution.]

5 billion.

A situation where the contribution of 5 billion came in at once.

Looking at it, Jaeyoung checked the number of contributions that shone in one corner of his field of view.

- Contribution: 10000000000

“It's the same amount as the slime guys dealt with...”

Seeing that the reward for the feat (?) the slimes committed was the same as when it came to him who did nothing, Jaeyoung felt a sense of relief. I was able to find out a few facts.

“Roughly, the total amount of contributions that could be obtained in this first scenario was 25 billion...”

Originally, contributions that should have been shared among billions of users amicably.

However, Jae-young, who had monopolized as much as 40% of them, soon came to the idea that achieving his plan might not be so difficult than he thought.

“You said you would give a 15% stake in Arcadia to the person with the highest contribution...?”

The final reward that I offered at the beginning of this ridiculous scenario called the final chapter.

Jaeyoung, who was aiming for it, gritted his teeth and muttered with his eyes shining again.

“I don’t know who it is... but once we meet, I’ll give you a proper punch in the face, really.”

Without realizing that you are watching everything he says and does in real time.

* * *

“Ow. He was really poisonous.”

Jae-Young, who successfully stopped the disaster in the Central Continent.

Minsu, who had conceived all these scenarios while listening to his promise to punch him in the face, smiled playfully as if he wasn't afraid at all.

[Hey.... It's not something to go over casually like that. I'm a little nervous.]

Jack takes a close look at Jaeyoung's reaction with a serious expression on his face. Minsu asked him with a face that he didn't know at all.

“huh? why me?”

[When you look at him, he still looks like an ordinary user?]

“Hmm... well, it's special because he's a user who got a hidden class that I devised. But...”

It's not a normal job, it's a job that he planned and devised himself. Of course, he needed a resource called probability, but it was clear that he was a special user who could exert power close to omnipotence if that probability was guaranteed.


“So, you're not just a user anyway?”

He is the manager and designer who created the virtual world of Arcadia.

To Min-soo, who is the leader and culmination of all science and technology related to virtual reality, the existence of Jae-young did not pose a great threat.

[That's right. But he's not an ordinary ‘human'.]

“Hmm? What does that mean?”

[I'll send you the relevant data, so check it out.]

At that, Minsu tilted his head while operating the tablet in his hand.

Then he looked carefully at the screen that appeared and said with a rather surprised expression.

“Wow... what is this all about? Is this real?”

[that's right. This is data that the research team has checked hundreds and thousands of times. Excluding me who you were talking about so much.... I am the only second ‘suitable person' on this planet.] A

very rare being who is born with a very special genetic factor and is born with only a 0.00000000000001% chance.

The One.

A being that can instantly recognize and recognize everything and process all information without any loss of data between the machine and the human brain. Minsu blew a whistle in surprise at the fact that there are only two of those rare beings with a synchro rate close to 100%, which is close to atrocities.

“Hey..... Were these valuable human resources hidden in Korea? Anyway, this country has a lot of territory, but there are a lot of people who have strangely genius talents in one subject?”

Minsu quickly looked at the accumulated data as if it were strange. And he soon analyzed its characteristics.

“It doesn’t seem like 100% comes out unconditionally in normal times... It seems that 100% comes out even for a moment when you are extremely absorbed in something or in a state of concentration?”

[In an interview with the research team after the experiment was over, they said that at that moment it felt as if time stopped. And every time, he shows incredible physicality that makes him feel like he's gone crazy. Unlike me, it seems that all competencies are purely specialized for management, not implementation. I've also seen him use Lucid Dream, but he's really bad at it.]

“Well.... It seems like it's the same when you look at all the other games that have changed their rankings to No. 1.”

Monstrous situational judgment and physical genius.

One person invincible.

The hermit in the veil.

As for the games he plays, he becomes a legend to everyone by taking the top spot in the unofficial world ranking for every game he touches.


Realizing his true identity, Min-soo giggled with a strangely evil smile.

“scent..... The more I look at it, the more I like it.”

It's like an onion, the more you peel it, the more something new pops out.

Feeling as if he was being rewarded for the past two years, when he was immersed in rocket development among a crowd of boring scientists, Min-soo looked at him burning his fighting spirit in the game with sparkling eyes more than ever before, with a look of great anticipation. muttered.

“I see... I can’t wait to see how he fucks me and you.”

Minsu's words filled with sincerity.

Jack, who was somehow entangled in his words, muttered lamentably with a poop-chewed expression on his face.

[I don't want to be fucked, so please take it out of me.....]

Jack was a disaster, he was nabal, he didn't need everything, and he just wanted to live peacefully like before.

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