World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The slime is too strong (2)

[Quest to catch the newbie serial killer]

-Catch the mysterious killer who kills beginners in the slime habitat. 0/1

This quest was created out of the blue. It would be an absurd situation for a general user who is not familiar with the context, but it was different from the perspective of Arcadia's planning and development team.

“Why are quests being created without any notice! That too for all users!”

“That's it... We're still figuring out the cause.”

Overall Arcadia's operation, especially in the scenario team that planned and designed the quest, everyone was busy trying to figure out the situation around the sudden occurrence of the entire quest.

“Are you really going to do something like this? How long has it been since the service opened and I can’t even grasp the situation, so it’s Jung-gu heating!”

Team leader Kang Tae-hun watched them silently and immediately shouted, as if frustrated by the situation in which the employees below were busy wandering around and doing something, but no one was able to bring them useful information.

The office became silent for an instant at his shouting. As everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him with surprised eyes, Taehun cleared his throat and spoke in a calm voice.

“First of all, is the quest main scenario that occurred right now?”

If it was a normal quest, there would be no way the entire department would be turned upside down like this. The problem now is...

“Sure. ‘Main Scenario Act. 1 It is confirmed as a quest related to ‘Emerging Forgotten Darkness’.”

The quest given to all users is the main scenario.

“It’s the main scenario that’s been around for a while, and it’s already started!”

Director Kang Tae-hun laughed at the situation going in a completely different direction than the development team had predicted. There is a distinct difference between ‘creating' and ‘starting' the main scenario.

Just as a seed does not sprout and bear fruit immediately after being planted, it was predicted that it would normally take several months for the created scenario to have a ripple effect on all users and form into a practical quest. However, as if all the planning team members who made such a prediction were idiots with an IQ of 81, when a linked quest was created in just two days, all the planning team members were stunned.

“So... what the hell is a novice killer?”

Director Kang Tae-hoon asked while rummaging through the hastily prepared report in his hand, and an employee who appeared to be the author of the report began to explain carefully.

“That's it.... One user was PKing in the slime habitat, a hunting ground for beginners, and from what the user has figured out now, it is presumed to be directly related to the main scenario this time...” “So that

killer Why isn’t there anything about users in the report?”

As he looked through the report roughly, he asked with a bloody look.

“I was going to check that, but... Computer-wise, the head office has already classified it as reading-restricted, so the reading itself is...

Director Kang Tae-hoon looked at the employee who was silent at his words, sighed, turned his eyes to the report again, carefully reviewed the contents, and shouted again with a stern face.

“The number of users who were PKed... 1025? what? Isn’t this a typo?”

1025 people. Not 15, not 125, just 1025. It was too ignorant to believe that it was committed by fire and individuals, so Director Kang Tae-hoon's voice had to be raised again.

“hey! Jungmin Lee! tell me straight! Did you fall asleep while writing the report? Unless your hand slipped while typing a number, do you think this is a reasonable number?”

Despite his question, which was close to denying reality, the employee who wrote the report informed him of the grim and painful reality.

“The number recorded in the report is the number of users who died suddenly in the slime habitat from two days ago. It's estimated, but it's all the damn thing... No, I'm looking at the number of users who died from users called killers. As you know, the team leader... that's not a place where monsters die...” ”

...You killed over a thousand beginners in two days alone? really....?”

The employee's report made him think. Does it make sense to kill users with normal reason and intelligence who are not monsters and roam around freely in such a short period of time, even if they have excellent control and skill?

“Maybe it's possible because it's in the early stages of opening.”

If you think about ‘When is the time when the beginner hunting ground can be activated in the history of the game?', these ridiculous figures may be possible. It's probably because the current slime habitat is half slime and half beginner. But another question popped up in his mind.

“But why the hell are you killing that bastard like that...?”

The most essential and why everyone is curious. But no one has been able to give an answer to that question. I'm just guessing.

“I couldn’t confirm the details because of the restrictions on reading, but... I think he was probably carrying out a quest related to the main scenario.”


At the words of a subordinate, Tae-hoon, who was silently tapping his desk again, lost in thought. And he immediately stood up as if he had decided something.

“Since I’m going to see the executive director, everyone is clearly aware of the situation, and they are preparing for the general meeting by organizing the report. okay?”

Manager Kang Tae-hoon just says something and leaves the office quickly. The quest planning team members left behind him stood in a daze for a while, and then started to move busily again. In order to find any clues to write down in the report related to this incident.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

* * *

Jae-young fell into a sweet sleep after the fierce and brutal massacre of beginners for two days. What he checked after waking up was a bulletin board that was already burning hot.

- Special events. Catch the killer!

“What is this...?”

Notice exposed at the top of Arcadia's official website. Upon reading the notice, Jaeyoung's face was stained with absurdity.

“What kind of game company is this? Can it be operated in such a biased way?”

Well, it was packaged as if it were a fun event, but the content was an event announcement that was close to an appeal to catch and get rid of the evil user who is killing only beginners in the game. It is quite unreasonable to say that it is an official article from a game company. Perhaps because of that, even in the comment section, a heated discussion was already taking place.

-Why are you treating this as an event? Shouldn't there be sanctions?

- There's no problem, so you can't sanction it. PK is one content. He just enjoyed it.

-lol. A game company management mess. Look at the level of asking bad and malicious users to catch them on their own.

- Why does it seem like a pretty fun event? The reward is also savory.

A game company offered a magic item and 5 gold as a reward for catching a killer. Many users were interested in this and were thinking about participating in the event, but Jaeyoung, who became a hunting target, couldn't help but sigh from the moment he logged on to the game.

“Ah... should I end this here?”

A beginner who ‘didn't' change his job.

The slime habitat, which was the best place to hunt them, was already full of users who seemed to be far from beginners just by looking at the equipment already wandering around to catch the killer.

It's a hideous atmosphere, as if someone were to die, people would come from all directions and lay down a teacup (?). Because of that, no matter how hard Jaeyoung was, he tried to get out of the habitat with a calm face, not thinking of touching the beginners anymore.


However, a slime came and blocked Jaeyoung's way.

“Hehehe. Ah-oh! It's so damn hard to hunt.”

“Kick kick. That's why I told you to choose a job other than a wizard.”

“Ah... Mr.! just wait As long as I change jobs, I am stronger than you.”

Two novice users holding wooden swords and panting. As if it were the slime they were catching, the slime whose stamina was almost exhausted was looking at him with pitiful eyes as if asking for help.


Jae-young was taken aback by the sudden situation, but the two novices spoke to him with a hostile spirit.

“Here, uncle. That's what we got. Don't touch it.”

“Let’s refrain from bad manners.”

Perhaps misunderstanding that he was trying to hit him, the two users, wary of him, approached him and approached the slime hidden behind Jaeyoung.

that buck

“Oh what is it?”

And as soon as Jaeyoung blocked the two of them, the atmosphere changed forbiddingly.


Jae-young, who felt sorry for the glowing slime's eyes, unknowingly stopped the two of them, but was at a loss for words because there was no justifiable reason. As he stood there blankly, one of them roughly pushed him away.

“Get out of the way. This is the slime we caught.” It was just


shove to him, but Jaeyoung, who was knocked out, suffered a small amount of damage. And at that moment, Jaeyoung lay down and shouted in a loud voice.

“PK daaaaaa!”

“What what?”

“Oh, people are dying! There is a PK criminal here!”

“hey! what a PK! I just pushed...!”

As if he was taken aback by Jaeyoung's cry, he tried to protest, but soon shut his mouth as he saw the numerous users flocking around them.”


“Who said PK now?”

Those who looked at the two and Jaeyoung with mouth-watering eyes soon began to turn their attention to the unknown novice user who was dyed in red.

“ah! I'm not that killer! I just pushed that bastard out of the way...!”

He suddenly makes an expression as if he realized something while trying to explain. However, before he could say anything, he collapsed in gray without saying a word because of the numerous high-level users who rushed at him.

“Be loud and give me an event reward, you murderer!”

“compensation! compensation!”

“Where are fresh newbies aiming, you psychopaths!”

The two died in an instant from the attack of the high-level users who rushed forward. Even after they die, the quest remains the same, so who got the reward? Thanks to Dan, who made a noise, Jae-young sneaked out of her seat and soon saw the approaching slime with a plump smile.


A green slime that chubbled and snuggled as if to say thank you. A message window popped up in front of Jaeyoung's eyes as he stroked his hair as if he thought the slime was cute.

[Saved the slime in danger.]

[Intimacy with the slime species is at its maximum.]

[Acquired the title slime's friend.]

He was briefly taken aback by the message that suddenly appeared, but soon Jae-young looked back and understood what he had done. there was. So far, as he slaughtered beginners, his intentions went up to the level of Andromeda, but as a result, the number of slimes he saved was quite high. No, considering the slimes they killed, it might be more than you thought.

Anyway, I don't know what it might have been, but the intimacy that rose occasionally eventually reached the limit and even received the title, but Jaeyoung wasn't proud at all. Whatever it was, it wasn't a situation that could help in the current situation. However, several more message windows began to appear before his eyes.

[Satisfied the minimum probability stat.]

[Formed a cooperative relationship with the slime race.]

[You can use Probability to help them.]


Hearing that he could help out of the blue, Jaeyoung saw a new window that appeared on the interface and finally realized how to use this probability value.

[Lv. 1 Slime]

-Life: 50

-Magic Power: 0

-Attack Power: 10

-Physical Defense: 1

Detailed stats of the slime appeared before his eyes. With a probability figure he holds of 1025.

Jaeyoung, who had been staring blankly for a while, started laughing madly. I don't know what the hell this crazy game company was planning this system for, but Jaeyoung imagined the consequences of his actions and started changing the slime's abilities to his liking with his fingers.

“Ah.... This game is crazy and fun.”

If you are a developer equipped with common sense, you will never give it to normal users. Given the fact that the monsters' stat adjustments were given to him in exchange for the stat of probability, Jae-young decided to match the expectations of the game developer and confirmed the final stat change.

[Probability required for change 1025.]

[Probability is consumed permanently. Are you sure you want to change it?]

Even with the warning message, Jaeyoung's hand didn't hold back when he pressed OK.

[The basic abilities of the slime race have been changed.]

[Lv. 15 slime]

-Life: 950

-Magic Power: 100

-Attack Power: 100

-Physical Defense: 10

Even before the message window that the stats had been changed disappeared in front of his eyes, the voices of panicking people began to be heard from all around him.

“What are these!”

“evil! What the hell, why are these guys so sick!”

“100 million! heel! heel! I die like this!”

The cute slimes with bright eyes, synonymous with non-professionals, suddenly started to attack scattered users first, with a powerful ability of 100 attack power.

I don't know who filmed it, but someone said in a video of countless slimes jumping and screaming cutely in a slime habitat filled with the bodies of countless users who had fallen and were stained gray.

This day is called “the day of slime revolution by slimes of slimes”.

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