X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 173: Hurry Up And Help Me

Chapter 173: Hurry Up And Help Me

"Haha, now you're dead! Crazy bastard!" Janine laughed like a madman when she felt that her fists had definitely hit a flesh. She didn't even realize that she was being transported to somewhere else as her laugh continued to echo across the surroundings.

All she wanted now was to give that lunatic girl a good punch. After all, that girl tried to entangle her with her tiny hair a little while ago. And also, she was the one who was controlling that beast who sent her rolling on the ground twice.

Thus, it could be said that this girl was the perpetrator of everything she suffered just now. And now that she had taken her revenge, it really felt good to her heart.

But then, after a good while of laughing triumphantly, she suddenly smelled that something was amiss. She smelled something so familiar as it was fragrant but at the same time, annoying.

With that, she stopped laughing as she instead shifted her gaze on the ground where the other party was lying helplessly. And she had her mouth immediately twitching when she saw the other party more clearly with his front facing the ground and with his limbs twitching nonstop.

"What are you doing there? Are you stupid?" Janine had already guessed that she was being transported to somewhere else when she was attacking Elaine. And as she could see, the place where she had been transported was right on top of Jim catching him off guard as he didn't have any time to escape.

But she instead chose to play dumb as if she didn't know what had just happened.

And this made Jim bleed even more as he spurted another mouthful of blood.

That said, it was as if he regained his strength upon hearing her, he tried his hardest to stand up. He gasped a couple of breaths as he furiously pointed his forefinger against Janine, "What the hell are you even doing? Are you trying to kill me?"

Jim had lost it. His control over his emotion was smashed into pieces when Janine's fists landed on top of his head. And right now, his face was still dyed red as if he was about to pass out at any moment.

Couldn't this brute be any more careful? Didn't she have already seen the ability of that lunatic girl to transport anyone as she will? Why was this brute acting on her own now? Jim was already having trouble enough when Ben acted on his own and this Janine would add herself as a fuel for the trouble?

Just why in the world was he surrounded by this kind of people? No matter how many times Jim had gasped, just by thinking how frustrating the people around him could only make him fail to catch up some breath.

Thankfully, Jim had an abundant amount of Life Energy as his wounds he'd just got was now getting healed and the blood on his face was now being absorbed by his skin.

Phew. Jim took another deep breath as he closed his eyes to calm himself down. He was telling himself, "Patience, patience, patience, I must endure this..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Huh? What's going on?" Without knowing why, Janine's body suddenly moved on her own as she walked closer to Jim who still had his eyes tightly closed and his mouth muttering about something. After which, she raised her hand and hammered it on Jim's head right away. Jim had then immediately crashed on the ground with a heavy thud resulting in his limbs twitching again.

Jim was still telling himself to calm down and have patience but who would have thought that before he could even open his eyes, he would receive yet another onslaught. Jim felt depressed. Just what the heck was this brute doing now? Was she really trying to mess with him?

Jim even thought that he shouldn't have closed his eyes just to focus himself for calming himself down. He'd never thought that this girl would act so brazenly.

"Ah..." On the other hand, Janine's mouth twitched wildly as she didn't know what to say. She didn't do it at all! Why was her body moving on its own now?

But before she could even explain anything, she suddenly felt something dangerous approaching from her behind as she immediately turned around to block the incoming attack. Just after she crossed her arms, a sharp blade had immediately crashed on her as she was being pushed away with her feet lining on the ground.

"Hey, ungrateful brute, what are you doing now? Are you really that tired of living?" Ben who had just come had immediately gave Janine a slash to push her away from the pitiful Jim. His cold voice sounded, showing his displeasure against Janine.

"I... I didn't do it! It's not me!" Janine wanted to cry now. She was telling the truth but... would the other party believe her?

And as Janine had expected, upon hearing her, Ben had immediately found his veins popping out on his head uncontrollably. This girl was still trying to deny it despite what she had done in front of him? Was she taking him as a fool?

That being said, Ben unleashed his killing intent together with his Weapon Energy that was trying to cut everything around with just a mere presence. Ben's anger towards her was still yet to subside fully and now, she would do something like this? It already hurt him that his friend was being beaten to a pulp and now, this girl who had caused it in the broad daylight, was actually trying to deny it?

This was really unforgivable! What Ben hated the most was a liar like her!

"Enough!" Jim who had just forced himself to push himself from the ground and got up with great difficulty had spoken this word to stop Ben from what he was about to do.

And upon hearing him, Ben's anger seemed to increased slightly as he actually yelled out at Jim while pointing his forefinger against Janine furiously, "What now?! Are you still trying to protect her?!"

Huh? Jim was taken aback by the other party's reaction. Why was he getting angry at him? What did he even do to him? Jim couldn't figure it out at all for a moment before he realized that it might be because the other party thought that he was trying to protect Janine.

Protect Janine? When did he even do something like that? Just what in the world was this kid thinking?

Jim could only shake his head as he sighed. After which, he stared at Ben seriously as he responded, "She is not lying, I know you know it too."

Though it was faint, Jim could still hear the beat of Janine's heart as he could tell that she was definitely telling the truth, that she wasn't the one who really attacked him. Although it was definitely her physical body that hit him, Jim could tell that there was more to it than meets the eye.

And Jim knew that Ben had already known about it. With his ability to feel everything in a certain range, he had definitely felt the beat of Janine's heart as she was telling the truth.

It was just that, Ben was refusing to believe it. With his anger towards this girl, he probably found it hard to believe that Janine meant no harm to them.

Both of them could tell that Janine was not on her own when she hit Jim the last time. And the only thing Jim could think was that this Janine was being controlled.

And as to the one who was controlling her? Jim shifted his gaze towards Elaine as he glared at her coldly. He could see that the other party was gleefully watching them and was definitely waiting for them to have a fight amongst each other already.

Tsk! Jim clicked his tongue. This lunatic was really cunning. He could only admit it. How could she use people as her puppets to stir chaos? Jim could tell that this lunatic was the one who was behind of everything that was going on now.

"Fine!" Ben, on the other hand, responded coldly. After which, he turned his gaze towards Elaine as he muttered, "She is the culprit, right?"

"Probably..." Jim responded.

"Hey," At that moment, Janine suddenly spoke from behind them as she added, "You believe me?" Janine was just happy that Jim was still trusting her and still believed that she wasn't the one who attacked him.

Jim, on the other hand, turned his gaze to Janine as he closed his eyes for a moment. And when he opened it again, his right eye turned red as he gazed at Janine.

"Ben, can you cut that hair entangling her right wrist?" Jim still needed his Pulang Mata just to detect the tiny hair of Elaine that was still connected to Janine's body. And after seeing it, Jim asked Ben to take an action for Janine. 

Ben didn't have any will to do it but he still obeyed what Jim had asked.

"Don't move," Ben said to Janine.

But before he could even step forward, Janine had already spoken, "Don't worry, I can handle myself." She shifted her gaze on her right wrist as she muttered, "Right wrist huh..."

Janine swirled her left hand around her right hand as she could only frown. She was still planning to feel that tiny hair Jim was talking about and then pulled it out from her hand using her bare hand, but why was it that she didn't feel any hair at all? Was Jim trying to mess with her now?

"It's useless." But then, Janine was still confused why couldn't she find any strand of hair at all when she suddenly heard Jim's voice. After a moment of pause, she heard him speaking again, "That girl had already distorted your mind so that even though you're feeling it, you aren't able to tell that you are feeling it."

"You mean to say... I couldn't realize that I feel it?" Janine muttered those words as she widened her eyes slightly for a moment. What kind of trick was this? How could she remove something unseen and undetected?

At that moment, Janine suddenly felt the trouble she was in right now. And she couldn't help but glared at Elaine only to see the other party's annoying smile.

"This bastard..." Janine found her veins popping out on her forehead as she yelled at Jim and Ben, "What are the two of you doing? Hurry up and help me remove this damned hair!"

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