Young Demon

Chapter 16 Illegitimate Son

After paying the fee, one of the officials of the association took them to Array, which is for teleportation to the Laden area, Eva was still holding Daniel's arm and was determined not to be separated from him.

In this case, Daniel could only smile stupidly, well, he also likes the feeling of a very beautiful girl holding his arm, cough cough!

The array teleport was more like a teleport portal, a big blue gap that was created in space, and by passing through it, you could go to Laden's area.

The employee decided to tell Eva and Daniel the necessary explanations for using the arry and what not to do during the teleportation process.

Naturally, it wasn't the first time Daniel and Eva had used the array, and they honestly told him that no further explanation was needed, then they both wasted no time and entered the blue gap.

Upon entering the blue gap, suddenly all around them turned white and they slowly lose their consciousness, this is a natural process.

After a few seconds, they came out of their trance and opened their eyes, they were no longer in Lancey City but in the Laden area.

Eva took Daniel's arm again and they left the gap at the same time, then the person in charge guided them and they left the association.

In the Laden area, the weather was summer and warm, looking at the clear sky, Eva smiled and held Daniel's arm tighter as if she was afraid that she would suddenly be separated from him

"Am, brother, can we have another date in the future?" Eva said to Daniel in a shy and slightly scared tone, remembering her joy and happiness when she had a date with her brother.

Daniel took a thoughtful look and after thinking for a few seconds and remembering that he had to go somewhere to get the key, he answered, "All right, in the future if we had time why not?"

Eva was not disappointed by Daniel's answer and was even happy that she can have another date with her love again in the future

"Well, well, I think it's too late for us now, we should go to the Schneitz property early," Daniel patted Eva's head and said.

"I understand" Eva replied like an obedient little girl and then they headed towards the Schneitz estate.

Meanwhile, many men and women were staring at them because of their beauty, and as always, women were jealous of Eva and men were jealous of Daniel.

The travel association was located on the outskirts of the area and is several tens of kilometers away from the Schneitz family property. Daniel and Eva were walking slowly on the streets toward the Schneitz family property.

Although Daniel told Eva that they should hurry, Daniel was not really in a hurry, the only reason he didn't want to miss the birthday party right now is the appearance of fate's child.

But still, he decided to enjoy the scenery of the Laden area with his sister


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A golden palace that covered an area of ​​tens of kilometers, was fenced all around the palace and was protected by many guards.

Two white domes surrounded by yellow and golden lights lit up the sky at night

Many flying carriages, ordinary carriages, and flying ships were moving towards this palace, each of these flying ships was like cruise ships on Earth, except that they can fly.

Each of these giant flying ships had been created by the Magic sovereigns and was at least at a supreme level

Artifacts are classified into mortal-earthly-divine-supreme-emperor and saint levels, only great master and above can create artifacts.

Each of these flying ships had ancient engravings and various signs that indicate their backgrounds.

Of course, Daniel and Eva could also come here by airship, but Daniel doesn't like noise.

Naturally, the palace we are talking about is the Schneitz family property, the Schneitz family is one of the richest families below the imperial family, and they also have a lot of influence in different kingdoms.

The Schneitz family is not so defined in terms of fighting power, and the current leader of the Schneitz family is only just a Sword King realm being.

The Schneitz family can be considered a business giant, but they are not at a level that can be compared to even the weakest imperial families on the four continents.

In the eyes of the imperial families, the Schneitz family are just small ants who are not capable of making a big wave and will be crushed with just a little pressure.

However, from time to time, the imperial families try to establish friendly relations with the Schneitz family if they can, especially the princes of the imperial families who want to prove themselves and get the crown position.

They try to unite rich families and take various businesses under their control, this could be considered as one of the ways of fighting for the position of the crown prince in the empires.

Of course, Daniel does not need to do such things and his position has already been determined, and due to the genius he has shown, almost nothing can shake his position.

Hours have passed since Daniel and Eva came to the Laden area, and now it's almost dark and the birthday party has started.

Inside the palace, in a very large hall with beautiful and luxurious decorations, where many tables were arranged, famous singers and musicians from four continents were playing and singing.

Important people such as princesses and princes of different kingdoms and even some princesses of imperial families who were friends with the Schneitz family's youngest daughter had come.

Around a round table, several princes and princesses who knew each other were standing and talking while holding drinking glasses.

"Did you guys hear about the heir position of the Schneitz family?"

"The heir position? As far as I know, the next heir is Steven Schneitz, the eldest son of the Schneitz family."

"That's right, I thought so, but when I came here yesterday, I noticed several servants talking about the illegitimate son of the Schneitz family leader."

"Hiss! Jordan Schneitz has an illegitimate son? I've never heard of it before"

"I had never heard of it before and I found out yesterday, probably the Schneitz family was trying to hide it, but since the servants were talking about it, it seems that the leader of the Schneitz family is trying to announce the existence of his illegitimate son."

"But for what reason? Having an illegitimate son will only ruin the reputation of the leader of the Schneitz family."

"I thought so too, but according to what I heard, it seems that the illegitimate son of the leader of the Schneitz family has shown great genius in business and politics, and even a part of the Schneitz family's business was entrusted to him."

"Hiss! Doesn't that mean there might be a rival for the heir position of the Schneitz family?"

"True, but it's none of our business really, what I'm curious about right now is the Hudson family coming to this birthday?"

"That's right, I heard that the Hudson family was also invited, but I doubt that they will come. Anyway, the Hudson family doesn't easily participate even in imperial celebrations."

At a short distance from their table, the head of the Schneitz family is sitting on a chair next to a round table with two other figures.

He was a middle-aged man with short golden hair and black eyes with a rather long beard, his height reached 183 cm.

He was wearing a royal robe and silver clothes like the king

Next to him sat a handsome young man with short neat golden hair and blue eyes.

The height of the young man reached 178 cm, and based on his face, it could be said that he is in his early twenties, the young man was wearing silver clothes and pants like a middle-aged man.

in the end, a very beautiful woman with long white hair and black eyes with a heavenly face was sitting next to them.

She had light skin as snow and clear as jade, and she was tall and reached 176 cm.

She was wearing a golden embroidered royal dress that showed off her long legs and big thighs and she was wearing a pair of high heels.

Her breasts were very big and her clothes could not hide them and even a glimpse of them was clear, and even her ass was extremely fat and big.

And it was clear that with every step, her ass and big breasts shake and create a heavenly scene. She was a real MILF

Her name was Elena Belfort, she was Jordan Schneitz's wife and the eldest daughter of one of the most powerful kingdoms under the Sun Empire, the Belfort Kingdom.

She was a powerful magic lord and was forty-two years old

The middle-aged man is the current leader of the Schneitz family, Jordan Schneitz, and he is also a fifty-year-old sword king. In the end, the young man, Steven Schneitz, was the current eldest son of the Schneitz family.

He was a peak magic master in his twenties and could be considered a genius

"Hmph, that illegitimate son, well, it doesn't matter, but rather is the Hudson family really coming?" Steven asked as if he didn't care about his father's illegitimate son at all, although if you heard closely, you could hear his hatred when he said the illegitimate son.

"I don't know, they are a mysterious family, and their thoughts are not known at all, even if they send someone, they will probably send the princess of the Hudson family," Jordan answered, having a severe headache about this matter.

"Fufu, it's a pity that the crown prince of the Hudson family is not coming," Elena said with a flirtatious and slightly disappointed tone.

"Stupid Wife, you are talking about the greatest genius of the era, someone whose talents are equal to the Hudson family taboo being! Even the emperors of the three empires can't easily see him," Jordan was angry when he heard his wife's words, and he answered her in a serious tone

"Father is right, as they accepted our invitation, it means they gave us enough face. Even if the princess of the Hudson family comes to the birthday party, it is already a miracle. It's completely impossible for their crown prince to come!" He explained to his mother in a serious tone

"Ara ara, why did you two get so serious all of a sudden? I was just joking, you don't need to be angry," Elena said with a mocking tone and then laughed a little.

However, she really wanted to see the crown prince of the Hudson family, especially when it was rumored that his talents were equal to the taboo being and his face was known to be unrivaled throughout the ages.

But she also knew that its almost impossible for the crown prince of the Hudson family to come to her daughter's birthday party

"Anyway, where are those two silly girls? The party has started and they still haven't arrived," Jordan frowned slightly remembering that his two daughters still hadn't shown up at the party.

"Fufu, don't worry, Alex is with them and they will come soon." Hearing his wife's words, Jordan sighed and shook his head.

As long as Alex is with them, he's fine... although his son's thoughts were exactly the opposite of his own, and Steven was furious that, that bastard was with his sisters

and he wanted to ask about this matter but he become silent when he heard the words of one of the palace guards who was responsible for guiding the guests.

Not only he, but his parents and all the guests in the palace were shocked, amazed, and excited

"I announce the arrival of the Hudson Family Princess Eva Hudson and the Crown Prince of the

Paradise Empire Daniel Hudson"


Elena Belfort photo


(A/N:Well readers I have an important question

Do you guys have problems with married women? Because I have several plans about fate child mother and protagonist <world child> mother, sister and his fiancé ofc

I wanted to see if you have any problem

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