Young Master in the Apocalypse

Chapter 136 Challenge

Right as the message disappeared, their surroundings warped away, and they were transported somewhere else before they could get their bearings.

Not even a single cloud covered the pristine sky, while tall trees stood all around them, only letting little streams of sunlight into the forest floor. With every step they took, the crunch of dried grass could be heard.

A notification immediately appeared in Viktor's mind.

[A horde of orcs has invaded the land. Led by their great orc Lord Raz Gulag, the hordes will unleash chaos and destruction to all living beings.]

[Mission objective: Stay alive for 7 days.]

[Mission objective: Eliminate at least half of the orc horde. (0/1000)]

[Mission objective: Kill Raz Gulag.]

[The horde will arrive in 48 hours]

It wasnt just Viktor but everyone received the same message, and with it, they realized they will be facing hordes of 2000 orcs within 7 days, and the first group will arrive in 48 hours.

As they stood within a green plain above the hills, it was Barry who first asked

"Master, i don't understand, what's the 48 hours?"

Viktor can only shake his head, apparently, this loyal servant of his has very little imagination. Probably work too hard without ever reading or watching fantasy stories.

The 48 hours obviously was given as a preparation time, Viktor was sure there will be a few places provided as an option as a defensive base and Jessie confirm it.

"Aahh I understand master, so we can start building walls and traps!"

Once again Viktor shook his head, this is the reason there was a master and servant, and why the master led and servant follows.

"Barry.. let me ask, can a group of 8 defense any base at all?... no… no we much a smarter tactic prepared"

Viktor then announced to the group confidently.

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"Our tactic is… hiding!"

The companion suddenly turn confused, Viktor however went to check his party stats.

[Viktor Romanov - Battle Power 51 - Earth Realm level 29]

[Jessie Wineberry - Battle Power 41 - Earth Realm - peak stage]

[Kosta Tamyr - Battle Power 38 - Earth Realm level 22]

[Barry Pennyworth - Battle Power 36 - Earth Realm level 20]

[Torri Helsinki - Battle Power 37 - Earth Realm level 20]

[Boris Oslo - Battle Power 37 - Earth Realm level 20]

[Evangeline Bardott - Battle Power: 45 - Earth Realm level 23]

[Vasiliza - Battle Power 47 - Earth Realm level 24]

Although they were much stronger and had more experience since they first arrive at the pillar, 2000 orcs were certainly too many for them.

The challenge afterall was created for a group of hundred fighters, not 8.

Hence after knowing the challenge objectives, Viktor decided to be rational and choose the easiest objective there was; [Stay alive for 7 days] and maybe at the last minute he could find a chance to complete the second objective [Kill Raz Gulag]

With his ability, he could only hope that at least to get these two objectives cleared.

Jessie did explain that the challenge would consider their number and strength as a way to mark their score, Viktor strongly believes that being able to finish just one objective with their small party, would be enough to be rewarded with something special.

Viktor once again smiles admiring his brilliance before leading the group to venture into the place.

He first explores the forest that leads into a clearing full of tall grass and rocky cliffs.

Mountains could be seen far in the distance, but no matter how much they tried to get closer, the mountain seem to not get any bigger at all.

Jessie, noticing his predicament, explained that the mountains may not actually exist in this virtual space, because the pillar only made a limited area just enough for them to roam around and accomplish the objective.

They roamed the massive grassland for a few hours. To think this virtual palace was empty was a mistake, it actually filled with dozens of wild beasts roaming; wolves and bears, but none really strong enough to trouble him and his team.

A few hours later, they arrived at tall natural rock formations surrounded by green trees. The rocks stretched so tall upwards, it might be large enough to hide a small two-story house behind it.

"This place should do just fine"

When the other finally thought that this place will become their hiding spot, Viktor, however, keep going around the place and find three more suitable places. One is Hidden under a large cliff, One within an abandoned ruin deep in the forest,t and finally one lies near a gorge. All place has been marked into memory before finally, Viktor decides to rest on the last one.

[24 hours left before the first horde arrived]

They decided to use the place as a hiding spot. While the others were resting on the soft grass, Viktor pulled out his metal supplies and went to work.

Jessie stood up and looked at the amount of metal he has before she proceeded to help design the shelter. It was not much of an ordinary shelter but more similar to being called the place they have been hiding for the last two years, a bunker.

It's a hiding room with little ventilation and a large thick metallic door. Jessie prioritized making the shelter big enough to hide them from the orcs, yet can be taken apart at a moments' notice.

[Metal Bending]

After a few hours, the shelter was done, with a slight layer of reinforced metal on the outside.

The others helped by gathering some leaves to be placed over the small shelter, hiding it even further. As the sky darkened and the night came, the shelter looked more like an overgrown slab of rock.

By this time their 48 hours has finally passed

[The hordes have arrived, prepared yourselves]

"Alright, we all know what to do," said Viktor before they entered the shelter, closed the door, and took some time to relax. Not wanting to give away their location, they decided to be quiet. Viktor took out some of his stashed a few bottles of booze, and some dried snacks from his ring, and they enjoyed a fun night.

Liza, Eva, and Jessie seem to be talking and laughing in their corner, while Boris and Torri was sitting in another corner and having some quality time. Meanwhile, Kosta and Barry looked like they were having a serious talk.

Time passed quickly, as they decided to relax and unwind from all their previous battles.

However, all of a sudden in the morning, Viktor received a notification from the Djinn.

<A horde of 100 orcs and 20 Uruks are currently passing the forest 2 miles from here.>

"Where are they heading?"

<They seem to be hunting a monster.>

Seeing Viktor was mumbling by himself, Jessie approached him and asked.

"What is the matter?"

Viktor explained the situation, and she led him to look outside from the makeshift windows of their shelter. Far in the flat grassland, they could see some gray and green figures fighting against a gigantic, cat-like mutant animal.

She then sat down and explained that in challenges like this, the opponents are made to mimic the conditions of a real battlefield, but most of the time the creatures that are not their objectives were nothing to be concerned about.

Either way, one of the reasons Viktor was confident that their tactic would work was no other because of the Djinn. He would know if the danger has come and decided if they need to move toward a different chosen hiding palace if needed.

There are also only 8 of them within this such large arena, he believed it will be feasible to keep running and hiding from the orcs.

The sounds of fighting soon died down, and the Djinn issued another notification.

<The orc horde seems to be heading here.>

If they were lucky, the tall rock formations and the plants around them could probably hide them, but Viktor decided not to risk his chances and told everyone else to get ready.

After everyone packed away their belongings, Viktor raised his hand, and the metal shelter quickly turned into lumps, before storing into his storage ring. Aside from the strewn plants and grass, there was no trace of the shelter ever standing there at all.

This time, they decided to go west, and head toward the other chosen hiding spot

"Hey, Djinn, any enemies around?" Viktor asked as quietly as possible.

<No, I cannot detect any living creatures a few miles in front, unless you count some random bugs.>

"Do they even have bugs in the virtual space?"

<Seems to be the case.>

When they reached a clearing, the night had fallen. The silver light of the moon streamed through the circular opening above the clearing, shining on where the abandoned Shrine was. Even though they were in a virtual space, the scenery looked beautiful and sort of romantic.

Viktor quickly made a smaller version of the previous shelter to fit inside the ruins.

For a few hours, the forest was quiet, and they were able to relax. Then, the Djinn gave another notification.

<Beware a pack of 10 orcs riders is coming.>

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