Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 393 Midnight black

Chapter 393 Midnight black

Ignius had his eyes narrowed at the attack that was coming his way. He lifted his hand and swiped the attack away from him. Instead of hitting the dragon, the attack was redirected and destroyed several trees along its path.

"Interesting but too late. If you had awakened into a true hero much earlier than this, then this would have been fun and you can even have the chance to at least wound me." Ignius took a step forward and he immediately appeared before the hero.

Arcaine was caught off-guard as he was lifted in the air with the dragon tightly gripping his neck. He could feel the dragon's claws digging into his skin. He raised his hands and gripped the dragon's claws in an attempt to remove it from his neck but he failed.

He was starting to lose air and couldn't breathe but the dragon had no intention of letting him go. With the last bit of strength that he could muster, Arcaine raised his sword and stabbed the man on his chest but it did nothing. The dragon's hand only tightened until there was a crack.

Blood trickled down from the hero's mouth and the dragon threw his body unceremoniously on the ground. "A true hero, laughable." He muttered before wings appeared on his back. He then flew to the platform where the master was.

"You killed him just like that?" Onyx raised an eyebrow at the man who just landed on the platform.

Ignius shrugged his shoulders. "Do you really think that he deserved to live? I didn't even think that he would awaken at the last moment. I don't want those gods getting involved once again."

The contempt and anger in his voice couldn't be hidden. When Onyx joined the group, the first thing he discovered regarding the dragon was that he absolutely hated heroes, especially those who awakened into becoming a true hero. This kind of hero could slay a dragon and thus they would be called dragon slayers.

"Alright," Onyx did not push through with the topic and chose to stay silent.

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Cygnus looked at both of them and sighed. He even rolled his eyes. The atmosphere became awkward because of that short exchange. A holy knight and now a true hero, what a surprising event. He did not imagine that these fascinating things would happen in just one world in the span of one day.

Nevertheless, both of them were already dead. So, there's no reason for him to worry about those threats that could disturb his peace. What matters now was for those annoying ants to die now so that they could focus on the reinforcements that the crown prince would bring back.

He was curious to know what kind of people he would bring back and what kind of reaction he would have when he comes home and see his kingdom in ruins. Cygnus couldn't contain the anticipation from oozing out. They needed to make it fast.

He tilted his head to the side and rested it on his palm. The world below was in chaos but he had no reaction or feeling about it. His revenge was already right before his eyes but he did not feel joy. There was still something missing and his sister's image flashed before his eyes.

This slight poke in his mind turned his eyes red and caused the invisible platform he created to crack. The monsters on the ground also went amok and crazier than before. The spawning of monsters also became fast and it quickly overwhelmed the warriors who were fighting for their lives.

Ulysses and Ishmael already joined the fight and killed as many monsters as they could. Sigma and Elvira did not fail to support them even though they themselves were about to topple. Orpheus did not hesitate to destroy a wave of monsters that was coming their way.

They did not know what happened and why the monsters became even more aggressive at that moment but their instinct to survive pushed them to fight beyond their limits. The spectators above them knew what happened but they remained silent and did not comment on it. It seems that the master experienced something unpleasant while watching the fight.

Aside from goblins that started to crawl out from the opened gate that the master left open, ogres also started to emerge. There were also some orcs that managed to slip through but the master did not care. Well, he was someone who would summon a giant so there was no problem.

  The chaotic and bloody fight continued. The warriors were falling one-by-one and yet the numbers of monsters who were going against them were endless. Ulysses looked at the hopeless situation and sighed. 'It was truly the end for them,' he thought to himself, 'it was just too bad that he couldn't get to see his wife for the last time before he died.'

Orpheus's god-tier sword was also nearing its limit. There were already cracks on it because of how many times he had used it. It seems even a powerful sword like it would end just like them. He grimaced and tightly held the sword in his hands.

He would use the sword until it breaks. With a last roar, he chopped down using the sword at the gate that was spawning monsters. The gate was covered in white light and he successfully closed it. This at least lifted the burdens of the remaining warriors who were still standing and fighting for their kingdom.

Orpheus was just glad that they managed to hold on for long and gave their citizens the time to get away from that horrible place. He sighed and looked around at the destruction that the fight brought. With that short time that his attention was elsewhere, the gate reappeared and a slimy black tentacle appeared and wrapped itself on the king.

The king was pulled back to the gate where the tentacle disappeared to. He did not have the time to ask for help. Only the sword remained. The warriors were shocked at how fast everything happened and they weren't able to react as more tentacles appeared out of the gate and attacked them.

They tried to defend against it but the tentacles were difficult to cut and they did not have the strength to do so. They've been exhausted with the continuous battle and even if they wanted to fight back, it became impossible for them. Sigma saw that their situation was getting worse, so with a last resort, he depleted his own mana and created the largest magic arrow he could.

With the last bit of his strength, he threw the arrow into the gate. The green arrow successfully penetrated the body of the monster that was hiding behind it and the tentacles disappeared. The gate also slowly crumbled until it got destroyed.

They waited for another gate to appear again but nothing appeared. This knowledge was enough to calm their hearts. The thought of the battle ending made them relieved only to be crushed again.

Ulysses and Galahad went to the archmage's side. The old man was already at the end of his life. He was merely hanging by a thread right now as he sacrificed even his life force just to make that final attack.

"Die proudly," was his only words before he took his last breath. The last archmage of Lunaira fell.

They mourned for their king and for the archmage. They did their part and now it was up to them to continue to fight. They were not looking forward to it but they needed to proceed. Their attention was caught by the man who appeared on the spot where the king once was.

He picked up the sword without an expression on his face. Cygnus played the sword on his hand before imbuing it with his dark mana. The sword then slowly turned into dust and the man had an evil smile on his face. He then looked at the direction of the warriors who were looking at him with fear.

Cygnus grinned and in an instant Elvira's head was cut off and it floated up towards the other heads above them. Her body fell on the ground with a loud thud that echoed in the midst of their silence. There was no scream because the woman was caught off-guard and now she was dead.

"Now that your greatest weapons are destroyed, what should we do next? Of course all of you will die." He mumbled to himself as he looked in their direction.

No words were exchanged as they all died in an instant. Cygnus did not want to drag it out because he knew that some other enemies would be coming for him. The bodies of the warriors who died scattered on the ground and only the generals and the dukes remained standing.

Ishmael looked at the monster before them. He was right in being wary of the man ever since their first meeting. Now, he was about to bring destruction to their land. Black mana then swept through the surrounding area and turned everything into midnight color.

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