Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 403 This is war

Chapter 403 This is war

Cygnus grinned. With bare hands, he parried the attack and gripped the lycan's claws. He then made a circular motion and twisted the lycan before lifting him up and slamming him on the ground. A crack appeared on the ground but Cygnus did not stop there.

With his free hand, he used it to deliver a palm attack full of black mana towards the lycan's body. A crack could be heard as the lycan's bones were shattered because of the attack. Cygnus had a smile before he let the lycan go.

He kneeled on the ground and lowered his head towards the lycan. "This is your end." In seconds, Cygnus had a beating heart on his hand before he crushed it without a second thought.

After that incident, he and Ignius went around and destroyed everything they could in that accursed place. They challenged every supernatural clan and finally faced the dragons. They were indeed the rulers of that world as they caused quite the destruction during their fight.

The battle only lasted for a day and yet that world was already half destroyed. Cygnus was sitting on top of the dragon palace with his feet hoisted up and his right arm resting on his knees. He looked like he was thinking as he gazed at the bodies of dragons scattered below.

Ignius landed beside him and looked down too. "What's your next plan now?" Ignius asked after they were finished.

"Destroy more worlds. The gods are already sending people after me and I'm sure that that man is currently having the time of his life." He casually answered before he stood up and started to stretch his limbs.

"Why don't we wrap it here and give the god of war more problems." He looked back and grinned at the dragon.

"What are you going to do?" The dragon wrinkled his brows while looking at the man.

While he was confused, a black space appeared before him. It was swirling and one couldn't see anything from it. Ignius looked with confusion in his face.

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"I'm just going to make sure that this world won't be livable anymore. I'll make sure that the god of war won't be able to use this world anymore." After that statement, Cygnus did not hesitate to release an insane amount of black mana that poured towards the dragon territory.

This black mana seeped through the ground and slowly infected the whole of that world. The greeneries turned black and even the magma that was flowing underneath the ground cooled and died down. Ignius was shocked at what happened and at how potent the black mana was.

Cygnus did not stop there though. The bodies of the dragons that were killed were slowly coated with his black mana until they turned into a black pill that returned to Cygnus's hands. He grinned and looked at the dragon.

He stretched out his hand and offered one pill to Ignius. "Do you want some? This pill will make you even stronger. It contains the mana and power of the dragons you killed."

Starting from there, both dragon and human traveled through different worlds. They've managed to create a group of people who were loyal and ready to destroy the world for their master.


Finally, the band of heroes were formed after waiting for them to gather. Renzo looked at the group and was pleased. He then looked at the priests and at the pope who were there to send them off. He bowed as a show of gratitude before he pulled the reins on his horse.

They traveled day and night to reach Lunaira in the shortest period but the moment they reached the border to the kingdom, they were shocked at what they saw. The once prosperous place that was full of vibrant color was dyed black. Not one plant could be seen from that vast stretch of land.

"No! No!" Renzo alighted from his horse. He slowly walked towards the land that was once his kingdom. Before he could cross the border though, a hand pulled him back. He looked back and saw that one of the heroes shook his head.

"That place is full of black mana. Look," he pointed at a certain spot and there was indeed a concentration of black mana in there, "this kind of mana is deadly, we need to be careful."

The man looked back and gave one of the heroes a nod. The woman who was wearing a white cape and held a staff on her hand raised her staff and mumbled in incantation. The rest of her staff shined and covered them all. A protective layer of divine light covered all of them and their horses.

After that they continued on their journey. The destruction along their way caused some of them to get angry and felt apprehension. If they couldn't destroy this evil, their kingdom might end up like Lunaira. Their resolve solidified and unified. They couldn't lose.

Cygnus, who was in the palace, felt the presence of several people who entered the kingdom. He opened his eyes and saw that his men were ready for battle. He laughed when he saw the eager look on the face of the people who had followed him for so long.

"Alright, I'll let you go all out." Cygnus waved his hand and the men left the palace to bring a grand welcome for their visitors.

As there was nothing that was obscuring the vision of the heroes, they could finally see the capital of Lunaira in shambles. No structure was left standing and there was the smell of death in the air. They traveled for another three days after they entered the kingdom to finally reach the capital only to be welcomed with its state of desolation.

With how silent the whole place was, they could already surmise that no humans have survived. Even the place where they passed through had no signs of people, only destroyed towns and villages. There was nothing left.

Before they could even mourn for the lost lives, a deafening roar echoed above them followed by a large shadow that covered a great expanse of the sky. They all looked up and saw that an enormous dragon was flying above them followed by its mighty fire breath that was directed towards them.

The woman who casted a protective spell around them did not flinch. She raised a barrier around them that protected them from the destructive fire. Ignius saw that they managed to survive his fire so he flew higher and disappeared from their sight.

Once the fire was out, they could now remove the barrier and take a good look at their surroundings. Not far from them several people were standing and were looking at them. Renzo immediately recognized some of them.

"They're here." With these words only, the heroes who were with him were already ready to attack.

"Welcome to our domain. We were sent by our master to welcome you all and make each one of you suffer in the name of the gods you serve. Killing you all will be our utmost pleasure!" Nina bowed to them like how a prince does before he takes the hand of a princess for a dance.

No words came from the side of the heroes. They were not a fan of such fancy and over the top presentations. They would rather fight them now than to listen to their nonsense.

"This means that the master is not here." One of the heroes stated, which made Nina laugh.


"Why would our master be here? We would rather have him sit on his throne and watch us destroy you people." She answered while flipping a strand of her hair.

"Then, we will force him out!" One of the heroes declared.

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