Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 68 He Won't Lie Low

"Mr. Astrophos, I would suggest that you keep those thoughts to yourself. I'm not a person who always tolerates disrespect towards my master. Once is enough but if you do it the second time then, I won't stay silent." The words were heavy and cold, different from who the butler normally talks and Astrophos knew that he might have crossed the line.

He held himself from uttering any response because the blood lust being directed at him that moment was too much for him. His back was already drenched in sweat the moment that the butler responded. So many times, he was called a coward, and he knew it himself that he was because he can't even face the butler.

"If you want a definite answer, please go and visit the people who are actually involved in this case and don't just accuse my master just because he has a terrible personality." After that, the butler left and Astrophos could hear his footsteps fading away.

He was already this old and yet he still felt fear from a person who doesn't even use any magic. A man of his status was suddenly crouching on the ground with both of his hands on his head while berating himself, was an unusual view even to those who don't know him.

After acting like a child, the grand mage left the inn once again. Mr. C, who was looking at the man from the second floor, assumed that he would be going to the mage association to inquire about the incident.

"What took you so long?" Cygnus was sitting on the chair facing the door with his legs crossed and his head resting on his fists. He was still in his sleeping clothes as he looked at the butler rather lazily.

"I believe that we will be having some visitors anytime today," Mr. C informed Cygnus but the master only replied with a 'hmmm'. He seemed to be not bothered by it. "Do you already know what happened?"

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"It's been noisy for a while now, so I sent Ari to see what's going on. That bastard finally died, isn't that great, I won't need to go and collect his debt." Cygnus laughed and leaned on the chair while placing both of his hands on the chair's armrest.

"Master," the butler warned. They can't keep attracting attention wherever they go. If this continued then they might just as well declare to the world their identities.

"Why? Are you nervous?" The master stared at the butler who stopped him. He really didn't care if they gained attention. He had long given up on that thought for now.

Since things became interesting, he was keener on finishing this charade and smoking out everyone in this world that annoyed him ever since he became who he was now.

"Are you really giving up on your dream life?" the butler then asked after seeing his master's stern face and the red glint in his eyes.

"Giving up? No, I'm not just done with what I must do. This world had something that did not exist from the past worlds where we have been and the name Constantine suddenly appeared, aren't you curious too?" There was a playful hint in his voice while saying those words.

Never had the butler guessed the master's thoughts. There was a time when he never talked and all he would do all day was to stare outside his window. There was also a time when he would always disappear and return all bloody with a grin on his face. He had scared many with that appearance of his. Many more incidents of the like happened through the years he was with them.

"I am curious too, but I am a bit worried at how things are turning out this time," the butler voiced out his concern over the master's matters.

Cygnus stood up and walked towards the window of the room then he turned around and looked at the man, "What are you so worried about? Isn't it more exciting when we don't know when there are more uncertainties?"

Mr. C clenched his teeth as he decided not to speak. He had already decided that he won't disagree with whatever the master decided to do ever since he got his body. All he needed to do was to stay beside the master and support him no matter what happens.

"Alright then master, do as you want. I'll continue to support you from the side." The butler finally relented as he went to the cabinet where the clothes were kept to pick Cygnus's outfit for the day.

The master also did not speak while he waited for the other to finish picking out his clothes. Things like that don't need to be talked about between the two of them and he knew that he can trust the butler.

Nina, who was already in her best clothes that she bought, was waiting for them at the dining room of the inn. This time she ordered sea foods that she knew the master would enjoy. She even stood up and guided Cygnus to the head of the table.

"Why are you being so caring?" Cygnus looked at the woman who was smiling at him sweetly and was even blinking her eyes. "What is it?" The master furrowed his brows instead.

"Uhm, can I ask for additional money?" She started as she looked on the table with a red face. "I kinda used all of what I have on me right now."

"Aren't you tired already of shopping too much? How will you even bring all of those to the capital?" Cygnus could not help but wonder how the woman could shop nonstop. She was gone every day and every time she came back, she had so many things on her.

"That's because I enjoy it and this is the only time that I can be free while we are here. And besides, I can always let the butler keep my things in that dimensional pocket of his." she pouted and acted like a child in front of the master. This was her only happiness whenever they travel worlds since this was something she did not experience before the master found her.

Cygnus gestured for the other to just give her money. Anyways, they have a lot and had no other ways of spending it so it was no problem. "Alright, as long as you are satisfied then that's fine but when I tell you to do something, do it to the best of your abilities. Understood?"

Nina immediately nodded, so the butler handed her a pouch of gold coins which made her eyes lit in excitement. "Oh, by the way master, do you already know that a soldier disappeared last night and that the crime scene was full of blood. The soldiers were now puzzled because of the sudden change of how the victims were kidnapped."

Cygnus narrowed his eyes, "Is that so?" He picked up his fork and proceeded to eat some of the shrimps on the table. "A bloody crime scene, that must have been so exciting." His chuckled echoed in the room and yet the two people with him weren't disturbed by his comment.

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