You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 198

198 I Will Kill You!


“Where are you running!”

Robert’s eyes widened suddenly as the voice suddenly appeared behind him.

“Damn it!” Robert cursed as he was about to run away from Nicholas but had no time to move; his body suddenly couldn’t be moved.

“Huh, what happened?” His mind panicked as he couldn’t control his body.

Nicholas, who had used his magic power, immediately flicked his hand again and made the two suddenly disappear and appear right in front of the swiftly flowing waterfall.

Robert’s body was floating in the air while Nicholas was standing on the water, smiling broadly at Robert.

“You haven’t stopped chasing me, have you?” Nicholas said with a faint smile to Robert.

Robert looked confused when Nicholas said that.


“I recognize your scent well, and you must have lived a long life in this world,” Nicholas added while looking at Robert with his eyes so sharp.

He knew that Robert had always wanted the Rare Blood within him. Even though the two never met face to face or fought directly, Nicholas knew that Robert and the entire vampire race had always coveted this Rare Blood.

With disbelief, Robert could only widen his eyes and look at Nicholas in disbelief. Because what Nicholas said was true as it was.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Damn it, it turns out he’s been knowing where I am!” Inner Robert was annoyed as he looked at Nicholas with a cruel look.

“Maybe this is our first meeting, but it will be our last too!” Nicholas said, then flicked his fingers, and suddenly his body slowly floated into the air.

Robert widened his eyes as he saw Nicholas soar into the air and come closer to him.

“Fuck me; surely he will kill me this second!” Robert’s mind was powerless as he couldn’t do anything against Nicholas.

When Nicholas was in front of him, he looked at Robert sharply. The faint smile on his face gave off the impression of bloodlust and murderous intent.

“Is this the only strength of the successor of the so-called Ancient Vampire Clan?” Nicholas whispered in Robert’s ear, which made Robert’s eyes widened instantly.

Robert did not expect that Nicholas also knew his real identity.

He regretted having to deal with people he belittled.

Damn it! Why does he also know my identity? Robert’s inner being was annoyed when Nicholas discovered everything about him.

Nicholas circled Robert while still looking at him with an intimidating look.

He wants to play around with Robert first before finally killing him later.

Then Nicholas stopped right in front of Robert again, smiled faintly, and brought his face closer to Robert.

“Listen to me carefully; I will not let go of anyone who disturbs my family. And this time, it feels like you have disturbed the peace of my family, so you know for yourself what I will do next!” Said Nicholas, always smiling wickedly at Robert.

At that moment, a terrible aura came out of Nicholas’ body, and when Robert felt this aura, of course, he immediately panicked. Because what Nicholas said was not a mere boast to scare him.

When Nicholas smiled in front of Robert, then he snapped his fingers again, which made Robert’s body suddenly feel excruciating pain all over his body.

Robert, who couldn’t move and make a sound, was silent but screamed inside.

His whole body seemed to be pierced by thousands of invisible needles. Only tears were rolling down Robert’s cheeks to express that he was really in pain.

Nicholas, who knew that smiled widely, then he said again, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing; I’ll show you something else that will make you feel real pain!”

After saying those words, Nicholas immediately moved away from Robert, then moved his right hand toward Robert.

At this moment, Nicholas’ fingers seemed crushing something in his grasp; he smiled broadly and prepared to move his fingers to destroy Robert’s body.

“Goodbye, you damn brat!” Nicholas said. Then with a big smile, he immediately moved his fingers.

But just a few seconds before he was about to clench his fingers, suddenly something shot so quickly towards him.



Nicholas’s attention was immediately directed toward several large rocks currently racing very fast toward him.

Nicholas gave her an annoyed look, saying, “Damn, intruder!”

Nicholas pointed his right hand toward several boulders currently, rushing rapidly toward him.

At that moment, Nicholas immediately moved his fingers in a clenched position, and at the same time, the large boulders flying so fast towards him were instantly shattered in the air, so that too.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

A plume of smoke was created when Nicholas crushed some of the boulders.

He turned his face away to avoid the current dust spreading over the area.

Because the incident happened near the waterfall, the plume of dust disappeared very quickly.

When Nicholas looked back at where Robert was, his eyes widened instantly as Robert was not where he was.

Nicholas smiled faintly as he looked around him,

“You think you can just walk away from me!” Nicholas said flatly, then didn’t move to catch up with Robert, who ran away from him.

But before he could leave the place, he stopped when he heard someone calling him.

“Nicholas! Don’t chase him; we better find shelter first!”

Nicholas stopped and turned around to look at the source of the sound.

The expression on his face, which was previously flat and cold like a psychopath’s, changed instantly with a broad smile expression while nodding his head when he saw someone he cared about.

Nicholas moved quickly closer to the person who had just said those words, who was none other than his own mother, Laura.

“Are you okay?” Nicholas asked as he landed slowly right in front of his mother.

“I’m fine; behind this waterfall are your son and your granddaughter; we better get them away from this place quickly!” Laura said.

According to what his mother had just said, Nicholas immediately moved his fingers to make the waterfall in front of him make a gap so he could go inside.

After he managed to do so, Leon, his daughter, and Lauren slowly came out from behind the waterfall. Nicholas protected the three of them using the transparent shield he made on the spot.

When Nicholas saw Leon holding his baby, his face immediately became peaceful; he snapped his fingers to create a portal.


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