You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 75

75 Ritual of Sequestration of the Throne



Today is when we are all going to a place, I need to find out where that place is because Mr. Henderson needs to give me a clue.

David said we were all going to a place to perform a ritual.

The Werewolves perform a ritual once every ten years, which is the time for all of them to perform the ritual.

I haven’t given David that answer because I want to tell him when we all get to the place in question.

Even though he teased me several times and glanced at me with a look indicating that I should immediately answer his question, I deliberately looked away and chuckled because of his cute behavior.

I was in the car with Mr. Henderson and David, while Mr. Joel and his family were in another car behind us.

It’s been almost an hour’s drive. But we still had yet to arrive at the place; I pretended to play on my cellphone to relieve the overwhelming stress.


Even though David was next to me, he teased me several times so I could chat with him, but I deliberately ignored him.

“Come on, Leon; you have to talk to me. Otherwise, I’ll tickle you!” David said, which made my eyes widen instantly; I immediately glanced sharply at him with an expression that said, “Don’t do that to me!”

But the devilish smile on David’s face told him he wouldn’t stop doing that to me.

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He pointed his two hands toward me, ready to tickle my body.

“Okay, I lose; I give up!” I said surrender before David’s fingers tickled my body.

Because I can’t help feeling tickled when someone tickles me, I better give up and decide to chat with him.

He smiled so broadly when he heard I gave up and squeezed his seat close to me.

“So, what’s the name of the ritual?” I asked David Out of curiosity because, since yesterday, they didn’t tell me at all.

I could see David’s eyes glancing at his father as if giving a signal whether he could tell or not; I glanced at Mr. Henderson, who was currently watching from the rearview mirror. He just smiled and nodded his head. Indicates if David may tell me about the ritual.

“That ritual is called Seizing the Throne!”

David said, which immediately made my eyes widen instantly; I didn’t comment because I wanted to hear his explanation regarding the ritual for the Throne in question.

“A ritual performed by Werewolves once every ten years in a place. That place is an island in the middle of the sea; the name of the hidden island is Nagini Island!”

“The fight for the Throne is all of us from all races, and the Werewolf clan will come to the island to do a match. Like the name of the ritual, namely the fight for the Throne, this match that will be held is to fight for the Throne from who is the strongest and has the right to get the Throne. the.”

“For the current Throne is still in Alexa’s hands; she is the strongest female Werewolf who won the Throne Conquest ritual ten years ago!”

“Those who participate in the ritual are only Werewolves who already have a life partner, a life partner they get from imprinting their partner,” David explained in great detail the ritual for the seizure of the Throne in question.

He stopped the explanation when explaining the problem of life partners, or more precisely, when the werewolf had imprinted his partner.

“Every meeting every ten years, there will be many candidates who will come; they will register themselves to take part in the battle to be able to fight for the Throne and become the Throne holder this year.”

“Is the fight in question going to risk lives?” I asked curiously.

“Of course not, the fight between Werewolves is between brothers, so this fight will not take anyone’s life. This fight is done only to acknowledge the strongest opponent’s strength, so whoever is the greatest has the right to own the Throne.”

“Are you going to participate in the Throne Seizing Ritual?” I asked when I was starting to understand the ritual in question.

David nodded his head with a big smile, then said, “Of course I will, because this year I already have a partner, so I have the right to participate in the ritual for the throne!” David said with a big smile; then he gently kissed my forehead.

“Surely you already know who the partner I mean, because I have imprinted him since he came to my house and stayed at my house, but I just realized it a few days ago!”

Whatever David explained just now made my heart beat so fast I could feel the heat burst into my cheeks.

Surely by this time, my cheeks would be rosy red because I blushed at what he said. After all, I’m sure what he meant was me.

“Who’s the partner you’re referring to?” I asked haltingly because I was curious about the answer he would give.

David smiled and looked at me carefully, then he brought his face closer and kissed me slowly. Our lips pressed together for a few moments, then he let go slowly and answered, “the partner, I mean, is you!”

And his answer was true to my expectations; I couldn’t say anything at this time because I was completely stunned by the sentence he had said.

My head seemed to explode instantly, and I couldn’t be used to thinking at the moment.


But I immediately looked at Mr. Henderson when he suddenly cleared his throat and smiled teasingly.

I immediately corrected the way I sat, I didn’t look at David, but my heart was still beating so fast.

But smiling broadly, Even though I didn’t look at him, I could feel the aura coming out from his body; he immediately leaned his head on my shoulder, saying, “You will still be my partner in the present, in the future until in the future in the next life! ”

Again, my heart was made by David to beat so wildly that I lost to him because I couldn’t control myself. He took my hand in his and stroked it gently.

But from everything I’m feeling right now, there is a distinct feeling of joy in my heart because I can feel this unlimited happiness. I can feel it for real.

“We’ve arrived at the place; we have to get off and get on the boat to Nagini island!” Said Mr. Henderson with a big smile.

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