You're My Only Star

Chapter 415 - Chased

A string of cursing words escaped him.

Huo Yun Chen plastered his body on the wall as he waited for the group of people to run past through the area. Even though the sounds of footsteps could no longer be heard, he did not dare to move around lest someone would discover him.

He let out a groan as he thought of how he had gotten into this mess.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, scaring him.

A part of him was glad that he had chosen to set his phone on a vibrating mode. If his phone rang at this time, the others would find him immediately.

After finding a safer spot, Huo Yun Chen finally took out his phone from his pocket with shaky hands. His eyes wandered left and right worriedly.

Hot air puffed out of his nose and his breathing was a little unstable as he had just been running around for a long time.

Huo Yun Chen winced as he looked at the message on his phone. He knew well how furious his manager would be at this time.

He had a feeling that once he returned to Capital City, he would be tormented by his manager for the trouble he created.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He tapped his fingers on the screen, wanting to call his manager and ask him to provide him with a backup. No matter how angry his manager would be, his safety is the most important at this time. However, just as he was about to press the call button, Huo Yun Chen realized that his phone had run out of battery.

The battery icon blinked a few times before the phone turned black.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He whispered harshly. Then, he started to worry again that someone was going to hear his voice.

Huo Yun Chen leaned on the wall again and crouched down. He bumped his head on the wall behind him and muttered about his misfortune.

It was all because of his ID.

Previously, it was always his assistant who helped him to make a hotel reservation. However, this time, he came to A City without informing his manager or assistant.

It was an unplanned visit and he could not rely on his assistant.

Huo Yun Chen could not remember when was the last time he had walked into a hotel to get a room. Therefore, he had made this careless mistake, allowing himself to get into this trouble.

The best hotel in A City was a three stars hotel. It was not the best hotel but Huo Yun Chen decided to go for it. He only wanted to stay for a night as it was too late for him to head back to Capital City.

The receptionist who was on duty had recognized him and had tipped off a few of her friends. Then, the friends had tipped off their friends.

In just a short time, a group of fans began to surround the hotel.

Huo Yun Chen began to notice that something was wrong when the receptionist took too long to process the room. He quickly asked for his ID back and ran out of the hotel.

The moment he walked out, Huo Yun Chen was surprised to see that there was a group of girls standing in front of the hotel. The girls looked at him suspiciously before they started to whisper among themselves.

Even though he was in disguise, the girls could see right through him.

His instinct told him to get out of there immediately.

Panicked, Huo Yun Chen began to run. His action confirmed the girls' suspicions and they started to chase after him.

Unfortunately for him, he was not familiar with the city. As he ran around, he only attracted a few more fans who had heard of the news of his appearance in A City.

He planned to head back to his car and escape. However, he could not find a safe route to get to his car.

Huo Yun Chen began to wonder just how long will he have to stay and hide.

As he was still thinking of what will happen to him next, his ears picked up squeaking sounds. He lowered his head and saw a rat as big as a kitten a meter away from him.

Huo Yun Chen jumped up and muttered a cursing word. Realizing what he had done, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand and looked around.

Fortunately, there was no one around.

Huo Yun Chen let out a breath in relief and decided that he should leave. No matter what, he would not spend his night surrounded by rats.

Sneakily, he walked along the small path to find a way out. Seeing that the group of fans was nowhere to be seen, Huo Yun Chen walked out into the light.

However, someone gripped at his wrist, surprising him.

Instinctively, Huo Yun Chen tried to fling that person's hand away. His movement halted when he realized that the person was someone he knew.

It was Xia Yu.

"Follow me."

Without saying anything, Huo Yun Chen followed her and ran along the quiet path. It was almost midnight and the street was quiet. However, from a distance away, he could still hear the voices of people who were looking for him.

His gaze fell on the woman beside him again. At this time, the only person he could trust is Xia Yu.

She would not sell him out to another fan, right?

Xia Yu stopped at another empty road. She looked around and once she was sure that there was no one around, Xia Yu took off her hoodie and handed the clothes to the celebrity. "Wear this." Her eyes were on his checkered shirt. Take off your shirt and throw it away."

Huo Yun Chen hesitated for a few seconds before he listened to her obediently.

As he put on her hoodie jacket, Huo Yun Chen saw that Xia Yu had already thrown his shirt into the nearest trash can.

"They would recognize you if you continue to wear that shirt," Xia Yu told him. "Right. Bent down a little bit."

He lowered his head until they were face to face. His lips curled up slightly when he noticed her surprised look. However, Xia Yu quickly composed herself and stretched her hand to mess up with his hair.

Once she was done, Xia Yu took a step back and looked away. "Take off your watch and keep them in your pocket."


"Your fans recognized the watch you are wearing."

He did not ask a further question and did as he was told. Once he was done, Xia Yu gave him a look over and nodded. "Come with me."

The two walked along the street and encountered two fans.

Noticing their gaze on him, Huo Yun Chen began to tense. Noticing Xia Yu gripping at his wrist tightly, Huo Yun Chen forced himself to calm down.

"Get in." Xia Yu pulled open the door to her car.. Then, she slid into the driver's seat and drive off.

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