500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 600 A Moment With Truth: The Secrets Behind Grace's Arrival

"Yes," I said as I used only one hand to wipe my eyes, cradling my daughter in the other. "I just saw... someone take my daughter!" I exclaimed as I felt a wave roll up my body, and my head started to spin as something forced me to black out. The last thing I saw was Breya grabbing our daughter from my arm and then hearing the girls cry my name out.

"Grace is going to be trouble," Truth said as I sat before him. This time his body was an orb of white light, but it did not hurt my eyes to look into it.

"Was that really necessary? I had gotten three seconds with her, and now you are telling me her name before I even thought of it!" I complained, leaning back and using my arms to prop me up.

"Really? Three seconds was all it took to have you crying like a baby? Or maybe did you see the strong and beautiful woman that she would grow up to be? Or the grandmother? She did something to you the moment that you locked eyes with her, I lost control of you," Truth said, and I lifted an eyebrow.

"Control of me?" I asked dubiously, and the orb brightened briefly.

"You are nothing more than a single cell in my great body. You took my essence, so now I control you. I don't force you to do that many things, and most are purely to keep your story moving. As an immortal, you have a long life ahead of you, but you still have a fragile mind. I keep you moving forward, even after you are broken. So yes, I do control you, but now explain to me what she wanted?" Truth asked at the end of his degrading lecture.

"Why won't you speak to her," I said, and then the orb was a smooth sexless humanoid figure with its face scrunched with concern.

As I was trying to process what was happening, Truth began to speak to me. "You see, my dear friend, I am a being that exists beyond your three-dimensional world. I can perceive time in a way that you cannot. To me, everything that has happened is happening and will happen; it is all occurring simultaneously. This is why I know what has happened to you and why I cannot interfere with the natural order of things."

I was taken aback. "But why won't you speak to my daughter, Grace? She has the ability to perceive things in a fourth-dimensional space, much like you do."

Truth looked at me with a sense of sadness in his eyes. "As much as I would like to speak to your daughter, I cannot. You see, Grace is still bound by the rules of your three-dimensional world. As a newborn, she is still learning how to control her abilities. If I were to speak to her, it could cause irreparable damage to her developing mind. I must let her grow and learn at her own pace, just like any other child."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. I had hoped that Grace would be able to communicate with Truth in a way that I never could. But now I understand that it is not possible.

Truth spoke once more, "Do not worry, my friend. Grace is a special child, and I have no doubt that she will do great things in her life. And who knows, perhaps one day, when she is ready, she will be able to speak with me on her own."

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I felt a sense of comfort in Truth's words. Even though I could not fully comprehend his existence, I had to hope he had my best interests at heart. And with that, he disappeared, leaving me with a newfound understanding of the universe and the beings that inhabit it.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, my head pounding with an intense headache. As my vision cleared, I realized that I was surrounded by Tallia, Eliza, and Destiny, all of them with worried expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You fainted," Tallia said, her voice filled with concern.

"Fainted?" I repeated, trying to recall what had happened. The memories flooded back, and I remembered everything.

I winced as I remembered what Truth had told me about their daughter, Grace. She was alive, but they had to give her up for adoption. I couldn't imagine the pain they must have felt.

"Is everything okay?" Eliza asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded weakly, still trying to process everything. It was then that Breya walked over, carrying the baby they hadn't named yet.

"I know what we should name her," Breya exclaimed, a smile on her face.

"What?" I asked, curious, already knowing her name.

"Grace," Breya said, looking at me, "I want to name her Grace."

"That does sound like it was meant for her, " I said with a smile as I looked at the beautiful little girl in her arms.

"What made you pass out? First, you get a blank look when holding the girl, start crying, and then pass out? What happened to you?" Tallia asked, grabbing my arm, but I put my hand over hers.

"It was nothing to worry about," I said and turned to look at her, wincing one of my eyes that weren't visible to the others. I didn't really think that now was the time to bring this up with everyone else. Truth was not something that everyone needed to know about, or would they even understand what he was even if I explained it a hundred times.

"Well, Maybe you should step outside for a moment and get some fresh air?" Tallia asked, seeming to understand that I didn't want to talk about it.

"I think that I could use some as well," Breya said and looked at Tallia. "Would you like to hold her while I do?"

"I was waiting for you to ask," Tallia said with a warm smile, but Grace started to pull at Breya's shirt, turning her head to put her mouth on Breya's clothed breast.

"What is the cute little alien trying to do?" The Angel asked curiously, and Tallia snorted, waving for me to go.

"I think that she is hungry," Tallia said as I slowly walked to the door.

"What do we feed it?" Breya asked as I held back a snort of laughter.

"We do not feed it, you do, or did you think that your tits have been swollen, hard, and leaking for fun?" Tallia asked, and Breya flinched back in shock as Grace started to make a wet spot on her shirt.

"How did you know that?! What am I supposed to do?! Are you supposed to hold it while I aim and squirt my tits?! That doesn't sound right, and I am not confident in my ability to aim for these big things! Eliza! You must be a better shot than me! Get over here, and help me aim these things!" Breya babbled, but then the thread of Breya's white dress started to unravel just at her breasts, exposing Breya's plump nipple that Grace latched onto.

Breya, of course, started to scream that the alien was attacking her, but I left before I had to hear any more crazy ramblings. She was one of the only women that would be getting pregnant that didn't understand what it even meant to be pregnant or raise a child.

The moment that I got outside, a portal opened beside me, and Goldy walked out with a big smile.

"So, I peaked in just now, and that angel looks like she is going to have her hands full!" My dwarven goddess laughed as she walked through the portal and gave me a hug, and I scooped her up, spinning around with her in my arms.

"Yes! It is pretty funny to watch, and I am sure there are going to be more memorable moments than any of us can count. It is also not like Breya isn't going to have endless help. I don't have access to the vine that you all talk on, but I can guess that it is a fire right now with talk about the baby," I smiled as I set Goldy back down, and she nodded.

"That is to say for sure! I have blocked it out while inside the city because it is nothing but crazy conversations about just what is going to come out of the egg. I am sure that many of them are going to have the same reaction as Breya, but I know that they will all find little Grace irresistible!" Goldy laughed, and I nodded, but then she looked up at me. "You are hiding something, though, right? I saw your eyes go out of focus when you looked at your daughter, and then you passed out."

"That is just from me working too hard. The other thing is not something that anyone has to worry about," I said, and Goldy gave me a look.

"That does not sound very convincing," She replied, and I shrugged.

"There is no need for anyone else to worry about the small things. There are enough things that I can talk to you all about," I said, and then forced open five other pinhole portals, causing the goddesses that made them fall out.

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