500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 601 A Reunion And A Promise Of The Future: Galio Visits Mishal

Once the Draconia, Titania, Orchalla, Nya, and Giantessa picked themselves off the ground, I was assaulted with questions about what Grace looked like and everything else they could think of asking. As they all talked, I noticed that the conversation was less about my daughter and more about what kind of future she could have. They were all so excited for her and wanted to see just how strong and powerful she would become.

I couldn't help but think back to Truth's words as I listened to their chatter. He had said that she would do great things in her life, and for a moment, I was filled with a deep sense of peace. No matter what happened, I knew that she now had an incredible support system, one that would never leave her side.

That made me wonder about this world and the time I had left in it. How long would that be? How long would I have with Grace and any other children I would have in the future?

I hadn't really considered what would happen after I defeated Kadeon. I knew that I was going to have to defeat Angelios as well and then chase after Apocolios and Helios, but the real question was how fast I had to move on to the next layer? Was I going to be forced to move on as soon as I won, or was I going to be able to move at my own pace?

"Galio? We are going to go inside. Do you want to come with me?" Goldy asked, touching my arm and pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I am going to go take a quick check on things, and then I will come to join you all," I said, and the women all nodded as I opened a portal to Mishal.

I had not talked to her since rescuing her from Kira, and I had yet to update her on what had happened. Kira was back out walking among the Easterners, and she was with the two gate guards. They all waved at me and walked over as I let the portal close behind me.

"It has been awhile, Galio. I wasn't sure when I was going to see you again, and thank you for everything you have done for me," Mishal said as she came over and gave me a hug.

I returned it and patted her head, which was covered in black dreadlocks. When she looked up at me, I smiled down at her, the blue bolts of lightning still shining bright on her cheeks.

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"I am sorry that it took so long for me to come and see you," I said, but Mishal shook her head.

"You are a busy person and not really the kind that has time to be dealing with everyone. I am just glad that you were able to help me as you did, and I heard that Kira and the others have been charged and shipped out. That is more than I could have asked for, and I am just glad that no other girls are going to have to go through the same things that I did," Mishal explained, and I nodded as I let her go.

"Good to hear," I said and then looked around. "So, how are things going with the Easterners?" I asked since I hadn't really got the chance to finish dealing with their problem.

"The Peekaan are starting to treat them a bit better now, and a few have even moved back to Brama, so I guess that is a start, but most of us are getting ready to move to the other side of the wall then the city changes. I heard that you are going to be doing something like what you did in Torrain, right?" Mishal asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just have some things in the Underworld that I am dealing with right now, but I am just taking a two-day break for the birth of my first daughter," I said, and Mishal's eyes lit up.

"That is right! I heard that the angel was going to be having a strange-looking woman, but I have been forced to block out the Vine for the last two days because it has been like an angry hornet's nest in there. Women have been getting into heated debates over what exactly was going to come out of the egg. Considering that nothing but another woman has ever come out of these eggs, it has got everyone buzzing with questions!" Mishal laughed, and I joined her.

"You should have seen Breya's face! I think this whole experience is going to rock this world to its very core, and no one is ever going to be the same!" I laughed, but then Mishal gave me a curious look.

"Do you think that there will ever be more like you, or are you going to be the only one of your kind? You know, with a growth?" Mishal asked, and I stopped laughing.

"You know, I hadn't really thought about that. I suppose after I fix everything, I could bring some males to this world, but I would almost be scared at what it might do. On the one hand, it would give more variety, but on the other hand, that would be inviting chaos into the world," I said, scratching at my head.

This was something that I had given little to no thought to, and it made me wonder if that would be a good idea in the future. This world was not perfect, and there was already violence and other horrible things going on. Would it be smart to bring men into this world? And if I did, who would I bring? How would I pick men that would be good for this world?

The real question was if I was even willing to share it? While I wasn't really the greedy type, I had connections to all of these women, even if it wasn't sexual. Each one of the women in this world had interacted with me in one of my lives, and thoughts of bringing in men didn't sit well with me. That was confusing because I didn't seem to care if the women messed around with each other.

"That is a hard thing to say. I feel like it might mess up the ecosystem of this world, but what I might do is offer to take women that want to other worlds once I have secured them. From there you can meet others like me, and decide if you want to live there. Still, this is a long way away, and it is something that I really haven't put a lot of thought into. I will talk with the other goddesses in the future about this and let you know what we come up with, okay?" I asked, and Mishal smiled.

"That is more than I could ask. I just feel safe in your arms, and after everything with Kira, I don't know if I can feel that way with a woman," She said, rubbing her arms, and I nodded, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Take your time, and I will look into this," I said, and then looked at the guards that were still waiting. "I think that I owe you two an apology," I said with a grin, and the women gave me a strange look, but then both of them jumped back as I transformed into my white cat form.

"Ha! Look at that!" Brenda, the gate guard, laughed. "I told you there was something wrong with that cat! See, Sarah?! I told you that there is no way that could have been a normal cat!"

"I already knew who it was from the beginning and told Senna as much. She told me not to tell you, so we could squeeze as much as we could out of you after, or at least that is what Senna told us," Sarah, the other gate guard, said with a grin, and Brenda whirled on her.

"You mean that you knew the entire time?! How?!" Brenda demanded, and Sarah snorted as I saw the pink hair of a familiar face.

"Galio!" Sakura cried out as she came over and ran into my arms, giving me a big hug. This was turning into more of a reunion than I had planned, but it was still nice to see everyone. It was also giving all the goddesses some time to meet my daughter before I headed back and took her all for myself.

I was holding myself back right now so everyone could get a chance to see Grace. I knew that all my goddesses were excited to see my little girl, but after I was done with my short rounds, Grace, Breya, and I was going to spend some alone time together.

"Well, I hate to cut this short, but I have some other stops that I have to make before I get back to my newborn," I said, letting go of Sakura and then looking over at the guards. "Make sure that you both are free on the day of the festival, and I will treat you to a full day with me, okay?"

"Really? Now that sounds like a good time!" Brenda laughed, but Sarah shook her head.

"You can take Brenda to do that, but I would like to be taken on a romantic date after... I can pick that, right?" Sarah asked, and I smirked.

"Yeah, I have no problem with that. I assume that Senna told you to ask that?" I asked, but Sarah shook her head again.

"No, she just told me that I could ask for anything that I wanted, and that is what I would like," She said, and I nodded.

"Sounds good to me!"

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