A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 288: Its not you

288 It's not you

Jin Yue had just come back from the office where he had been working himself off in order to stop thinking about her, he had finished taking a shower and was about to go to bed when Liling's call came in.

''Which bar? ''

''Zi Ying Bar ''

''Okay, I'll be there in a minute. ''

Jin Yue disconnected the call and immediately changed into a casual wear, picking up his phone, he left the house.

He never thought that he would be able to come close to her again, after that night he thought that it was indeed over for the both of them, who would have thought that luck would shine on him again.

When Jin Yue arrived, he called Liling and she showed him to where Xin Yong was lying sprawled out on the table.

As he approached the table, his heart beat rapidly against his chest. There were about three empty bottles of wine on the table and a cup of glass still filled.

''Did she drink all of that? ''

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He turned to ask Liling, his brows creased worriedly.

''Yeah, she was really sad; she wanted something to take her mind off… off you. ''

Jin Yue shook slightly as the thought that she was in that situation because of him drifted into his mind. He immediately turned to stare at the figure on the chair.

If she came here to drink because of him, she still loved him, right?

Why then did she end things with him?

''She said she couldn't go back to you, because she was afraid of getting hurt, again.''

Liling answered immediately as though she had read his mind.

Jin Yue's head fell slowly as his heart clenched bitterly.

How much damage has he done to her?

After being quiet for a while, he summoned courage and walked towards the table;

Bending down a little and placing one hand under her legs and the other on her around her waists, he lifted her up bridal style;

He walked in front while Liling picked their bags and phones, and settled the bill, before following behind.

As Jin Yue stepped outside, the cold breeze hit their skin and Xin Yong shivered.


She murmured, wrapping her hands around his neck and snuggling deeper into his chest. Jin Yue froze instantly, his feet stopped moving.

He cautiously moved his gaze to stare at her face; her eyes were still closed and she looked very calm.

How long had he prayed to be able to hold her like this? How much he wished to touch her again; even though it was for a split second, he didn't mind, he was okay.\

He had never imagined that she would hug him again, so at that moment, even though it was involuntarily, he was glad_ extremely glad.

After a few seconds of staring at her face, he continued walking towards his car; when he approached; he opened the passenger's car door and gently placed her inside.

Liling said as Jin Yue closed the door.

He nodded briefly. Now he thought about it; he had even forgotten about her parents; they would never want to see him anywhere near their daughter again.

He turned to look at Xin Yong who was sitting inside his car, a breeze of sadness washed through him.

If he could stop the hands of time at that moment, he would, to be able to stare at her forever, without thinking of the hurdles between them, but sadly it wasn't possible.

In the next few minutes, she would be home and he would be nowhere near her, this could be the last time he would see her like this, the last time she would sit in his car and probably

the last time he would touch her again.

Before she ended things between them, he had thought that she would forgive him and come back to him, so he hadn't been attentive to their lasts, but now he was given another chance, he was going to cherish every bit of it.

Dragging his feet to the other side, he sat down and started the ignition, after waiting for Liling to enter her car; he drove out of the parking lot.

''Jin Yue…''

Jin Yue nearly swerved into another lane when Xin Yong whispered his name, his heart almost jumped out of its cage from how fast it was banging.

He instantly turned to look at her; her eyes were still closed but her brows were creased and she looked really sad.

They were at a red light, so Jin Yue stopped the car and continued staring at her carefully. She looked as though she was struggling within her; she seemed tensed and although he didn't have any right to, he couldn't stop his hand from reaching over and pushing some strands of hair behind her ear.

As his hands touched her skin, she shivered a little. After tucking in her hair, Jin Yue traced her face slowly as he engraved every inch of her feature in his mind.

Jin Yue lost himself staring at her that he did not notice when the green lights came back on and the cars behind started honking.

Coming back to his senses, he withdrew his hand to continue driving.

The loud honks aroused Xin Yong and her eyes fluttered open, she stared straight on the road for some time as though trying to remember how she got there, after some seconds, she turned to look at the driver.

''Jin Yue? …''

She said in a whisper and Jin Yue froze for a few seconds. Summoning a great deal of courage, he turned to look at her.

''Is that you? ''

She said again, this time her eyes were misty,

Jin Yue was quiet; he couldn't bring himself to respond.

''No, it's not you, Jin Yue cannot be here, I ended things with him already. ''

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