A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 289: An Extra

289 An Extra

She was still drunk…

Jin Yue heaved a sigh of relief as he realized that she was still drunk and could not recognize him; at least he could use the opportunity to ask her the questions which had been on his mind.

''Are you crying? '' Jin Yue asked worriedly, when he noticed her wiping her eyes,

Xin Yong shook her head vehemently; ''No, why would I cry, I'm just teary, that's all, maybe because of the alcohol ''

She tried to cover up but it seems even her tear glands were against her, at that moment, she began crying the more.

Jin Yue felt a sharp pain in his heart that he could barely breathe. He wanted to stop the car that instant and comfort her but he couldn't; in doing so, he might give himself away.

''I'm sorry ''

He said after sometime; Xin Yong chuckled dryly;

''You don't need to be, you didn't do anything wrong…''

Jin Yue bit his lower lip sadly; she didn't deserve anything she got, why would he be the one to cause her so much pain? Just why!

''Do you still love him that much? ''

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He asked after a while; she retracted her gaze from the window and turned to look at him;

''You see that's the craziest part! He hurt me so much, he made me lose my baby, almost made me run mad, but after all this, I still love him… no, I never stopped loving him. ''

Jin Yue froze for a few seconds; he hadn't understood how deeply in love she was with him until this moment;

''Why can't you forgive him, he's truly sorry. ''

Xin Yong sighed sadly;

''I know, and it hurts the more. If he wasn't sorry, it would have been easier to forget him but knowing that he wants me back but I can't just go back to him, is really heart rending. I can't go back, no matter how much I want to be with him, I just can't.

What if something worse happens and we break up again? Will I be able to forgive myself?''

She stopped talking, after a few seconds she continued.

''And I can't be the only one pushing, I know he wants me back, but he can't just have me back by just pleading? I've gone through a lot and if he really wants me back, he needs to prove it…''

Jin Yue's eyes brightened;

''Hold on, you mean, if he proves that he really wants you back, you would go back to him? ''

Jin Yue's heart was thumping loudly against his chest at that moment. He had thought he had lost her forever, but now there was a slither of hope.

Xin Yong sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hands;

''Maybe… but that's not possible anymore. Since he hadn't done anything to prove that, it means he doesn't love me as much, maybe it is better this way, we'll all go our separate ways, right? ''

Jin Yue tried to explain himself; he couldn't bear to know that she thought he didn't love her much.

Although he had been driving like a snail, sadly, her house appeared in front of him.

''Mmm… how would you know that? Oh, that's my house! Thank you for bringing me back safely, although I don't know you. You're a niiiccee guy…''

She said whilst opening the car; Jin Yue hurried over to the other side and helped her out.

''Oh wow, the world is spinning; I didn't know the world could spin! Look at that! ''

Jin Yue couldn't help smiling, this was the first time he was seeing her drunk. She must have drunk too much.

Liling alighted from the car and walked towards them;

''I'll help her in…''

Jin Yue nodded and reluctantly let her go.

''Oh you look familiar, are you my best friend? ''

Xin Yong asked as Liling came to support her;

''Yes, Xin Yong, I'm your best friend and you're so drunk! Hope you wouldn't wake up with a headache!''

''Mmm… bye stranger, it was nice talking to you. ''

Xin Yong said as Liling led her into the house. When Liling heard that, she paused and turned to look at Jin Yue.

He shook his head and she smiled;

It was good, if she couldn't recognize him that meant that she wouldn't get skinned the next day.

When Liling returned after getting Xin Yong safely to her room; Jin Yue was leaning in front of his car. She came to stand beside him.

''It seems she couldn't recognize you…''


Jin Yue replied, after some seconds of thinking, he asked;

''Liling, what do you think I can do to get her back? ''

She turned to look at him;

''Well, if I would say, she wouldn't just come back to you; you need to do an extra…''

Liling stopped to think for a moment;

''… Jin Yue, for Xin Yong to come back to you, ''

She turned to look at him as she thought of something, shock written all over her face;

''You need to die. ''

Jin Yue made sure that Liling arrived at the hotel safely before he left for his home but not before phoning Liu Wei to apologize for keeping Liling out for so long. When Liling arrived in the penthouse; Liu Wei was sitting in the parlor, looking worried.

Although Liling had called later on to tell him that she would not be coming back soon, he still couldn't help being worried.

When the doors opened and she stepped in, he sat upright on the couch.

''Baby, I'm really sorry, Xin Yong was drunk and I had to get her back home, Jin Yue came too.''

Liling said as she trudged over to where he was sitting on the couch.

''I've been waiting for you…''

''I know I'm sorry! ''

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