A Gorgeous White

Chapter 163: Leaving and Returning

Chapter 163: Leaving and Returning

The days that passed were calm and peaceful. With the presence of the three foreign guests dwelling in their land, the tribesmen could not helo but feel safe. Even the toughest of their warriors would agree. However, they know that they could not stay for too long. Like others, they had a home to return to. Friends and families to reunite with. And the chief would do everything in his power to aid their return.

It was then that Moulin knew Hadrian and Ordan, who was fully healed, were going to set off to search for a rare herb that would remove the poison in their blood. They would be accompanied by the tribe healer during the search. Perhaps their return would take a couple of days for they were going to venture into the most dangerous parts of the forests.

"You can't bring me with you?" Moulin furrows his brows. He was currently watching Hadrian as the man sheathed his sword in his scabbard. He was already dressed for the journey that would begin after a couple of hours. The dawning skies began to brighten.

"You have to stay here and wait in our stead." Hadrian gently palmed the youth's cheek. There was absolute reluctance in those deep golden eyes. He wanted to take Moulin with him but the dangers that would await them could not make Hadrian promise him a peaceful journey. With serious yet a soft gaze,  Hadrian spoke. "At any day our people will be able to know our location. The conveyer band has been activated. If we don't return within three days, we need someone to wait here and receive them."

"Does it have to be me?" Moulin narrowed his eyes. A feeling of suspicion layered those silvery pupils. "If you're afraid that I'm going to get just during the trip, you don't have to worry. I can take care of myself."

Hadrian sighs. Slowly, he lifted Moulin's left arm. The arm that had caused the youth painful experiences. "These marks in your arm will hinder you in the search. It is unpredictable. There would be a possibility that it will trigger during a dangerous situation." Hadrian slightly caressed Moulin's cheek. "Do you understand what I mean?" His voice was soft and coaxing.

"... Yes." Moulin lowers his gaze. He could not refute Hadrian's words. It was true that the marks on his arm would probably cause him trouble if he were to join Hadrian in the search. Moulin felt reluctance in his heart but he concedes to Hadrian's choice. He knew it was for his own good.

Hadrian faintly smiles at his hesitant response. Pulling the youth in his arms, he kissed Moulin's forehead. With his lips on the crease on his beloved's forehead, he whispered. "I will return. You must stay safe... "

"I'm still not happy about this..." Moulin muttered. His forehead rested on the man's sturdy chest. "At least take Snow with you so that I will be at ease..."

"You don't trust me with my safety?" 

"Sometimes I feel that you'll act recklessly..." 

Hadrian chuckled, "Why am I accused of being the reckless one?"

"Because I feel like you would turn stupid for my sake... You saved me so many times even disregarding your own life." 

Hadrian felt slender arms wrap around his body. Moulin hugged him tightly as if he afraid of letting go of the man. Golden eyes soften at the sight. "I know you would do the same thing for me as well... "

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"Ugh..." Moulin groaned as he hugged the man tighter. "Just... take Snow with you. Or else I will not allow you to even step foot outside this house."

With a chuckle, Hadrian gave in to Moulin's condition. Both of them spent the next few hours of bantering and embracing each other. When the sun's scorching gaze fell on the land, Moulin watched as Hadrian and the others left the tribe. Their figures disappeared into the forest before his eyes. Silently, he prayed for their safety with a lowered head.

Recalling Snow's reluctant whining before leaving with Hadrian, a smile appeared on Moulin's face and he decided to spend the rest of the day comforting Keir who sullenly watched his little friend leave. 

Carrying Keir in his arms, Moulin walked with Seryu as they returned to the village. 

"They will be fine... Our healer is the best in our tribe." Seryu spoke to comfort the young man who was silently walking with him. "Your companions are the toughest people I know. They will probably return without a scratch on their bodies." 

Moulin smiled at the man's way of cheering him up. Yes, perhaps there was nothing to worry about. Hadrian and Ordan were both the most formidable warriors in Aurona. Moulin should trust that they would come back safely and healthy. 

The warm wind came to greet his smile. In his heart was the reluctant passion that sits quietly awaiting Hadrian's return. 


It was the second day since Hadrian and the others left the tribe. Moulin busies himself with the wonderful life with the tribesmen. It was calm and peaceful. But in his heart, he wished time was faster. 

Although he felt quite uninterested in the affairs of the tribe, he wanted to help them. From farming to helping with the difficulties with the chief's decisions. The female nagas welcomed him with smiles as they taught him what should be done to keep your man on a leash by your side. Surprisingly, he found out the females were the dominant ones in the relationships. He felt slightly uncertain when they began to involve him in exchanging tips in bed matters. 

He could not erase it from his mind the thought that male nagas would have two members instead of one. He could feel a blush creep into his face as he begged them to change the subject. The females giggled at his cute response and began to tease him even more.

Under the afternoon sky, the air was warm as it caressed Moulin's clothed arms. 


Moulin smiles as the little wolf ran around his feet. Bending his stomach, he reached out and carried Keir in his arms as his steps headed to Seryu's home.

When he arrived, he called Seryu's name before a response came from inside. His fingers parted the curtains and he entered slowly. Silver eyes were expectantly bright as they roamed the whole area, searching for the young naga. 

However, his movements froze when his eyes found someone else instead. A familiar elderly naga sits on the wooden stump beside a stone table. She faces Moulin with a warm smile and with blank eyes.

Keir jumped down from Moulin's arms. His little paws scurried around the rugs on the ground and pawing the little cushions the little beast would find. Moulin acknowledges the elder's presence with a bow before he stepped inside the abode.

"Moulin!" Seryu emerged from the partitions at the other side of the room. He was carrying a box full of small carefully carved wooden cups. "You're here!"

"Yes... If you are occupied perhaps I could help-"

"No, no, it's alright. Just-Just wait for me here! I'll be back shortly." He said, flustered when Moulin was about to leave. " This is my elder, Safriya. She'll keep you company. Just stay here, I'll be back!" He then left the house in a hurry. Keir jumped back, frightened by the naga's abrupt movements. 

Moulin blinked as silence once again descended within the room. Silver eyes glanced at the elder female who was staring at him with those ominously white pupils. A sudden feeling of uneasiness washes over his body. Why was she staring at him like that? Does she want to say something to him again?

Whatever it was, Moulin didn't want to hear it. With a sigh, he decided to wait for Seryu outside...

"That man who's always by your side..." Safriya started. She lifted her chin to face Moulin. "He was the one who caused the storm, isn't it?"

Moulin narrowed his eyes. "... Why do you believe so?"

She smiled in delight when Moulin responded. "The energy around him tells me so. And it tells me it was because of you that the storm had calmed... Quite a pair you two are..."

"No, it wasn't because of me... he overcomes it himself..." Moulin corrected.

"Child... it is only you who could smother the flames of that poor man's heart. Bonded ones tend to influence each other... The person who can save him is you and the one who saves you will be him. Always..." She closes her eyes as affectionately stares down at the bracelet of braided hair around her wrist. She stares as if she could see.  "Dangerous things come in your way... you will have to be careful..."


The look on her face was similar to a person who had lost someone precious. The sorrowful look in her eyes had a tint of devotion and longing. 

"I... understand..." 

The scene made him remember his mother. The ache in his heart returned and he clenched his fists as he respectfully bowed to the elder, Safriya.

The pain in her eyes was unmistakable. Moulin had often wondered how she had always spoken about bonds and souls. Perhaps it was because she had treasured it... and lived its pain.


The curtains of the entrance were yanked open. Seryu huffed as he grinned when he saw that Moulin had not left and stayed for him. Happiness swelled in his chest and he greeted Safriya before escorting Moulin outside. 

With one last glance at the elder within Seryu's abode,  Moulin left the house.

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