A Gorgeous White

Chapter 164: I Found You

Chapter 164: I Found You

Scales scratched the surface of the dusty earth. The heavy weight and the strong muscle of the creature's tail gave a crawling movement. The youthful Seryu, with a giddy smile on his sweaty face, brought Moulin to a place most unfamiliar to Moulin. 

A wide area beside the river where the cool wind rollicks merrily. There were groups of naga children, sitting on the grassy earth. Their attention solely to the man in front of them. A few adults were engrossed in their work by the river while they converse occasionally. 

Why was be brought here?

"This is where we teach the children how to use the mana shells. I thought you were probably curious about how we utilize those shells so I wanted to show you how..."

Seryu grinned as he approached one of the men holding a basket of the shells and brought one to Moulin. The youth scrutinized the half-human creature curiously. Green serpentine eyes were bright and expectant. As if wishing to obtain praise or seek closure. Nevertheless, Moulin thought it was cute and slightly childish. 

Taking the seashell from Seryu's hand, he lifted it above, concealing the sun with it. A bright halo of line outlined the edges of the shell and the interior was much more ethereal looking. A myriad of colors sparkled like glass. Each shell appeared to be different from the other and one thing was certain. The shells seem to be used as how a mana crystal could be used...

The merfolk tribe must be wealthy with these.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Seryu stared at Moulin with sparkling eyes.

"Yes... it is..." Moulin lowered the shell and held it in front of his face. His words were adoring. Silver eyes curiously assessing the shell.

Seryu smiled at his response. Then as if something caught his eyes, he shifted his gaze. Looking past Moulin. "Look, it has begun..." 

Silver strands fluttered in the air when Moulin turned his head. He followed the naga's gaze. Fixing on the group of children holding their shells between their hands. Their eyes were closed and their figures were still as they listened to their teacher's teachings. The adults by the river bank stopped their work and watched the younglings.

The wind growing somehow strong and the grass beneath them swayed with elegance.

Everyone was silent. The onlookers along with Moulin watched with anticipation.

Suddenly, a rich green glow could be seen within the little shells in each of the children's hands. It was faint but it was proved the children's concentration. Opening their eyes, joy erupted within them as they witnessed the fruition of their focus. 

Giggles and proud smiles appeared on their faces as they began to show their parents their success.

Intrigue filled Moulin eyes and he yanked his gaze away from the delighted youngsters and stared at the shell between his fingers. "How interesting..."

Suddenly, the children were led towards the river. Excitement filled their childish faces as they began to race with each other. Their teacher stopped when they were at the edge of the river and carefully instructed them to use the activated shells to form arrange stones vertically with ease. He performed first as an example to the little ones. Shells glowing within his hands, he lifted his other hand and the large stones by the river began to roll as if they were pulled by a magnetic force. It was fast and precise. The smooth rocks were stacked like an unyielding towering pillar of smooth pebbles. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Admiration filled the children's eyes and the adults chuckled from their expressions. 

The shell within the teacher's grasp began to dissipate into fine white dust and was swept by the wind. Turning into a sprinkle of glittering dust under the bright light of the sun.

"Amazing..." Moulin slightly narrows his eyes. Fascination shapes his expression. Eyes wide with amazement and the urge to try it himself became great. 

"I know." Seryu nodded proudly. "The shells dissolve once it is used. That is why my people treat it valuably. The merfolk attaches great importance to these shells. Thus, the alliance of the merfolk tribe and my tribe is significant to us. Although we are not blessed with strange abilities, we are gifted to use mana nevertheless."

"Gifted or not, the strength each of us needs lies only within ourselves... " Moulin faintly smiles as he glanced at Seryu. "You should be proud..."

"I am" Seryu beamed at him. "Come, why don't you try it with us, I can teach you!"

"Can I?" Moulin widened his eyes. Although he looked calm, his heart beat rapidly at the opportunity.

"Of course! There wouldn't be anyone suitable than you!"

Silver eyes brightened and the youth hastily followed Seryu towards the riverbank. Seryu and Moulin's figures were instantly the center of attention the moment they approached the river. The children curiously watched the youth with dazzling white hair and silver eyes. The pretty creature was standing not far away from them and they could not help but keep their eyes on him. Even the teacher was enthralled. 

Seryu said a few words to them while Moulin fiddled with the little shells with his dainty fingers. When Seryu faced him, Moulin immediately stares at him patiently, awaiting for instructions. The young naga felt strange as he witnessed the expectant eyes of the beautiful person beside him. Shyness crept inside his chest and a faint blush painted his cheeks. 


"W-well, Uhh... first you have to... concentrate and close your eyes. F-feel the energy flow i-inside you and..."

Seryu's instructions were jumbled as the young naga kept stuttering. However, Moulin caught the gist of it. The problem was if he was able to control his mana even with the poison dwelling inside him. Moulin mulled over this for a few significant minutes before confronting Seryu about it.

"That... I am not certain of the possibility but perhaps you can try it out first? " Seryu suggested.

"Hmm... I'll try..." Moulin muttered. He cheers himself up and begins to close his eyes. His breaths, steady and his form, still. Picturing the flow of his mana inside his body, the crease between his brows relaxed 

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...


1 minute...


Moulin opened his eyes. Disappointment etched his expression. "It doesn't work..."


A glow of bright green was reflected within those silver pupils. Its light caressed the youth's tender cheek like a gentle kiss. Lips parted as the youth lifted his gaze where a glowing seashell was handed to him within little fingers. It was a naga child with a bright smile on his face. The innocence in those eyes warmed Moulin's heart and he could not help but remember Phuna. 

With a soft smile, Moulin accepted the activated seashell from the child's hand. "Thank you..."

"Your welcome!" The child grinned at him. Eyes forming into moon-like crescents. Happiness and shyness could be perceived from the little one's expression. 

Suddenly, the child turned his head to Seryu and stuck out his tongue teasingly. Seryu frowned irritably.

With a proud smile, the naga child quickly went to his friends with a flushed face. He began to boast his actions to his friends who pouted in envy.

Sighing, Seryu hid his already activated shell that he wanted to give to Moulin and explained. "An activated shell could also be used not only by the user but by others as well."

"Oh" Moulin stared at the shells curiously. It looked even more beautiful when it glows. However, it was no longer the color of bright emeralds, instead, it emitted a pure white light that seemed to dazzle under the daylight. It must've recognized my mana...

"Why don't you try-"

Seryu's words were interrupted when flecks of white particles exploded in front of his face. A cold breeze danced around him making him wrap his arms around his body and shiver. The children and the rest of the people gasped in awe as they marveled at the sight of a flurry of snow swirling like a tornado of petals. The wind was cold against their bare skin but it wasn't strong enough to make them freeze. 

The colorful dance of snow in the air began to attract more people. However, Moulin was too distracted by his work. Silver eyes gleamed with delight as they stared at the sight of snow. How he missed it... that beautiful color of pure white.

When he let the snow disperse in the air, the snowflakes fluttered gently around them. Melting at the touch of their skin, turning into tiny drops.

The shell within Moulin's hand dissolves and it was carried by the wind. Sprinkling unto the crystalline water.

Seryu looked at Moulin and his gaze was more profound. Such a beautiful sight was created by this stunning creature who saved his life. He swallowed as he felt a strange feeling in his heart. Pressing his lips together, his gaze softened on the youth. 

"That was beautiful..." 

Moulin smiled as he turned his gaze to Seryu. The look in his eyes was gentle and filled with delight. "Thank y- Ah!"

Suddenly, something pushed him into the waters. With a startled gasped, Moulin turned around. Drenched and shocked.


Keir stared at Moulin happily. He was tilting his head, looking like he didn't know what he had done. He was sitting on the grass, happily.

"Keir!" Moulin frowned. 

Tsk, this little- He knew it was a bad idea for Snow to be around this little pup! Snow's bad side has already tainted this adorable little beast with his mischief! 


The sound of laughter erupted around Moulin. The children giggled as they watched the scene with bright eyes. And not long after, everything turned into a game of pushing everyone in the water. The children happily splashed water on each other and even bravely splashed on Moulin playfully. Moulin could not help but shake his head and join the fun. 

Seryu wanted to stop them but instead, he was turned into the most hateful victim in the water. He could only endure and accept the playful splashed of water on his face with a sigh.



"Don't move. I'm still angry at you..." Moulin glared at keir who was forced to sit still on the grass to wait for Moulin.

The game ended shortly when the teacher finally called them. Bading goodbye to Moulin, the children reluctantly left with the teacher. 

"Are you going to join us for a meal?" Seryu asked out of the blue when he saw that there was no one left within the area.

"Perhaps later..." Moulin responded with a smiled as he squeezed the water out of his hair. 

"Oh..." Seryu bowed his head disappointingly. Then he lifted his gaze, "Then I will wait for you back in the house..."


Watching Seryu's departing back, Moulin turned around and continued to dry himself. The clothes had clung to his body almost seductively and Moulin had to coil the fabric of his front and squeeze the water out.

The air was warm and the sun was hidden behind the thick clouds in the sky. A smiled adorned the youth's face as he closed his eyes and stared at the sky. The refreshing air made him feel at ease. 

If only the days were like these... he would spend it with Hadrian...


Moulin's eyes snapped open. An ominous feeling suddenly crept up his spine. Lowering his gaze, his breathing stopped.

Shock and alarm filled his eyes as he stared at the person standing silently at the other side of the river.

Those blood-red eyes and that huge build. The massive blade strapped behind his back. The scars were hideous on his serious countenance.

The horned man who placed the curse on his arm was staring at him with a perilous gaze.

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