A Gorgeous White

Chapter 203: Lord Hendrick Hercullio

Chapter 203: Lord Hendrick Hercullio

The clicks of their heels filled Moulin's ears. At the moment, he felt as though it was all that he could hear. However, his heart also thundered, and his pupils slightly quivered as he lowered his gaze. He was staring at his footsteps as he walks and occasionally glancing at the man walking by his side.

The walk was not long before they arrived in the main hallways, where servants had gradually appeared with bowed heads as they passed by them. Moulin saw no fear in their eyes this time; instead, there was the presence of reverence and adoration. As though they were encountering a God. 

At last, they arrived before two humongous doors. They were carved exquisitely with fine wood and gold. Two servants awaited their arrival. Their expressions were indifferent, but their eyes were kind and curious as they opened the doors for the Lord and his guest. With a smooth creak, the dining area was revealed. A long table, filled with scrumptious delicacies, seemed similar to the ones in Moulin's but longer and more elegant. Rows of excellently carved chairs of dark wood lined at the sides of the table. And maids stood a bit farther from the table, at the tall windows, which revealed the soft glow of gold of the sunset. 

A man sat at the single seat at the end of the table. Moulin immediately tried to calm himself as Hadrian led him to his seat. 

"Ah, at last, we can eat!" The Older man exclaimed as he settled back on his seat.

It was the man's eyes that first caught Moulin's attention. Pure gold. His hair was of pale blonde. He was a big man, and the wrinkles on his face didn't reveal his wearing sat all. Instead, he appeared bright and elegant. Suddenly, his gaze locked on Moulin, and the youth always stopped in his tracks if it wasn't for Hadrian placing a hand on Moulin's back.

He must be Hadrian's grandfather. Moulin slightly furrowed his brows. 'I pictured him more serious and cold like his grandson, but this is more than alright.'

"Ah..." Grandfather Hercullio raised his brows as he gazed at the white-haired lad gently led by his grandson. Never in all his years did he imagine Hadrian being gentle and concern with someone else. The sight sparked hope in his heart, and he became even more joyful. He fixed himself on his seat as he waited for the two to come nearer.

"Grandfather..." Hadrian said as he and Moulin stopped before him.

"It is good to see you again finally. I thought I would have to spend another month without seeing your face. Thankfully, you returned just in time." Hendrick Hercullio grinned. Then he turned to face the captivating young man before him. "And this is?"

"My name is Moulin, Milord." Moulin bowed slightly. "Of the Grand Fraunces nobility."

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The older man stiffened. The grip on his goblet tightened as his eyes widened once Moulin mentioned his family's name. He could not suppress the alarm in his eyes as he turned to Hadrian. 

Hadrian only nodded at his grandfather as he pulled a chair for Moulin. Moulin disregarded the shock of Lord Hendrick's face as he made himself comfortable in his seat at the right side of Hendrick Hercullio.

"Child..." Lord Hendrick's smile fell. He gazed at Moulin. "Do you know?"

Moulin only nodded, deeply understanding what the older mean was meaning to say. With his response, the Lord fell into silence. Worry layered his golden eyes as he glanced at his son.

'Was I too confident and arrogant?' Moulin felt anxiety kicks inside his head. He could not help but look at Hadrian, who had taken the vacant seat across him besides his grandfather. The man only gave him a gentle look as though telling Moulin that he was doing alright. Moulin felt ease slip into his heart. 

Servants came to pour wine in their master's cups and served their food. All the while, grandfather Hercullio kept observing every action and reaction from the youth at his left. Moulin appeared even more interesting and intriguing in his eyes. There no arrogance, nor was there conceit in those bright silver eyes. The gazes the two young men gave each other before his eyes were filled with warmth and passion. It made him feel like he was intruding in a couple's intimate time. Indeed, his grandson picked a strangely unique creature. 

Despite the horrid past between their families, both of them were calm and at ease within each other's comforting gaze.

"Child, is the food to your liking?" Lord Hendrick asked with a faint smile.

Moulin raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Yes, it is, Milord."

"I am glad it is." The older man smiled. His golden eyes gleamed happily. "I wonder how my grandson was able to pluck such an exquisite flower without being hunted by the wasps that guarded it." His eyes turned to Hadrian. His eyes turned suspicious and wary.

"It is a long story, grandfather. The meal is too short for such a story." Hadrian expressionlessly cuts the meat on his plate while he responded.

"I see. Perhaps, is it not because you did not want me to know about it?" The grandfather cocks an eyebrow at his grandson. 'Really, this boy...'

A corner of Hadrian's lips rose; however, he didn't even bother to give a response to his grandfather. Lord Hendrick snorted, and he quickly turned his attention to the youthful man eating silently beside him. There was a soft smile on Moulin's face as he ate. He found the two people's banter strangely humorous.

"Moulin, my dear." Grandfather Hercullio called as he swirled the wine in his cup. "Your presence is a blessing in this meal. Eat more so you will finally best my grandson in bed. I would like to hear how this unfilial grandson of mine would finally yield and submit."

Moulin almost spat the wine in his mouth. He suppressed a choking sound as he stared wide-eyed at the previous patriarch. A red flush spreads throughout his face as he covers his mouth with a table napkin. 

A hearty laugh escaped Lord Hendrick's mouth. Amusement and joy filled his eyes as he glances at his grandson. "Indeed, you have picked an adorable gem. Once again, I applaud your capabilities.

"You flatter me, grandfather." Hadrian eyes his grandfather as concern flashes in his expression for his lover.

Moulin raised a hand to stop Hadrian from getting up from his seat. Instead, he lets a servant refill his cup so he could drown his embarrassment away. Afterwards, they continued their meal. A warm atmosphere continues to surround the area while darkness soon engulfs the entire sky. The warm light emitted by the bright chandeliers brought a feeling of ease and comfort as the three continued their meal.

"Moulin," Grandfather Hercullio called as he warmly gazed at the youth. 

Moulin calmly reveals a faint smile, feeling the worry and nervousness in his heart vanish in mere seconds. He felt at ease as he conversed with the lord. Hadrian didn't seem to want to entertain his grandfather so much. Moulin silently criticizes him for that. Lord Hendrick Hercullio appeared to be a bright and yet a firm person. Moulin had long known about his victories and successes. He was a ruthless yet benevolent general of the Imperial Sentinel Army of Aurona. He was more looked upon than his sons and daughters, even if they were powerful as well.

A grandfather like him made Moulin yearn about what it feels like to have grandparents don't on him as well. Suddenly, his eyes grew sullen. He was reminded of the words from his brothers before they left the Fraunces estate. Longing and sorrow settle in the depth of his heart as he continued to smile and exchange words with Hadrian's grandfather. He was unaware of the intent gaze of the Golden Lord sitting across him. 

"Ah, I only regret my grandson didn't introduce you to me sooner." The patriarch frowns in disappointment, eyeing Hadrian, who hasn't paid attention to him during the whole meal. Tsk, this brat would not even spend a more familial bond with me. Moulin is more lovable than him. Suddenly, a thought pops in his mind. Lord Hendrick faced Moulin, and his face brightens, "Moulin do you have thoughts about marriage?"

Moulin's hands stopped. He blinked as he slowly faces the grandfather, "P-Pardon?"

"Grandfather..." Hadrian finally speaks up. An interview posted gleam flashd in his eyes.

"Bah, I am growing old, and I refuse to perish without holding my great grand child." Lord Hendrick casts a glare at Hadrian before he gently smiles at Moulin. 

Moulin didn't know how to respond. His eyes darted at Hadrian for rescue. 

The man smiled at him. A smile so suspicious Moulin sensed something worse would come out from the man's mouth.

Hadrian turned to his grandfather with a faint smile. "Grandfather... You must be patient. Children are quite hard to conceive. However, we are trying our best."

Moulin gawked. Disbelief marred his face.

Aside from the merry laugh that came from Lord Hendrick's mouth, the servants were silent. Freezing in their places, others coughing, with shocked expressions. They could not believe such words would ever be spoken by their lord. The latter only warmly gazed at Moulin's incredulous expression. 

The youth's silver eyes were wide with astonishment. 

'This... This little prick!' 

Moulin openly glared at Hadrian. He was fearlessly glowering with a sharp gaze. Lord Hendrick and the others were surprised as they took in the fierceness within those eyes. Hadrian openly chuckled as he gazed at Moulin.

An eye twitched. Moulin secretly gritted his teeth, 'This little...'

Suddenly, the doors of the dining hall opened. The three immediately shifted their attention.

The opening doors revealed a feminine figure, garbed with simple yet elegant clothing. A trainer's uniform, Moulin had recognized. 

Crimson red hair and sharp captivating amber eyes. She walked gracefully as a familiar figure towed behind her back. A rapier, hanging on her belt, clinking at every step she makes.

"Heizea..." Lord Hendrick raised his brows as he eyes the young woman. 

"My lords..." She bowed with a smile.

Unconsciously, her eyes falls to the beauteous youth dining with the masters. Her eyes narrow with contempt. Moulin suddenly met her gaze. He observes her expressionlessly. Then his eyes fell on the man behind her-


Moulin slightly narrows his eyes. The familiar stature, those eyes, those... muscles. Moulin's eyes widened once he recognizes the man.


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