A Gorgeous White

Chapter 204: My Call, My Beloved

Chapter 204: My Call, My Beloved

The platter clattered as the servants moved to clear the table. Their every move made them appeared elegant and sound with their work. 

Moulin ignored the others. His silver eyes stared at the man that had served him back in his home. His thoughts scrambled, And suspicion rose from his chest. Why was Alaric here? How did he get here? 

The man wore black clothes. If he would do out in the middle of the night, he was sure to blend in with the darkness. A sword hanged at the side of his waist, and it was the first time Moulin had saw him with bare hands. Generally, in his estate, the servants wore gloves to attend to their masters except in the bath. The scarred, calloused hands laid bare before Moulin's eyes. It was a sign of the decades of swordsmanship. 

Even before his master, Alaric kept his head low, making it difficult for Moulin to determine the emotions in his eyes.

A flash of wariness filled Moulin's eyes as a thought rose from his mind. He shifted his attention to Hadrian, who in turn met his gaze with a questionable smile. 

"Greetings, My Lords" The woman named Heizea slightly bowed her head. Her straight hair of red curtained her back like a waterfall. Afterwards, her eyes stopped as they fall on Moulin. "And honored guest."

"Heizea, why the sudden intrusion?" Lord Hendrick asked. 

Hadrian lifted his gaze, and his eyes began to chill as he looks at the armed lady. Lady Heizea clenches her fists as she lowers her head. "Forgive me; I wouldn't have intruded if it weren't necessary.

Lord Hendrick blinked; he turned his grandson, who nodded to him before rising from his seat. With a sigh, grandfather Hercullio revealed a faint smile at Moulin before he faces Heizea. "Let us somewhere else. I believe the table isn't suitable for such talk."

"Yes, My Lord." She nodded in agreement.

Hadrian made his way to Moulin, who had risen from his seat. There was doubt and confusion in the youth's eyes as he stared at Hadrian. 

Sighing, the lord only held his hand as he spoke, "I will explain everything after I am done. Alaric will lead you back to your room." His eyes deepened. "Wait for me"

Moulin wanted to respond, but Hadrian only squeezed his hand before he pulled away. The youth watches silently as he and the woman named Heizea went to exit the doors. 

"Don't worry, dear." Lord Hendrick smiled. He then turned to face Alaric, "Take care of our guest, Alaric."

"Yes, Milord."

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Moulin was silent as he watches the three walk away. His face was expressionless. 

Alaric led Moulin to the doors, and they ventured to the hallways. Curious gazes and small whispers were thrown at their way, but the pair didn't spare even a glance at the passing servants. 

When they finally entered the quieter part of their hallways, where not a soul could be seen, Moulin suddenly spoke up. 

"You are a spy." 

At those words, Alaric suppressed his guilt, but he didn't deny it. "Yes, young master."

"How long?" Moulin pressed. His voice grew colder and his eyes darker as he spoke. 

Alaric lowered his head. "Two years." 

Moulin's eyelids slightly lowered.

"Hadrian sent you there, didn't he?" Moulin scoffed. The look in his eyes could make anyone want to flee in fear. 

"I cannot tell you the answers you want to hear, young master. Perhaps, it is best if you will ask the lord yourself. I am certain he will tell when he returns."

Moulin clenches his jaw, but he kept silent. He could agree to Alaric's words. He will hear the very end of it from Hadrian's mouth. 

Alaric escorted Moulin before the doors of his quarters. With a bow, he uttered an apology before he closed the doors shut. Finally alone in the confines of his room, Moulin released an exhausted sigh.

He didn't know if it was because of the tiredness of thinking and worrying, or if it was because of his exhausted body, whichever it was, he was tired of it all. His eyes were downcast as he raised a hand to pushed his hair back. Suddenly, Moulin heard a series of little thuds on the floor.


"Woof! Woof!"

The youth turned around, and he is eyes met the sight of a little snow-white fox and a black wolf pup scurrying towards him with glee. A faint smile stretches on Moulin's face. He felt his heart lighten a little as he bent down to pick up Snow and Keir. Slowly, he cradled them in his arms. 

The room he was in was a bit different from the one that he had slept in before. He notices the high ceilings filled with majestic paintings depicting scenes that perhaps had occurred long ago. The room was more significant. It was as if he was entering an emperor's chambers. A vast bed was situated at the wall-like windows of crystal glass. The curtains that served to cover the breathtaking view of the sea and sky were drawn. Expensive furs were laid on the bed, and the floors were layered with exotic rugs.

However, what caught Moulin's attention was the glass cabinets that leaned on the walls. Collections of little wolf figurines and sculptures were lined up on display. For some reason, it suited the room oddly. 

Moulin's steps ceased. He stood thoughtfully. 

Is this... Hadrian's room?


Moulin blinked in surprise when Keir barked. The little wolf struggled, and Moulin could only helplessly put him down along with Snow. "Behave..." He chided before he let them run loose. Snow yipped happily as he jumped on the furry bed. He rolled while barking for his little friend to join him. Keir wagged his tail, and he was happier to join the little snow%white fox.

Moulin sighed as he stared at them. A frown decorated his face, weariness evident in his features. With tired eyes, the youth spotted a balcony. Relief briefly filled his appearance, and he slowly strolled towards the open balcony. The cool, salty wind greeted his entrance. 

The faint sound of the waves crashing against the earthen walls filled his ears. It soothed his mind. Ease, starting to calm his emotions. He took a seat on one of the chairs of the open area, facing the dark horizon. He leaned on the banister, tucking his chin within his arms as he faced the dark seas. The wind swept his hair and brushed his delicate skin. 

At the moment, Moulin felt comforted, but it still wasn't enough. 

Closing his eyes, he thought of his brothers' disappointed and shocked expressions, his father's furious gaze, and then his mother's concerned smile. How Moulin missed them. He longed for their warmth.

Sadness fills his eyes, and he hid his head within his arms. The clouds above his head started to accumulate. The skies gradually darkened, concealing the moon. Moulin was too immersed in his emotions to pay attention to them.

He only hoped Hadrian would come back sooner. 


The fire crackled within the fireplace.

Its warm light illuminated the already dim room. Sitting at the couches placed near the hearth, a man whose aged face bent his back as he rested on elbow on his knee. His other arm was raised as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 

There was discouragement within his pupils as he slowly opened his eyes. His gaze went past the red-headed lady and focusing on his very own grandson, who was facing the windows. Lord Hendrick released a sharp breath as he stared at Hadrian's back.

"You... why did you do it? You have already taken away their son. They loved him very much. Why must you corner them?" The old man removed his hand from his face as he spoke.

"Lord Hendrick..." Heizea furrowed her brows as she steps forward. "I believe it is the right choice. The Fraunces family is one of the pillars of the left court. Aside from the Archnobles, they are the only ones who aren't under Lord Hercullio's rule. If we control them, then we can command the rest of the left court," She defended with confident eyes. 

"You..." Lord Hendrick stared at her with complex eyes. Sighing, he shook his head. "The Fraunces family will never forget what my son had done to their family. I have already sworn to never touch a hair on their people again. For years, I have tried to earn their forgiveness." He closes his eyes shut as he lowers his head, "Now, I am certain they will never forgive us until death."

Heizea drew her brows together. Defiance filled her eyes. "My Lord-"

"Heizea ..." 

Finally, Hadrian spoke. The young female warrior's eyes brightened as she turned to face her master.

Hadrian didn't even turn around as he continued, "Leave us."

The smile on the Lady's face fell. Reluctantly, she left the Lord's study. She cast one last glance to Lord Hercullio before sighing as she closed the doors.

Silence seemed to defean everything between the pair of grandfather and grandson. The suffocating stillness fills the room.

Unable to bear the thoughts in his mind any longer, Lord Hendrick opens his eyes and lifted his gaze, "Tell me. Do you love him?"

A few seconds passed before the younger man slightly turned his gaze, "I will love no other..."

Lord Hendrick stares at his grandson. 

"Do you know what you are saying? What if word about how you threatened his family to your side reaches his ears? How will you face him?"

Hadrian's lips curled into a smile. A last, he turned to reveal his expression to his grandfather. "My beloved chose me over his family. He will understand. I will make him so."

His eyes deepened in color. Darkness seemed to enshroud the gold within his eyes. A craze of passion and greed engulfs his eyes. 

Worry flashes in Lord Hendrick's eyes as he thought about the youth within his grandson's chambers.

"Hadrian... He will not like it... Conquering the courts, solidifying your rule, may be your goal. But do you not have an ounce of concern over your beloved if you drag his family into this?" He furrows his brows as he continued, "You are using him..."

"I am doing this for him." Poison laced his voice as he coldly narrowed his eyes at his grandfather. "I know the likes of those Fraunces aristocrats. They will stop at nothing to take away Moulin. But they are afraid of me. They will gather strengths with others and tear apart walls to bring us down." A faint smile curls on his face; he turned his gaze away to stare at the darkening clouds blanketing the skies. 

Hadrian's eyes softened as he watches as a single snowflake fluttered down the windows. "My call, my beloved... I will break his curse and keep him safe,"

"You will imprison him..." Lord Hendrick shuts his eyes. "Please, think this through. Estuvian will want you to as well..."

Hadrian only narrows his eyes. The delicate snowflake melted into a drop as it touches the window panes. 

"If it means keeping him safe, I will burn down the empire."

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