A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 97 - 97- Power Is What The World Revolves In

Aturs, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 32nd day of Fall, Arenfall


Lord Prestonheim, non-chalantly stood up from the shade and walked right back to the carriage where prince Arterius sat patiently for him. On his way there, he tried his best to recall how the Bieroffs managed to slide in that vile seed in his food.

The Orobus seed came from a fruit of an unknown origin. It was said to have been brought over from the Western Continent about three centuries ago during the Conquest of the Dunes, a war that saw both sides lose more men than they could count.

The Orobus seeds that had said to be brought were used to poison water and food for the warriors of the Principalia. The paranoia and hallucinations it caused to the knights to almost drive the budding empire to its downfall.

Nowadays, the seed has been banned within the Principalia but it seemed like Lady Adrena had acquired some of it. How could that happen? Lord Prestonheim wanted some answers from her. But now with the evidence burnt away by the sun, it would be difficult even for him to accuse her.

Lady Adrena was a smart and calculating woman. She proved it time and time again even before being married to the Bieroff household. She made a lot of decisions on the Lucresia estate that made it beautiful and powerful that it is today.

Now, as she became much older, Lord Prestonheim got to witness firsthand how her humanity deteriorated to insanity. However, she still had the intelligence and ruthlessness of a Lucresia that even her deteriorated psyche was overpowered.

The silver-haired lord reached the carriage. The door was already opened for him. He went inside where the Prince and his ward waited. Prince Arterius looked a little shaken. He could see it in his eyes, but the Prince was also stubborn and acted as if it was nothing.

"Prince Arterius," he greeted. The Prince smiled and gestured for him to take a seat. "Prince Arterius, first of all I would like to—"

Before he could finish his sentence Prince Arterius immediately hugged him. "Godfather…by the gods you're fine!" Lord Prestonheim could see the relief on his godson's face. "And please, don't call me that, when it's only us!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lord Prestonheim hugged him back and patted his godson's back. "Alright, Arterius." He smiled. "Thank you for saving me, but how did you get me out of the castle?"

His godson looked at him and smiled, "I am a Prima, even a Lucresia or Bieroff must obey at some point." Arterius' brow furrowed. "I want to comeback at them and get the entire Bieroff house arrested for what they have done to you."

The old lord knew, this wasn't a good idea. Lord Prestonheim had always known Arterius as a smart and calculating individual. But this time, his plan could prove to be fatal for the Principalia.

"Arterius, just leave it be for now." Lord Prestonheim answered. "With the evidence gone, Lady Adrena will simply make an alibi and blame it on her handmaidens. It would be pointless."

Prince Arterius nodded although still hesitant about it, "We can find a way to—"

"That's going to a hard one." Commander Crovar butted in and entered the carriage. "Lady Adrena and that pesky old gremlin of a brother she has will flip everything in the Principalia if they need to prove a point! I say don't do it now. We have no evidence." He sighed.

Lord Prestonheim agreed and Prince Arterius never pushed on with his plan after that. The carriage was silent for a while. Stolas took that opportunity to whisper something in Prince Arterius' ear at that time. The Prince clapped his hands, even he, had almost forgotten about it after witnessing the incident.

"Godfather, about those um… aetherium ores…is it true?" Prince Arterius asked. "The entire senate, including my father wants to get a glimpse of it. Do you have it with you?"

"The ores, huh?" Lord Prestonheim massaged the bridge of his nose. "The ores were kept by him…your former mentor."

Prince Arterius stood up from his seat, "Impossible! I thought he already died from the accident in the mines!" His eyes glimmered with excitement. "Where is he now?"

The silver-haired Lord didn't want to let his godson know about that man, but the situation called for it. They need the ores, and he was the only man who had them somewhere…back at the Arenfall Castle.

Lord Prestonheim sighed, "Back at the castle."

Prince Arterius slowly leaned back at the chair's backrest. "Looks like I would have to go back there. It would be awkward, but I'll make it work!" The prince smirked at him while scratching his head. "Well, I am the prince, so I doubt House Bieroff would refuse."

The young prince looked at his godfather with a worried look on his face. "Godfather, where would we sleep for the night? I mean now that Arenfall castle is out of the option."

Lord Prestonheim patted his shoulder, "Have you tried sleeping outdoors?" He asked his godson.

"Nay, I haven't." Prince Arterius answered.

"Well then, we should be able to get into the Hillsprung encampment before sundown." Lord Prestonheim looked at the calm blue sky. "Syleon, tell your men to follow the carriage, we're heading there!"

"That would be a good idea." Commander Crovar went out of the carriage and instructed his men.

It didn't took long for the carriage and escorts to ready themselves for the trip up ahead. They headed towards encampment during the highest level of Andenoon. They turned back to the road going to Arenfall and then took a left at the fork of the road.

The road on the left was known to the locals as the bad turn because of the many accidents that happened in that area. Rockslides, wild animals and other natural-caused disasters had been occurring in that area for as long as it was discovered.

That's why it had became a perfect getaway for highway men and fugitives alike. During the past few years it had been the Principalia's problem cleaning up that part of the Crescent, as the Bieroffs couldn't even penetrate that part with the knights they have.

A few years ago, the 5th Batallion had finally cleared the place, ridding it off with the damned highway men and killers. Lord Prestonheim then ordered a small part of his army to live and guard that part of land. They never left since then.

The carriage stopped at the foot of the hill. A huge redwood blocked the path towards the encampment. Lord Prestonheim and Commander Crovar had to destroy the giant redwood blocking the path. Using their magic, the duo destroyed and cleared the path before sundown.

It took a lot from Lord Prestonheim to cast a spell. He hasn't fully recovered and yet, he mustered the little strength he got to destroy it. He could've just let Commander Crovar's knights do the dirty work but his pride as a Commander kept him from resting.

He really needed a long warm bath, and a bed to sleep on. His eyes drooped as the darkness slowly engulfed the hills. It was already nighttime when they got halted by a knight. They had already reached the first outpost.

The knight immediately recognized the royal emblem and quickly called the attention on the rest of the knights. The outpost lit a bright blue flame, a code Lord Prestonheim personally taught his men to let the others know that someone of noble blood was coming.

The knights quickly lit the path on their way to the main camp where Tristam and the rest of the knights waited patiently for their arrival. It didn't take long for them to reach the encampment; they were guided by Lord Prestonheim's best rangers and the lit path also made it easier to travel as well.

Lord Prestonheim hadn't announced himself to his men. He wanted to get to the camp first to make sure that the Prince was safe, if he told it right now, the prince's arrival might be overshadowed by his return. It was something he didn't want his godson to feel.

Hillsprung Outpost's wooden gate was lit up with torches of vibrant colors. It was an instruction he told his men way back, that if a nobility came by and visit during the night, they have to make it presentable. He was proud to see how his men honor the orders he told them many years prior.

The carriage had now entered the encampment, the knights lined at the gate their spear stood proud as they thump to welcome them. They passed a small trench his men made before arriving at the destination.

Stolas was the first one to get out from the carriage. He immediately announced Commander Crovar's name who promptly made out of the carriage. It was then followed by him, Lord Prestonheim. The knights cheered seeing him well. He even saw Tristam wiping some tears from his eyes as he passed by them and saluting all of his men.

His men saluted back and thumped their chest with pride. The cheers coming from his knights were overwhelmingly loud that he had to command them to lower down their voices.

When it was Arterius' turn, Lord Prestonheim shushed the crowd to make sure they hear his name, Arterius, the future Imperatur of Arteria. He knew very well that regardless of the prince's stature with the royal family, his new venture and orders given to him by his father and The Senate will surely make him known by the people.. He felt that in his bones.

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