A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 98 - 98-One Of Those Nights

Aturs, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 32nd day of Fall, Arenfall


The day came close to another end, and Adaloun was still confined inside the tent with the faerfolk. The beastman told him recently that Tristam was kind and generous enough to give them a good space at the camp. But since both the faerfolk were still recovering, it was taking him long to make the tent for the four of them.

Adaloun and the rest of his comrades are currently clumped together at a smaller tent. Of course, he wasn't complaining! If anything, he was happy to see them alive and well, although, their skin needed a little more color in the sun.

Earlier during the day, the beastman would go out and hunt for them. There was a small amount of knightly rations given to them but the beastman insisted on hunting food so as to not become a burden to the already generous knights who got them a place to sleep and heal on. Because of his hunting skills however, the beastman seemed to gain popularity in the camp, the knights would often greet him and at times trade with him for some of the catch he had for the day.

Everything was doing good. Far better than that in the mines, but somehow Adaloun could feel it in his bones, that they will be returning there soon. He hoped they wouldn't but there was something inside him telling him that they would.

He sat down on his bed and grabbed his sword. The faerfolk was still fast asleep from their late Andenoon sleep. Who could blame them? The experience they had in the mines against the Obscuros was definitely draining and it has put a toll on their bodies too.

Adaloun was lucky enough because he could recover faster than the rest of them. Still, it would've been nice if he could get out already from the tent so he could help the beastman with his hunting, and also maybe just to roam around and get some fresh air.

The sun was looming over the horizon, the light slowly faded from the tent and only the faint light of his glowing blade remained. He looked at it intently, Adaloun wanted to forget everything they talked about the horned god. He was plainly disgusted at its blatant, self-engrossed stories of his power and capabilities. That the promises he told him felt like nothing more than empty promises just to get his attention and allegiance.

He even thought for a second that Oyue was way better and upfront compared to his shady deals! That was bad! He didn't want his life to be controlled by gods, and yet here he was again, speaking to the very people he wanted to avoid. He was beginning to think that he was back to the previous cycle he scorned so much.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Glad you're awake!" Tristam smiled and entered the tent.

"I was awake and doing well since I came here, good Ser." Adaloun answered still mildly annoyed by how he was treated. "I could've been out there already. Maybe helping my friend hunt—"

"I know you would say that." Tristam nodded his head. "But knowing what you said to me, about what Lord Prestonheim instructed you, I chose to do this to you…" Tristam went over to him and patted his shoulder.

"Chose? What is this all about then, Ser Tristam?" He asked while shrugging off the knight's hand from his shoulder. "You know I wouldn't run away from a responsibility."

Tristam sighed. "Thing is I am just to keep you for two days. You know, so you can rest. Knowing you Serv—I mean um…Adaloun, you overexert yourself so much. The last thing we need is for you to be incapable when you're needed."

Adaloun looked at Tristam straight in the eyes. He had nothing to say to him. Everything that he said was true, but it felt more restrictive more than anything else. The other bed started to move. It looked like the dwarf was already awake.

"If you are still mad about it, I totally understand but, I am just doing what needs to be done." The knight smiled at him and greeted the groggy dwarf who rose up from his bed, "Fair greetings to you dwarf, I wish you are doing better than yesterday!"

The dwarf nodded at him while scratching his fluffy beard. "Fair greetings to yah!" The dwarf groggily went out of bed.

Adaloun immediately held the dwarf by his arm to steady his gait. The dwarf smiled and thanked him. Tristam felt that he was already intruding and decided to leave. "Gentlemen, I shall see you again." He made his way out of their tent.

"Tiz there a problem?" The dwarf whispered to Adaloun as he slowly guided him to a little seat just by the side of his bed.

"No, not at all." He answered.

Sometime later, the beastman came in and brought them their food. It was an early dinner, but no one was complaining. The beastman brought them a pot filled with chopped rabbits stewed with carrots and tubers, flavored with wild tomatoes and a dash of wild pepper for the kick. He also grilled some wild disk mushrooms slightly seasoned with salt.

They happily ate their dinner, all four of them once more. After the fulfilling meal, the four of them were at an awkward silence. Usually, it was the dwarf who would initiate a conversation, but somehow, he was silent at that time. The beastman was too shy to open up a conversation and the elf, wasn't in the mood to converse as well.

Adaloun opted not to talk either. He wasn't the one who always open up conversations anyway and somehow, he doesn't know what to talk about. Should he tell them about Oyue? That would be ridiculous, they wouldn't believe it! How about meeting Zados? That's even crazier! Maybe the talk about the part where he was almost killed by that crazy old slave? At that point he was just overthinking.

It was an uncomfortable feeling being inside a tent with three other people not speaking to one another. He scratched his head and breathed in. Adaloun thought, that maybe he could at least cut some of the awkwardness out. He'll start…

"Lad, how was life treating yah when yah were captured?" The dwarf broke the silence.

"It was not the best." Adaloun lied.

"Are yah sure?" The dwarf raised an eyebrow. "Wef 'erd nay good news coming from that cazal."

Adaloun looked at the roof and sighed. "I was almost killed by 305-M." He had to say it now. "He almost opened me up."

"What?!" His comrades were shocked at what he revealed. The dwarf approached him and tried to undress him to check for any scars.

"Did he inject yah anything? Lemme see yah belly he might've—" The dwarf looked at him with concern.

Adaloun tried his best to keep his clothes on him, "I…I am fine, no need to worry."

The dwarf sighed with relief went back to his bed. Adaloun knew the dwarf and elf wasn't supposed to be moving as much as they wanted to because of the strain their body had to endure. But the dwarf automatically stood up and checked him as if he wasn't injured or anything.

He admired the dwarf's concern but at the same time it raised a question in him. It felt like the dwarf might've known 305-M a lot longer than what they were supposed to know. It felt like he knew what things the red-haired slave could've done if you got captured. To him the idea might be just a figment of his curious mind, and yet deep down it felt like it was truly the case.

The elf was about to ask something when suddenly a huge commotion from the outside distracted them. The knights shouted and buzzed like flies. They could hear metal clanging and wood being dragged on the ground.

The beastman went outside to check, Adaloun followed him and saw the hectic knights running around, carrying banners and spears. In the distance Tristam was shouting for commands. Knights lined up in a clean row with banners and spears on hand. Other knights brought out the drums and horns.

Adaloun's curiosity got the better of him. He approached Tristam who was blindsided by the tension filling up the air.

"W-what are you doing here?" The young knight asked. "You're supposed—you know what? I need you and your friends to form the second line along with the rest of the knights."

Adaloun was baffled, "What…are we doing now at this hour?" He could only think of one thing, a noble was coming. But he wanted to be sure, so he asked out.

"Well, the first prince is making a visit." Tristam answered. "I'm sorry good ser, I would have to ask you to comply fast. They might be here any minute now."

"The prince? The first prince you say?" Adaloun asked but Tristam was already too occupied to answer the question.

"The first prince…" he wondered how powerful and strong this man could be.. Would he change the world as he knew it? It's something he had to know.

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