A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 389 - 352

Chapter 389: Chapter 352

My original plan was to head back to Izzy and the others to relay what my next move was, but....then I saw the giant black hand in the sky and realized that something may have went wrong.

I of course quickly called Izzy to figure out the situation and she said she had it handled. Though Yoruichi seemed to be freaking out in the background for some reason.

Something about a Captain ambushing them and she gave him a time out in the shadows.

I suppose it didn't really matter. If Izzy said she had things under control, I trusted her. She also suggested I just finish up everything else before coming back as to not need to keep coming and going to check in every time.

So....here I was now, heading towards the supposed leader of Shinigami.

I admit I was just the slightest bit nervous. Based on the strengths of some of the other Captains I've met thus far, I could summarize that their leader would be something of a monster himself. I hoped this could be settled to both of our satisfaction because I didn't really enjoy handling the welfare of other people in my hands.

Honestly, I didn't even want to get involved again. I was pretty much done with what I had planned to do here, but I can admit I may have caused a little bit of a problem for the Strawberry brat due to my own flippant attitude, so I resolved myself to look out for them. I suppose it didn't hurt that they were just kids doing something stupid so the protective side of me didn't want to see anything happen to them.

[It's amazing, who could have thought this would have come back to bite you in the ass?]

In my defense, what was the likelihood that the idiots wanted to invade the afterlife?

[Yeah, what kind of idiot would do something like that?]

I had a good reason.

[They kinda do too.]

Fair. I know I'd do something just as reckless in their spot.

With a kick off the ground, I accelerated forward quickly, covering quite a bit of ground before coming to a stop.

[You're getting better at that technique.] Ddraig noted.

"Thanks, I think so too. It's really quite a wonderful movement technique. The more I get used to it, the more I'm just genuinely in awe of its ability." It's not like other people couldn't match this kind of speed, but the amount of effort to move like this, and the sheer versatility was just absurd.

[Mmm, it is impressive. The people here may not be as powerful as the ones back home, but they got their own good spots.]

"Yeah, I think I figured that out too." I looked around before ducking behind a corner and casting an illusion. "It seems like the people here took the path of extreme speed and precision over strength."

Well, maybe I just haven't had enough of a sample size to say that with certainty, but that was my current thought.

[Makes sense. Those Captains you met so far didn't really seem like the kind to start throwing fists and taking big hits. Seeing the peak of that Shunpo, it's like what you said, Godspeed at the top.]

That Gin, he got a little hurt just from taking one of my strikes. That's not to say I think I did any mortal or even lasting damage, but it's clear they aren't as physically durable as me. But on the flip side, they all seem to have mastered such a high degree of speed that I can admit I'm inferior to them. Even with my lightning movements, it falls short.

That being said, I was ready to get serious if he released his Bankai. My instinct were telling me that was something I most certainly couldn't take lightly.

And I don't actually think they're....Glass Cannons, just an observation when compared to powerhouses of my birth world.

[Even so, just because they can move in the same realm as Gods, that doesn't put them on the same level. Well, maybe a few of the lesser ones, but if you're talking well known ones, just being able to match them in speed won't be enough.]

Right, being well rounded was important. Unless you strive for one peak so vehemently that you can ignore everything else. But that's just not really a plausible situation.

My previous speed wasn't too far off from that 'realm'. My fight with Susanoo, the first time, he favored strength, which my body could attest to with how sore I was afterwards. But even still, he was able to perceive and react to my attacks which perhaps breached that barrier by themselves.

My Gungnir, for example, I was confident it could handle one of these Shinigami Captains moving at their top speeds. I don't think it lost out in that department, but even so, Susanoo was able to block and deflect it during the fight.

Well, I'm curious to see how my own Zanpakutō influences my abilities in the end, considering that my 'starting point' was beyond what most of these Shinigamis could reach in their lives....unlives?

[Speaking of Zanpakutō, should probably give you an update.]

"Something happened?" I admit it's a very interesting situation here, Ddraig being able to watch my Zanpakutō form around itself and develop my supposed 'inner world' as they Shinigami call it.

[It's been poking me every so often.]

"What do you mean, poking you? Like it's actually trying to reach out? Or just an accident because you're also inside my soul while it's trying to form?"

[The latter. Well, after the first time, I think it somewhat realized I was here and does it every now and then. Almost like an infant that just grabs at anything around it.]

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"Hmm." I tapped my chin. "Oh well, not really anything we can do about it. Not that It's inherently a bad thing, this is all new territory for us, and probably the Shinigami." Doubted they've ever had this issue before...

[You don't care that it's probably getting some influence from me?]

"Why would I care? I have a Dragon Heart thanks to you. I have an entire Draconic attribute now because you've been inside my soul so long. You're my partner, what does it matter in the end?"

[If you don't care, then whatever. Just don't come crying to me when It likes me more than you.] Ddraig snorted. [By the way, I think we're here.]

I looked up at the building and read the sign overhead as well.

First Division.

Yeah, I think we are too.


This place was.....deserted

As in, literally no one was around as I walked through the corridors. I was starting to think that this Division wasn't quite like the others. At least in the case of Shunsui, he presumably made everyone scarce intentionally. That or his people were out scouring the place for....well, me.

Actually, this office may not even be attached to any barracks for the first division. I am going to meet the leader of Soul Society, it stands to reason that his office has some peace and quiet and not the hustle and bustle of military grunts coming and going at all hours.

My feet continued to carry me onwards as I found myself ascending a flight of stairs. It wasn't until I got to the top that I finally saw another person.

Slicked back grayish-silver hair, a black handlebar mustache, and lightly tanned skin. I think I noticed a white turtleneck peeking out from under his uniform. And the noticeable Lieutenant badge on his arm.

His eyes quickly looked up to see me and there wasn't a hint of surprise on his face. It was as if.....he was expecting me.

He sat at a wooden desk, shuffling some paperwork.

There was complete nonchalance in his actions. It didn't seem forced, I could tell he recognized me, as I had dropped my illusion once I started walking around inside this building. Yet he didn't even make a move against me.

Well, I wouldn't want to be impolite. He clearly knew I was here.

It was only a few moments later that he set his brush down neatly and scooped up a handful of papers. "The Captain Commander will see you."

"Right...." I just nodded. "By chance.....were you aware I was coming."

He collected his papers, standing up. "Captain Kyōraku sent a message ahead of your arrival."

Jeez, I really need to thank him again.

I didn't think he would stick his neck out at this point before I even got any words in.

"Would it be rude if I asked for advice on how to approach him?" I asked as he led me towards a door, his hand on the handle before he paused.

"He despises falsehoods. You would be better off to speak plainly and without reservation even if you believe it detrimental."

"Ah, better to say something he may not personally like rather than lie to his face, which he would probably see through."

"No, you misunderstand. He despises lying and your death will be painful. At least if you are upfront about everything, your death will be swift." He stated, sliding the door open and walked inside.

.....well alrighty then.

"Lieutenant ChōJirō." An aged yet very authoritative voice greeted us as we walked inside.

The room was massive. Easily six or seven times the size of my living room. Yet, it was almost entirely empty, not a single decoration was to be had beyond the motif that went into the design of the place. However, to the side there was an open balcony with a wonderful view of the Seireitei below.

And the one who spoke was standing at the opening, looking outwards.

"I have prepared the reports from both the second and the fifth divisions." The Lieutenant stated, walking to the singular desk and placing the stacks of paper next to others. "They await your approval. And your guest has arrived."

"Very well." He still didn't turn around. "Prepare some tea."

"As you wish." He dipped his head before turning around and leaving.

I was silent as I looked at this man's back.

Was it my Campione instincts that were flaring up? Because this man was strong.

He was like a raging inferno that was tempered and refined to the absolute limit. He reminded me of Amaterasu and Karna in intensity despite not having an iota of Divinity within him.

There was a little part of me that wanted to fight him. I didn't know if it was the Campione, dragon, or what have you, but my desire to fight was bubbling up.

Powerful might be too little a word to describe him. I would have to go all out and even then.....

He didn't quite have that same unfathomable feeling the likes of Ophis and the Demon had, but he was most definitely high up on the scales.

There was a light tap on the ground and I quickly came back to my senses, refocusing back on him.

He was holding a knotted wooden cane. Though the absolute sense of danger in that little thing betrayed the mundane exterior.

[He should be about the same level as Odin. At least when the old bastard was still a War God.] Ddraig commented. [Don't take him lightly.]

Like I needed you to tell me that.

Same level as the Norse Sky Father.....no biggie.

"Interesting choice of weapon there." I decided to break the ice, so to speak.

"It's good for beating unruly brats." He snorted, not missing a beat.

[Fuck, I like him.]

Shit, what was I supposed to say back at that?

Thankfully, it seems his lieutenant returned, not stopping as he entered, and moving to set a tray containing two cups of tea and a steaming pot onto his desk before bowing towards the older man's back and leaving again.

The old man grunted before finally turning around.

He didn't even look at me as he walked back to his desk with slow and methodical steps. The screeching of his chair against the wooden floors was the only sound he made before he sat down and rested his not-cane against the desk.

Though, with elegant movements, he inspected the teapot, removing the lid and giving himself a nod as he poured both cups and arranged them appropriately.

"Sit." He said.

It was simple, yet was very commanding.

I obliged, taking the empty chair on the opposite side of him.

It was now that I got a true look at the leader of the Gotei 13.

He was bald, wrinkled and weathered with age. He had a few scars on his face, but they didn't really give him a menacing appearance. Honestly, he gave off an almost grandfatherly vibe accompanied with a no nonsense attitude and a rather stern look in his eyes.

He had a very long and white beard, meticulously cared for and wrapped along its full length that nearly touched the ground. And his eyebrows were frankly huge as well.

Overall, to the untrained eye, he would look almost frail at first glance.

But I was under no delusion that he couldn't take my head if I didn't give it my all in a fight.

"I would have thought there would be more people around. Guards and stuff since you're...the Leader and all that." I looked down at the Tea he prepared. "Thank you for the Tea." I made sure to add with genuine thanks.

His closed eyes opened slightly. "I am here, there is no greater protection."


"I heard that Shunsui sent a message....?"

"Youngster." The Old Man grunted. "Introduce yourself before you speak."

"Ah, I was rude." I corrected myself. "Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, at your service."

"Not Kurosaki Ichigo?" He snorted again, reaching for his cup of tea. He gently blew on it, letting the steam waft away. "Captain Kyōraku's unorthodox request has reached my ears. Due to his exemplary and unfailing loyalty, I am allowing you this opportunity." He stated. "You have until I finish my tea."

"Until you finish your tea to do what?" I blinked.

"To convince me that you should be allowed to leave this room alive."


Non-canon Omake, Bankai Training.

"Alright, this is the Tenshintai." Yoruichi declared, slamming what looked like a cardboard cutout resembling a humanoid figure.

"How is this supposed to help me learn Bankai or whatever?" Ichigo scowled.

"I'm also curious." I kind of agreed with him.

"Learning Shikai is about communicating with your Zanpakutō and harmonizing with it. To master Bankai, you need to externalize it and force your Zanpakutō into submission." She stated.

"Wait, you can just summon your Zanpakutō spirit out into the real world?" I looked at her incredulously.

"Well, it usually takes years of training to reach that stage, so we're going to cheat. Kisuke created this method, he altered the Tenshintai a little. With this method, you can master Banaki in three days."

"Awesome, let's do this." Ichigo nodded.

"Hold it, what's the catch." I flicked his forehead, something that was becoming a habit. He has a tendency to blatantly ignore anything else and focus only on his goal.

"If you can't achieve Bankai in three days, you lose the chance forever." Yoruichi said plainly.

"Alright, let's go." Ichigo barely gave it a second thought. "What do I have to do?"

Well, it's his decision to make.

"Stab it with your Zanpakutō."

He shrugged, pulling his big ass sword of his back and stabbing it. The cutout lit up in a burst of Reiryoku and split into two figures standing before us.

"Huh, you really do have two Zanpakutō spirits." I looked them over.

One was a man in a nice looking black coat with a white collared undershirt and messy black hair with some cool glasses. The other, it looked like a bleached version of Ichigo with yellow eyes and somewhat menacing aura.

"Right, did you both hear it?" Yoruichi didn't even bother questing it and just addressed the directly.

"Yeah, yeah." The bleached Ichigo waived her off. "We'll get the moron up to snuff, just get outta the way an let us do our stuff."

"We will begin immediately." The more refined and older spirit didn't argue.

"Use the area as you see fit." She shrugged.

The three of them walked off a little ways before a bunch of swords manifested around them and they began fighting.

"Huh, seems more pedantic than I imagined."

"Did you expect Ichigo to be complicated?" Yoruichi looked at me.

"Fair." I hummed. "Hey, got anymore of those things?"

"The Tenshintai? Why, you wanna give it a go too? You haven't even gotten Shikai yet, it's not gonna work for you."

"Nah, just wanna give it a look over."

"I have a bunch of them, this thing you gave me is handy." She waved her arm, showing off a storage bracelet I made her. "Here's ten, have fun cause this is gonna take awhile."

I picked the first one up, giving it a look around and I was a little curious. If this was supposed to bring out a swords spirit or whatever....what If I used something else?

My Academic mind compelled me.

I stabbed it with the True Longinus.

And.....a new figure stared back at me.

Confusion written on his face mixed with surprise and astonishment.

"....what?" Yoruichi stared at us.

"Huh, that was easier than I thought it'd be. Missing accomplished I suppose." I blinked. "Yoruichi, meet God. God, meet Yoruichi."

".....what?" Yoruichi repeated again.



Wilhelm Secret Technique: Talking things out like adults.

But yeah, Captain Commander is pretty damn strong. I know there's going to be arguments, but for the sake of the story, know that he would be listed in the top 10 of DxD. I'll have a better sort of ranking in a few chapters because I know people were arguing over that kind of thing and where the bleach people rank.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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