A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 390 - 353

Chapter 390: Chapter 353

This was a strange situation I found myself in.

The rather monotone way he spoke to me did not betray the undertone of fire that accompanied the words.

I had no doubt that he was ready to make good on his threat.

Even if I felt my lightning bubbling up wanting to meet his threat, I pushed it back downwards, recognizing that this wasn't the correct moment.

I could give in to my inner fighter if things went sideways after I gave my attempt to settle things amicably.

"This is really good tea." I couldn't help but comment after taking a sip to taste it.

His eyes opened slightly and he grabbed his own cup almost with a hint of aggression, but still maintained a proper decorum as he brought it up and took a drink, setting it back down for me to see that it was now halfway empty. "Your time is running out."

Right, straight to it then. "It's against your laws for a Shinigami to transfer their powers to a human, yes?"

"To interfere with the living world is met with intense scrutiny for all Shinigami who are deployed. To disrupt the balance by turning a human into a Shinigami is met with only execution." He barely reacted.

"Regardless of the reason?" I asked, seeing if there was any wiggle room.

"The law makes no exception." He didn't budge.

"She did it to save a kid from a Hollow." I calmly took another sip.

I didn't know the specifics to be honest, but Ichigo wasn't shy about that little tidbit. Claimed that without her doing what she did, he and possibly his family would have died.

The old man grunted, taking another sip himself closing his eyes. "She will receive full honors upon death."

"But death is still certain."

"No exceptions can be permitted." He said unwaveringly.

"And if she didn't give her powers to a human?"

He grunted again.

"I'm guessing Shunsui already mentioned something like that?" His lack of a response made me think that Shunsui already started on that aspect.

"The ruling of Central 46 cannot be changed lightly." He stated.

"Even if they made a ruling on incorrect information? Shouldn't she get some kind of trial to defend herself?" I admit I wasn't the most knowledgeable on their system of criminal justice.

"Her trial was conducted in her absence."

"That's pretty bullshit."

His eyes narrowed slightly and he held up his cup of tea taking a much bigger drink than before. "Our system is not for you to question, youngster."

I was really hoping he'd be more receptive to this.

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However, I think there was also a hint of annoyance in his tone when speaking about Central 46 as well.

"Even if she was technically innocent, they wouldn't want to reopen any discussion without prompt by someone else, would they?" I vaguely could understand the mindset of this 'Central 46'. Their supposed governance system was comprised of noble families passing judgment on criminals.

Another grunt answered that question perfectly.

"It's not for me to question, that's right. But Shunsui mentioned her Captain." I fingered the warm rim of my cup. "I don't suppose he's someone who has the capacity to formally question the ruling?"

"Captain Jushirō has the authority to petition the Central 46 in the event that new evidence brings about questions regarding Kuchiki Rukia's crimes." The Old Man responded. "His appeal for a stay of execution has been signed off by myself and will be submitted to the Central 46 for deliberation immediately."

".....I'm sensing there's a but coming here." The way he said it didn't really fill me with confidence.

"Due to recent events by a Ryoka invading Soul Society, War Time protocols have been in effect. As such, all criminals sentenced to execution will be carried out at the earliest possible opportunity. At this moment, the execution platform is being unsealed and will be available in Seven Days." There was a bit of heat to his words as his eyes narrowed at me.


"By the time we receive a proper answer, the execution will already have been completed." He added.

"The wheels of bureaucracy spin slowly even in the afterlife it seems."

He snorted again, looking down at his cup of tea. "You have one last opportunity, youngster. Make it count."

"Well....what if someone, or rather some people were in the unique opportunity to cause some.....damage. Enough to force a delay on her execution." I offered.

He looked at me, with eyes slightly open. He then threw his head back and downed the last bit of tea he could, slamming the cup back down.

....I suppose he didn't like that idea....

"My cup is empty." There was an accompanying increase in temperature with his words as well. As in, the room noticeably got warmer by probably about a dozen degrees, and it began climbing.

I blinked, looking down, then back up at him as he eyed me intensely. I reached for the tea pot and refilled his cup.

His expression didn't change, well, that's not entirely accurate. There was a very slight twitch of his eyebrow. "Cheeky brat." He snorted and the heat emanating from him dissipated quickly. "And who taught you to pour tea!?" He raised his voice, smacking the table.

"Pardon?" I was taken off guard by his sudden expressiveness.

"Elbow out!" He barked an order. "Back straight! Don't splash it, you brat." He grunted as I fixed my posture at his sudden insistence. "Keep it four inches away from the cup when you pour. Pinky extended and index finger leading."

Honestly this took me utterly by surprise and I just followed his instructions until his cup was full.

With a harumph he quieted down. "Acceptable."

"I'm glad I could meet your expectations." I drawled.

He ignored me, apparently savoring another sip of tea as he closed his eyes again. "Your first time here. What was your purpose?"

I blinked again, taken back by the sudden question. I considered how I should answer, but I just decided to be truthful. "Stole an Asauchi and a book on Kidō. Came here specifically for both."

He nodded and didn't outwardly react much at my confession. I suppose his Lieutenant was right, he preferred hard truth even if it's something like that.

"Speak." He stated, breathing out. "I will fully hear what you have to say as a courtesy for your actions."

"A courtesy for my actions?" I once more blinked in confusion.

"No lives were lost in your machinations. That alone has earned you a modicum of good will. Tread carefully." He warned sternly before shifting back to the topic at hand. "You would not have come here with only what you have said thus far. Continue."

Why did I feel like he was testing me up until this point?

"Alright, I'll just lay all my cards on the table. I didn't have plans to come around again like this, but I didn't expect a bunch of kids I had the barest relations with to decide to invade the afterlife to save a friend of theirs."

His eyes opened a little and I think I could vaguely feel like he wanted to face palm at my explanation.

"And of course, they haven't really considered anything beyond rescuing her. Such as, what to do with her afterwards because it's not like she can just drop everything to bunk up with Ichigo again and just run around with him and help him with Hollows in Karakura for the rest of her life. Regardless of if they succeeded, it would be a significant insult both to the prestige of Soul Society and your own personal honor that would require a response."

He nodded, not denying it again.

And I wouldn't always be around to deal with the problem.

"And there's the issue that even if Rukia is somehow pardoned in the next few minutes, we still invaded what is essentially a Military facility and caused all sorts of problems that come with that."

"You understand your crimes then." He said evenly.

"Supposed crimes."

He looked at me dryly.

I gave him a cheeky smile and continued. "So there's two glaring issues, one with our presence here, and the entire matter with Rukia."

"Mmm, and how do you plan on solving it?" He asked. "Tell me, youngster, how do you intend to escape punishment?"

"I think I can understand you a little bit." I reached for the tea pot again, taking the precautions this time to pour myself another cup properly. I think I saw the faintest hint of amusement from him as I did so. "You are unbending on the rules, but at the same time you obviously care about your subordinates if you were willing to honor Rukia after her death. If you really saw her as this supposed criminal, I don't think you would go through with the effort. And you never denied that her actions were honorable and righteous."

"A Shinigamis' first priority is always the greater good of Soul Society." He said calmly, gently taking another sip of his drink.

"A split between the responsibility and duty of your position and the wellbeing of those under you." I said quietly.

He didn't disagree as we enjoyed a moment of silence.

Frankly, I didn't care much about Soul Society, but this man was the leader here, the amount of blood and sweet he poured into this place was something I couldn't really fathom.

"You would follow through with the execution without a second thought, wouldn't you? Even knowing that she may be innocent now?"

"As is my duty." He nodded without a hint of shame.

"I don't agree with you, but I can understand your position."

"I didn't ask for your understanding, you brat." He snorted dismissively again. "Youngsters these days, blinded by arrogance."

"There's an idea, in the human world." I smiled slightly, forming an idea in my head on how to make everyone happy. "Companies....sort of a gathering of merchants –"

"I am aware of the concept. I am not ignorant of the living world." He grunted.

I nodded awkwardly. "Companies will sometimes do this thing where they hire outsiders, specialists if you will. Their purpose is to stress test the company's defenses. For the outsiders to poke around and find any vulnerabilities and exploit them ruthlessly to show where the company can improve for genuine threats."

His large eyebrows raised ever so slightly, showing more of his pupils. "You are asking for my permission to continue your invasion..." He asked almost incredulously.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but Central 46 is your.....government, more or less. You are the Military leader while the Central 46 handles the laws and actual governance and such. I don't know how much that is separated, but you should have authority to organize a....military exercise." I paused, giving him the opportunity to rebuke me, but he just continued staring so I took that as a hint to keep going. "Shunsui said his people were getting lazy and hand waved it when I beat up some of his division members."

There was a slight twitch above his eye as I mentioned that.

"What better opportunity is there to practice for an actual invasion than outsiders showing up like this? Especially in a situation where they will actively not be killing or overly harming your people?"

"Approach your point quickly before I lose my patience." He warned with a hint of fire to his words.

"Let the kids down below run wild for a few days. We'll do what we can to delay Rukia's execution. Afterwards you can say you let it go intentionally as a training exercise to soothe any egos."

I was severely oversimplifying things, but I think my point was obvious.

Basically, I was just giving him a halfway valid justification to let everyone win in this given scenario.

I heard him make a grumbling noise before he slowly pushed his chair back and sat up from his seat. He grabbed his cane and with methodical steps, walked towards the balcony once more.

"I have heard what you wish to say." He finally spoke, casting his gaze at the buildings below. "Now you will hear a question of my own."

"What's that?"

His head slowly turned back towards me. "What gives you the courage to try and negotiate with me, youngster?" Flames erupted from his person, filling the room entirely.

They were intense, searing hot. I could feel the ends of my hair nearly burning away at their sudden arrival, my throat was drying just from their proximity.

My Aura flared up protectively, but I found myself bubbling up to meet this sudden instigation.

With a crackle, my Lightning peeked out, fending off the flames that sought to consume me.

"Do not take my respectful tone and difference as weakness." I let my Lightning erupt outward, fighting against his flames in a head on clash.

A snap of fire met a whip of lightning in front of my face. Similar instances of the two elements clashing were happening all around us as the Old Man and I never broke eye contact.

He eventually was the first to break it. With a harumph, the flames he produced were snuffed out in the blink of an eye.

I followed suit, reeling back in my lightning.

I did admire the fact that nothing in the surroundings was burned due to his fire. That was amazing control of his flames.

I can't really say the same for what my Lightning did....

"I will send out an order to capture every Ryoka alive without exception." He suddenly spoke. "What punishment they will receive will be determined by the events that unfold up to Kuchiki Rukia's execution."

Well, that made me feel relieved that they weren't in any overt danger. And I could read between the lines here in what he was saying. Basically, I was being given the green light, but if things played out badly, we would be taking the blame.

It was a fair conclusion given the circumstances.

"However." He grunted. "Your debt has yet to be paid."

"Noted." I would not deny it then. He didn't make a fuss about me stealing stuff and I caused my own messes, so I would acknowledge that I owed them a little bit.

With another grunt of acknowledgement, he didn't elaborate. "You may leave."

I walked out towards the balcony. "Thanks for sitting down and talking." I gave him a quick smile, leaning against the edge. He looked at me rather...suspiciously. "And.....what happened to your desk and papers isn't my fault."

I saw his head jerk towards where his desk used to be along with what remained of everything else in the pile of ash and debris.

His head snapped back to me and I realized it was quite a good time to skedaddle.

"No take backs! Later Gramps!" I hastily jumped off the edge because I felt the temperature rising quickly.


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