Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 96

It had taken a fair amount of time for Natasha to calm down.

Even if Natasha’s face said that she was alright, Aurora knew the truth inside the girl’s heart. And it was all because of her ability to see the aura.

So she waited for Natasha to come around before she decided to take the party outside.

“Here, have you ever eaten this candy? I’ve heard that it’s sweet at first but turns sour later. Here, you try one.”

Aurora handed the newly purchased candy to Natasha. The poor girl seemed to have no idea what she should do with the treat.

The more things Aurora showed Natasha, the less she seemed to know. All these signs pointed to a neglectful childhood.

“Here, give it to me. You need to peel it before putting it into your mouth.”

Seeing as how Natasha seemed to have no idea how to eat the candy Aurora hand handed her, Rita decided to interfere.

She peeled the hard-covered candy for the younger female to chew.

Aurora looked on in expectation as Natasha put the candy in her mouth and chewed. The sour taste should be hitting her anytime now.

Aurora was aware the moment Natasha tasted the sourness since the aura around her shifted to discomfort. But as usual, the face did not show anything.

“I-It’s weird. Is this candy supposed to taste this sour?”

“It is. Did you like it?”

“It’s alright. I don’t mind the taste.”

Although Natasha complained, Aurora could make out the pleased expression the girl spotted. It was nice to see the younger girl enjoying herself.

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“So, where should we go next? National Park, Museum, or the Aquarium? I’ve heard that the Northern Republic has some of the rarest aquatic animals on display this time of the year.”

Aurora tried to keep the conversation going but it was difficult to do so. Rita seemed to not want to cooperate most of the time and Natasha seemed to have no idea how she should react to that offer.

Aurora did not want to pressure the princess into making a decision but it seemed to her as if the elder girl was just going with the flow all this time.

All the major decisions had been made by Aurora. Natasha seemed to be agreeing with whatever Aurora said and that did not sit right with the youngest.

“I am alright with whatever you suggest.”

“But I want to know where you want to go. Don’t you have any place you want to visit?”

“Not really. Even if you ask me, I don’t know what all there is to see in this country. I have never been out of my home before. This is all a new experience for me.”

Natasha didn’t even sound bitter about her circumstances. Instead, she sounded resigned. It was as if she had accepted her position in life and was content.

But someone content with their life did not try to escape it by suicide.

“Hey kid, how about we give you a choice and you pick where you want to go? Tagging along with us aimlessly won’t help you out. Sooner or later, you will need to make your own decisions.”

Surprisingly, it was Rita who spoke those words. Aurora had not expected the eldest to get into this matter but it did make sense for Rita to speak up.

Aurora did remember that Rita initially had similar origins to Natasha. She was also someone who was kept in the dark about a lot of things.

It might be possible that Rita was projecting herself on the younger girl and trying to help her out.

How unexpectedly cute of her.

“I…. can try. Alright. Then, let’s see the central park first. I’ve always seen it from home but never dared to ask to visit it.”

Aurora shook her head but agreed without delay.

The only place that had a clear view of the central park was the upper district where the ministers and the royal palace were situated.

Natasha had just given away a crucial piece of information that many could take advantage of.

She was lucky that Aurora and Rita were not that kinds of people.

“You heard the girl. Central Park, it is now.”

Aurora forced her voice to sound cheerful to change the topic. She did not want to show that she had noticed Natasha’s slip-up. It would only serve to make the girl even more nervous.

“So, how much does the ticket to Central Park cost? I have some money left over.”

Aurora only remembered the crucial point after she had asked this question – they did not have enough money to cover the ticket cost.

The one in charge of money exchange had not come back when the trio had left and now it was too late to go back.

“Should I make a quick trip back home?”

“No. let’s call Alexander over instead. He should be done with the money exchange right now.”

Aurora opened the system to send the message but stopped short as she read the message left on it.

[Alexander: Be careful. We are being tailed for some time now. I only noticed the intruders a few minutes ago]

Aurora forced her senses to sharpen and instantly noticed some suspicious moments going on behind her.

How had she not noticed this before? And how had Rita not noticed it before as well?

“Rita, take Natasha to Central Park first. I’ll meet up with Alexander and head toward that location. Also, be careful. The Northern Republic is on to us.”

Rita seemed surprised but she just nodded and played along.

“Natasha, let’s leave first. Aurora’s dad is coming to pick her up and will meet us later.”


Thankfully, Natasha did not question the decision to leave a nine-year-old alone in the crowded plaza.

And then it was finally time for Aurora to show her true colors. She would make their stalkers vomit the reason they were following the trio.


“Tell me, who send you to follow us? And how are you tracking us?”

Alexander bend the man’s hand behind his back in a painful hold. It was something every Tower guard was taught.

But he had never expected this hold to ever come in use. It was such an old-fashioned hold that no one used it anymore.

“I-I don’t know anything. W-We were not tailing your group but the girl you found. I s-swear we do not mean any harm to you.”

Alexander did not believe the man’s words.

[System alert: tone conclusion – Lying]

Alexander was thankful for the system at times like these. The man was lying about something for sure and Alexander would drag the truth out of his mouth.

He had already sent a message to Aurora to make her aware of their stalkers.

“You don’t know anything or are you unwilling to tell me anything? Don’t worry, I have ways to drag the truth out of your mouth.”

Alexander pulled his glove off and pushed his hand on top of the man’s head.

His magic flowed inside the man’s head and pulled out the recent memories he wanted to see.

This skill was one he had inherited a few days after his magic had been sealed for the first time. It was also the first time he had a close brush with death.

But it had all been worth it to get his hands on this skill. It was the closest skill one could have to a divine aura reading skill.

The man didn’t know much but Alexander did get the most crucial information out of his head.

“So she was the princess who ran away from home. And you people were ordered to bring her back and kill anyone who came close to finding the truth? And you said that you did not mean us hard.”

“Don’t you know that lying can get you killed?”

Alexander wasted to know more so he forced his magic deeper. But something unexpected happened.

Before he could push in further, the connection he had with the man got cut off and left Alexander hanging. It was frustrating to know that the man had taken his life already.

“Useless shit. But he might not be the only one who was sent to investigate us. Let’s see if there is anyone else left here.”

Alexander could not feel anyone on his tail but it did not mean that no one else was tailing him.

He was about to start forcing his way when he got Aurora’s message to find her and her general location.

[Aurora: I send Rita and Natasha ahead. Let’s take care of these fools first before we conclude.]

There was a change in Alexander’s plans as soon as he read that message. He would catch the rats tailing him later.

For now, he had to regroup with Aurora because she sounded like she had a plan. And Alexander knew that he could trust the goddess to not lead him astray.

That was the whole reason he had decided to follow along with her.

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