Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 97

The people following Aurora and the others were more than good. They were even able to evade Aurora’s divine senses.

But they could not evade her system’s biometric scanning feature. That was the only reason Aurora knew where those people were.

But it was a tiring process since Aurora had to take into account the people she could sense with her powers and find out the missing dots in the system map.

It was a next to impossible task for such a crowded place. Aurora would have to bait her stalkers out to follow her for such a task.

Thankfully, she was not alone. She could already sense Alexander approaching her direction with inhuman speed.

It was time to start her plan and head out. Alexander will find her without much problem.

“Hey kid, are you lost? Do you need help in finding your parents?”

The good thing about being a kid right now was that Aurora would be underestimated. That was what she had been counting on.

And it seemed like it was the right decision on her part. The man who had approached Aurora could not be sensed by her without much effort.

There was some kind of weird tech that was blocking Aurora’s powers from working right on him.

But it was also partially thanks to the fact that Aurora’s major powers were sealed right now that made it possible for her stalkers to hide.

“Hey kid, are you going to answer me or not? I don’t have all day to spend here.”

The stalker was getting impatient. Or he was appearing to be impatient and mean to Aurora to get her to agree.

Most children would either agree out of fear or cry in such a situation. Calling an authority would not even cross their mind.

And even if it did, Aurora was well aware that the police and authorities were mixed in with these people.

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They would not help Aurora or any kid in such a situation.

“My father told me not to take a stranger’s hand if he offers me anything. I don’t trust you, mister.”

If the man was baiting Aurora out, then she would play right into his hand.

For now.

“Hey, I think we have a misunderstanding here. I’m not a stranger but a policeman. It’s my job to make sure that lost kids such as you return to your parents safe and sound.”

“Don’t worry. You can trust me.”

Aurora had to give it to the man, he sounded convincing. He also had the police badge in his hand and showed it to Aurora.

This act was enough to see the stalker’s story. Any normal kid would have fallen for it.

But Aurora was neither normal nor a kid.

“Alright. Please take me to my daddy. He asked me to wait for him right here but he’s been gone for a while.”

Aurora tried to make her voice as pitiful as possible. Her inner self cringed to see her performance but she justified it by convincing herself that it was important.

That was the only way she would be able to get through her act.

“Well, we can wait here but I think going back to the station would be a better choice for you. You can eat something there while you wait for your father.”

Aurora agreed without putting up much fuzz. It was better to show her willingness to make the stalker lower his guard.

“Good choice. Now, come this way since my car is parked there. You can even call shotgun if you want to. I’m sure my partner won’t mind.”

Aurora nodded to show that she understood.

But in reality, she was gathering information from the short information the stalker was letting slip. Aurora was sure it was because he saw her as a kid and not a threat that he was letting everything known.

“Excuse me? Are there more people like you out there? Looking after lost kids like me, I mean?”

“There sure are. There are 11 people in our division but we lost contact with one of our own a little while back. But you don’t need to be worried about it.”

So eleven people were working on this plan? It was nice to confirm the number.

The missing one must be the one Alexander took down a while back. That meant that Aurora had ten more targets.

“Hey man, you are finally back? And who’s that? A lost kid? Who do you think we are? An orphanage?”

Aurora quickly snapped her attention to the other man in the car. He was tall and had dark hair.

Other than that, there was nothing remarkable about him at all. He was as plain and bland as people came.

“Hey, don’t be like that. She’s an *important* guest we need to take care of.”

The stalker emphasizes on certain words did not escape Aurora’s notice. And it seemed not to have escaped the other man either.

“Oh, I see. In that case, push her in, and let’s go.”

The stalker in the car sounded impatient. Aurora could sense the urgency in his voice.

It was also the time when Alexander caught up with her. Aurora could feel him looking ahead to the planned signal but she stopped him short.

If they attacked now then they would alert the other stalkers and lose their chance to capture the others.

Aurora needed to find a way to drag the others out before making her move.

“Here kid, hurry up inside. We don’t have much time to spend here.”

“Hey, that is my seat. How dare you give it to a kid.”

“Shut up man, it’s just a kid. Let her have that seat for now. You need to grow up and let go of things.”

Aurora took this opportunity to look around the car for clues about these people and instantly spotted a phone.

It seemed to be locked but that was not a problem for Aurora. She quickly snapped the phone before the two stalkers could finish their conversation.

“Sorry for my partner, kid. The man’s a giant kid himself but he won’t disturb you. Sit tight and buckle your seatbelt.”

Aurora nodded and did as she had been instructed. But she already knew she had what she wanted from these people.

With the phone in her hand, Aurora did not need these people anymore. They were disposal to her now.

“E-Excuse me. Can we stop here? I need to go pee.”

Aurora asked that only after they were deeper into the deserted area. It was lucky that these people had done exactly as Aurora had wanted them to do.

She did not even have to put extra effort into getting these fools to go to a secluded place.

“Hey kid, hurry up and be done with your shit. I don’t want to wait around for you to get finished with your problem.”

The one who spoke was the man sitting in the backseat.

Aurora recognized their tactic of good cop, bad cop. But she did not even care to reply to the man.

He was not going to live any longer so Aurora did not want to bother forming any attachment.

“I will be back in a few minutes.”

Aurora signaled Alexander as soon as she was outside the audible range.

Then all she had to do was to wait a few seconds for Alexander to be done and head back. It only took a minute for Alexander to be done and join Aurora in the next moment.

“There are eight more people. I got their names and what they look like. They use a phone to communicate. I hope you got the phone.”

“Of course I did. So, let’s take care of them right now and meet Rita and Natasha later. I want to enjoy the Northern Republic as well.”

Aurora opened the phone and handed it to Alexander.

It would be better for Alexander to be the one to speak with these fools than Aurora. He would be much more respected and taken seriously.

“I’m done. Let’s go to the meeting spot and bust some heads. I am in a mood for violence.”

Aurora just sighed at the violent man but she had nothing to say regarding his new temper.

Aurora had a feeling that this temper of Alexander was a direct result of her system’s meddling.

Maybe she should limit her meddling in his affair and let Alexander take care of this mess.

Besides, Aurora was also worried about Rita and Natasha and she wanted to check up on them.

“You go ahead. I can see that you have it all handled here. I will go back for now and keep you posted about the current situation.”

Aurora hated to rely on other people. But she knew when she needed to back down from a fight.

Right now, this fight was not one she should get into. So she left everything to the former tower-guard and took her meddlesome self somewhere else.

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