All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 124 Doctor Lincoln

The mood was not the best, especially with Ashley, a friend of Creed, and Magnus and Aurora were better, as they had only recently known the man.

But despite that, everyone wanted to help get him back from the military base. Their goal was to set up a plan to take over the place!

"So, how many people are there?" Aurora asked.

She had not seen the base, just like everyone else, so the amount of information they had was limited. It would be impossible to form a plan.

"Around 80 people, almost all being superhumans," Wendy said.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you doubting me?"

A tense atmosphere grew between Wendy and Aurora, and Damian had to intervene, "Use this to fight against them, not between ourselves."

Magnus listened to everything, and it was not looking good. "There's no way we can just go there and fight against everyone. We have to think this through."

Damian agreed with him. Even if the superhumans inside the military base were not the strongest, they were still superhumans, and eighty of them were not something anyone could go against.

They had to think of another way to reduce the number of soldiers before going inside, and that's when Damian had an idea.

"I can disguise myself as one of the guards and enter. You said they captured Creed, right? So we must capture one of them when they leave the base."

"You can do that? Like, no one will know?" Ashley asked.

"I think so, yes. Anyway, I can open a passage for everyone to enter and reduce the number of soldiers from the inside to make our fight a more winning."

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"Fine. I can work with that. You and Magnus will search for a guard to capture, and we will share the plan with the tribe," Ashley said.

Everyone nodded and went to work.


"These tracks look like boots. Only the military would have something like that on this island," Damian said.

"Agreed, bro. We are in the right direction."

Damian and Magnus worked together to find tracks. Their victim? Any guard from the military base and said guard would indeed have a tough day if meeting the two.

They needed one guard to get the uniform and identity from, and then Damian would get inside the base in disguise, starting the first step of their plan.

Two days. They waited for two whole days, from the morning hours to the late nights, until a guard finally showed up around the area they were in.

A man wearing a deep blue uniform, pants to avoid mosquitoes, and boots to avoid any danger on his feet, he also wore a cap and carried a gun, but that was only for appearance.

Damian expected them to leave the base with more than one guard to avoid getting into trouble, but that guard was alone, discarding his thoughts.

'They are so comfortable inside this island that they are careless.'

The military had no threats on the island. Sure, the tribes could one day threaten them, but with the possibility of asking for backup from the mainland, how could they lose?

But they never believed the plane crash survivors would try something against them.

Damian and Magnus saw the guard moving toward a tree to piss. They took advantage of coming out from behind the bushes, using the vegetation and the night sky to cover their movements, attacking the guard before he could fight back.

It happened fast, especially with Magnus' and Damian's bodies' power. The strength they could pull off in a short period and short space was tremendous, knocking the guard unconscious.

"Let's do this quickly," Damian said.

He took out the guard's uniform — leaving the underpants, of course — and grabbed the ID card hanging on the guard's neck.

Now, the crucial part of the plan was to look like the guard and copy his face; Damian used his Slime Ring, which became his favorite item.

The item worked perfectly fine, copying all the features of that guard's face, making Damian look exactly like him! But strong people would still see through his disguise, so how could Damian prevent that?

Well, that was what his Erotic Coins were for. Damian had a decent number of coins after all his hard work in doing quests, and unused coins were useless, so he wanted to spend them on something that would help him in the upcoming mission.

<Disguise Master (Grade 3): Ability to copy someone else's 'aura' and complete appearance. It can also protect the user against the probing of others up to a certain level of power.>

<Price: 80 Erotic Coins.>

Disguise Master, an ability that Damian wanted to buy for the occasion, and he had the money for it, so he did.

He had a total of 110 Erotic Coins, and after buying the ability, it went all the way back to 30. Damian felt bad opening his character tab only to see the number 30 in there, but at least he got himself a new helpful ability!

Also, that ability would play a significant role in their plan to leave the island, and leaving was the most important thing they had on their hands at that point. Nothing else mattered.

So Damian touched the guard after dressing up like him, copying his weight and height too! The Slime Ring could copy a face perfectly, but changing the rest of the body was not easy, and that's where his new ability entered.

With just a touch, Damian changed his body and aura to look exactly like the guard. Magnus watched everything and was surprised to see the efficiency of Damian's item.

"This ring you have is freaking cool!"

Magnus linked everything to the ring, not thinking for a second Damian had another ability, as that was defying logic.

"I'll bring back this guard with me. You can go to the base and start the work. The idea is to attack in five days during the night. Understood?" Magnus said.

"Don't worry, I have everything under control."

Wendy shared the location of the military base with everyone else, so Damian knew precisely where to go, and that's where he headed after changing his appearance completely, looking like the poor guard who only wanted to take a piss.

The place was on the other side of the island, not far from where they caught the guard — they were close to the base to find any guards, or else they would never find one.

Damian followed a muddy path that looked way better than the rest of the island, a sign the militaries took their time to create a decent pathway for their soldiers.

A massive wall made of concrete with electric-powered fences and advanced buildings that looked exactly like the military bases one would find on the mainland.

'This place looks impressive for it to be an island base. What are they doing inside this place, exactly?'

The infrastructure of the building raised questions inside Damian's mind. He knew the base would be decent because the military had support, both manpower, and money, so building something on the island wouldn't be a difficult task for them.

But to that degree? It was impressive, higher than the average bases, which raised many doubts inside Damian's head.

The guard on the gate glanced at his ID card, which stated, 'Gregory Matthews, Security.'

He said nothing, returning to what he was doing, eating donuts and sleeping.

'Donuts? I saw no planes or ships coming to this island recently,' Damian thought as he entered the military base.

The base was on higher ground, and from there, Damian could see they made a pathway down to the beach, having complete control of what looked like a harbor area.

Damian saw many buildings inside the base, some smaller, some bigger. He read the ID he got from the guard, and Damian guessed the man used to work in the security room where people looked through the cameras.

So that was where he went. It wasn't hard to find the security room considering it had a huge sign indicating where it was.

The moment he opened the door, someone else was inside, sitting on a chair and looking at many screens simultaneously.

"Gregory, were you taking a shit? You took a long time," the man said, laughing.

"What did I miss?" Damian said.

His voice was exactly like the one from the original Gregory — all thanks to the power of his new ability — so the man inside the security room found nothing unusual.

"You missed the good part! Doctor Lincoln tested new drugs on the subjects, and some went rogue, destroying the lab. Then the guards went there and locked them up again."

The amount of information Damian got in one sentence was huge, and it concerned him.

'A lab? A doctor testing new drugs? What is happening here?' Damian thought.

He was shocked on the inside but acted normal, saying, "Oh? Really? I hope it happens again to break the boredom."

"You betcha. Come, I saved a few donuts for you."

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