All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 125 Doc Doc, Who's There?

Cameras covered the entire military base area, yet there was not one outside, only at a small range of the surrounding area.

The militaries were not worried about external threats, like the tribes, for example, as for them, they were nothing to worry about. They had way more cameras in the lab and the cell blocks.

'Whatever is inside this place is more dangerous than outside,' Damian thought.

Those were his initial guesses as he stared at the wide screen, checking all the cameras and eating his donuts. He appreciated the donut, as these were hard things to have while trapped on an island.

He was not alone inside the room but with someone else called Samuel O. Derrick. Damian knew his name not because he asked him or because they had been good friends since childhood but because he read it on his ID card.

"Are you excited about the new drugs? Man, the vampires Doctor Lincoln is trying to create are the ones with the most success, but superhumans with more than one ability are not that far from reality!" Samuel said, excited.

It took Damian by surprise. He wasn't surprised they were trying to create a drug to give someone else more than one ability. There were people like that already, but most died when taking such a drug. Doctor Lincoln was likely trying to evolve the recipe, making it so more people survive after taking it.

But what surprised Damian was the talking about creating vampires. Why would humankind try to do that? When Samuel touched the subject, showing the cells where the 'vampires' were, Damian could not help but gaze there; there was someone he knew!

'That vampire who went to speak with Serana when I was in the castle. What was his name? Right, Gerard!'

Damian recalled the man, someone he disliked, who tried to kill him while staying in the same castle as Serana. Gerard was also a subject there, and it was their blood they were using to try to create more vampires.

But of course, Damian said nothing and acted as if he had not seen someone he knew, or his disguise would be in deep trouble.

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"Why are they making vampires anyway? I've never asked myself that question," Damian said, trying to see if Samuel would grant him the answer.

For some reason, he did not find the question odd. He answered without problems, "Doctor Lincoln realized vampires have a more powerful body, thus having more chances of surviving when taking the serum to get abilities. He's trying to grant humans the benefits of being a vampire without the side effects, improving everyone and the chances of his other serum to work."

Doctor Lincoln tried his best to develop a serum to give superhumans another ability. Granting them the robust body of vampires would improve their chances of survival when taking the serum he was working on.

That was only a guess he had, a risk he was willing to take. Plus, they captured a vampire not long ago, so there was no reason not to use the chance to study it.

"Makes sense," Damian said.

"Of course it does. I know everything. Now, let's clean this place up because our shift is almost ending," Samuel said.

Damian looked at his wristwatch, surprised to see the hour, "right. Let's hurry."

It was all an act because Damian had no idea what the hours of his shift were, so he just followed along with Samuel and hoped it was not something like a test.

They cleaned up the dirt and tossed the donut package in the trash bin, making the place look as good as new. Then, after a few more minutes of watching nothing interesting happening on the cameras, two men entered the security room.

"You guys are set. We take over from here," one of them said.

After that, Damian and Samuel left the room, moving toward another building inside the military camp where the space of the lower-ranking members was.

Doctor Lincoln and other vital figures had a unique building with way more security, but the room Damian got for himself was far from bad.

He checked the keys in his pocket, reading the number to know where his room was, thus heading toward it right after.

'Not bad, not bad.'

The room looked exactly like a hotel one, and Damian was happy with it, but he was not there in that military base to chill in a cozy room and eat donuts. He had things to do, like mapping out the entire base and finding ways to reduce the number of soldiers to make their attack successful.

He couldn't go out mapping the place during the night. That would make him look suspicious; therefore, the idea was terrible.

What he could do was sleep early, rest well, and use the hours of the early morning to explore the place.

'Bed it is, then,' Damian thought as he did his night routine, going to bed.

The following day started in a way Damian was not expecting, someone knocked on his door, banging the door in the morning hours.

It was strange, and the first thing that crossed Damian's mind was that someone had discovered his true identity! So, he went toward the door to check, and after seeing through the magic eye, he could not believe it!

"Doctor Lincoln!"

There was no evident reason for Doctor Lincoln to go there to speak with Damian, or rather, the identity he had taken over. He was not expecting Lincoln to know his name, yet he did.

"Gregory, I am sorry to bother you this early, but I need someone to help me in the lab. My assistant is not doing well, psychically, and I heard good things about you."

Damian was not worried at first, but after hearing that, he disliked the direction of the conversation. It was not like Doctor Lincoln was asking for his help but commanding it, and judging by the things he saw through the cameras, bad things happened in that lab.

But, without a chance to say no, Damian smiled, "It would be an honor to help you, Doctor Lincoln."

Damian only hoped his life would not be at risk.

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