Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 53 - Just... Let It Go.

Palkia opened a hole in space above the sky before an enormous shock wave hit Asgard as it didn't only shake Asgard, but the entire planet was trembling slightly.

The shock wave from the wing colliding with the hand was powerful enough to clear the clouds on a global scale, as this is a feat similar to Saitama's serious punch.

The supernatural world which was confused by the small earthquakes it experienced has finally noticed the anomaly. The whole planet was shaking this time before they all looked towards Asgard.

However, this didn't end as the shock waves were still going inside the 8th layer of Asgard.

The wing and the hand were spreading electric sparks around them as everything was pushed away and distorted at the same time, even the nuclear energy ball was smashed like glass.

"Good grief... Are you this sensitive?" The angel spoke some words with a slightly annoyed tone, which surprised Vidar and Thor.

The angel looks changed completely at this moment, an astral projection appeared on the angel body which was copied from it. However, the angel gained a 1/3 halo with sharp tips that were colliding with the wings. Both sides were rejecting each other furiously as they were the reason for the chaos now.

"I feel weird to talk to an instinct, but I know you can understand me... Why are you so concerned about this god recorded in the bible?" Leo, who was able to take a form outside his mind, was speaking as he said " You saw 'it', didn't you? And it was nothing"

Nothing was the thing which Leo saw when he ascended. He couldn't remember it because the spell was going out of control, but he saw nothing when he looked at... God.

God wasn't from this world, but the world of To Aru. The god of the bible was just a medium to send the message from the world of To Aru using the same way as Leo.

Leo doesn't know how this was possible, but the only theories he has are that the world will agree that God can access the DXD world or maybe the world will is God. However, he has no proof of that.

The god of the bible isn't God from ToAru, but the angel saw nothing, so it had the idea of that's God... And this is one of the reasons it fell. However, this doesn't end here.

Leo's words didn't get a response from the angel as the power was still going out of control before he said "*Sigh* Are you this desperate? Even taking the form of another angel just because you don't want to admit it"

The angel finally showed a reaction as the emotion of anger, which shouldn't appear, was showing on its face. The angel and Leo were colliding more, as the planet shook again.

"What are you proud of? These incomplete broken wings? Or the fact you can see the flaws in the world?..." Leo pushed the wings with his hand as he was trying to contain the power before he said " Then why don't you use the power on yourself? It's easier, isn't it?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

From the beginning of the transformation, the angel never used the flaw's power on itself, which was strange for others, but Leo knows why it hasn't used it.

" You don't want to admit it, huh... You're the biggest flaw in this world... You're not perfect, not even close" Leo said as he pushed the wing further, but the wing regained its power instantly.

The angel snapped as it screamed inhumanly before the wing and Leo's hand collided again. The planet vibrated slightly again, but this time, the hidden realms like heaven and the underworld were also shaking.

Thor, Vidar, and Palkia weren't able to stand as they were pushed to the edge of the layer, even if Palkia used his space power to stabilize himself.

Leo was fighting against the angel power as this is his attempt to break the cycle in the other reality, so he couldn't stop.

The angel won't admit that its existence isn't perfect, even if that's against God will. God is perfect, which is the only one who should be called that. But the angel, who saw all the flaws in the world, wasn't able to put himself in the same position.

If I saw all the flaws doesn't that mean I'm perfect? But perfect is only for God, so the angel falls and this was one of the reasons. However, who's the angel to judge God's creation. You can see the flaw, but never doubt god's actions, and that judgment also leads to its fall.

The biggest reason for the fall is the angel, who won't admit its flaws and swapped forms with another angel, as it dragged him from heaven and used it as a cover... The angel was one of the biggest fools in history... Lucifer.

The power of the true form of Leo is beyond understanding as it's an angel who should exist before the beginning and after the end, but it was sealed away because of perfection.

Lucifer against Leo's complete power was absolutely helpless as he was dragged from heaven in another world and destroyed before his form was taken, but that form was incomplete as Leo has only two pairs of wings and no trace of Lucifer power.


One after another, the wings were controlled by the angel attacked as Leo blocked them with his hands while shock waves hit all the places. The planet, Asgard, and the realms, everything was shaking, and if not for Leo to block most of it then the planet was going to be destroyed.

"I don't want this too... This halo or this perfection... I refused it and here we are" Leo said as he was mentioning the halo above his head.

"I don't believe in this perfection... I never believed in it" Leo saw his words having more and more effect on the angel as he said " But even if I refused it... I ended up in a world of chaos"

"And here you're, so desperate to see that perfection, even if it means to use humans' ways to reach it" Leo looked at the chaos around which was still spinning.

Leo doesn't believe in this world or if it can produce anything with the word perfect, even if it was God. However, when he rejected his perfection, he was more close to the all-mighty.

He got the mind of God which can grow to be equal to the calculation of God, but by rejecting that perfection, he ended up with 1/3 of that power as it represented in his Halo which belongs to his original angel form.

However, if he admits that he is perfect, then he'll never get close to this perfect power, which is quite hilarious and ironic for him.

Therefore, the angel and Leo were separated, the power and the mind, the wings and the halo. Wings are the power of the angel, and the halo is the crown above their heads.

This is the fantasy that Leo meant. Both of them represent a contradiction between the flaws and perfection.

The angel believed in its perfection, even if it saw God which led to it becoming the biggest flaw in a world created by a perfect being, as the world is kinda perfect compared to it. However, the angel saw the perfection in the world and went as far as using the Spin to achieve it, even if it was a lost cause for them.

Leo didn't believe in his perfection at all, which gave him a near-perfect power, but it locked him in a world filled with flaws and chaos. However, he didn't see any perfection in the world, even if he knows there's some perfection.

Like it was shown in his mindscape, Leo and the angel. The halo and the wings are like the reflection of the mirror.

Both of them went in the same way, but had ended up with something the other wanted. This made the situation completely ridiculous for Leo.

"Let it go..." Leo said with a quiet voice as he blocked some hits and caught the wings.

"I know the feeling of chasing an illusion which contains all your regrets as you're regretting that time when you saw the god recorded in the bible" Leo looked at his wings which belong to Lucifer, but they still have his own theme of the dark void with some colors.

"You saw all the possibilities from the beginning, but nothing worked out, and here we are... Going to the same end" Leo said as Thor, Vidar, and the Char members noticed the dark void on Leo's body was appearing on the angel.

Leo saw the collision between him and the angel getting stronger before he did his last step and said " Just... Let it go"

However, the angel didn't stop as it seems it finally had it all before its wings started to grow larger and reached 100 meters long.

"Palkia!!!" Leo was losing control over his astral projection as he used his final power to block this gigantic hit from the angel.


This by far, the biggest attack and collision between Leo and the angel, but Palkia and Leo interfered in time as most of the attack was transferred somewhere else.

In space, a giant slash appeared on the planet named Mars, which did a scare that was almost as long as half of the planet. That attack was going to split the earth in half if Leo didn't transfer it.

The attack was the last announcement of something big is happening in the world as all the eyes looked at Asgard.

"Dammit..." Leo saw most of his efforts were useless as he sighed and looked at Thor and Vidar.

"Hey, hammer guy..." Leo Astral body was getting transparent as he said " If you want to stop this guy until I find a solution then you should challenge it openly"

"He's too 'perfect' to refuse anyway..." With those words, Leo left this world as he was locked again in his reality.

Thor and Vidar stared at the angel with the 100 meters wide wing, as they sighed and chose to follow Leo's advice because they didn't have any better option.

"Shit..." Leo fell on the ground as he leaned his body on the mirror behind him.

His body was already covered with that dark void as he wasn't able to hide it from the group anymore.

(A/n: Imagine what happened to Yato from Noragami, but switch it with a dark void)

"I know what you'll say, and I'm fine... I just need to slow down from a second" Leo said as he stood up slowly from the ground.

The group members, who were going to type, stopped as they stared at the screen without a word. Leo was almost looking like a broken doll in their eyes now.

[Big Sister Lion:*Sigh*... You're not fine at all]

Leo smiled helplessly as he stood up and said " Well, there's nothing to do about it... There are more important things now"

"I broke the cycle and a new brand alternative possibility is starting and a new ending is getting closer" Leo said as he had dark transparent wings from his back and the angel also had a transparent halo.

The wings and the halo of both sides were smaller and much weaker than their original form. But it represents that Leo finally had a connection with his body again.

[NEET Princess: Leo... I won't say anything about this, but can you answer me honestly... Did you ever see the Golden Rectangle in nature before?]

The Golden Rectangle is a symbol of perfection for the Spin as it's omnipresent in the surrounding nature.

"...." Leo stopped all his actions as a completely helpless look was on his face before he said " You had to do me like this, Kaguya..."

"*Sigh* No, I never saw the Golden Rectangle in nature before" Leo said before he finally stood up completely and walked a few steps forward.

Kaguya, who was watching the screen, sighed as she realized another thing after remembering her first talk with Leo.

"You saw this world as incomplete or as an abyss from the start, huh... Even if you were willing to move forward, that vision never changed" Kaguya said with a sigh as she looked at Leo's mindscape before choosing to remain silent.

Leo looked at the sky as it started to glitch and freak out before he smiled and said " This is really a new cycle, but a new ending as well"

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Which end?]

" The 7 trumpets have already been announced according to the notes in this book..." Leo looked at his side as he said " The apocalypse is approaching which will take this flawed world... Well, at least this reality to it ending"

The angel is incomplete, so it can't do something very big from the start. So it was gathering its power to end everything flawed which is the entire world and let it rest with the god it thought he's dead.

The group wanted to say something about the world ending subject, but they stopped because Leo had a visitor.

A dark creature made from tentacles and a lot of eyes were crawling on the ground as its monstrosity was representing the horror itself.

Kazuma and Misaka almost puked while looking at the creature.

"Did you arrive? Well, the cycle is broken, so you'll try to stop me now" Leo said as he looked at the monsters that represent the curse from Loki and how it grew stronger when he was locked here.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The monster didn't care about Leo's words as it opened hundreds of mouths in its body and rushed towards him.

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