Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 54 - Solution.

Leo smiled as he stared at the monstrosity crawling towards him.

[A Hero For Fun: You can smile at that thing?]

"No, no, no... I'm smiling because things changed" Leo raised his hand as a golden energy was gathering on it before he said " The situation was complicated and can't be fixed normally at first, but now..."

The creature rushed towards Leo with his sharp teeth. The disgusting look of the monster has already made the Chat members uncomfortable, but Leo only stared at it blankly before he pointed at it with his hand.

The golden aura on Leo's hand changed as something was created from it in a blink of an eye.

The monster didn't care about Leo's actions as he jumped and opened its mouth, but Leo didn't even flinch before he moved his hand and shoved the thing he created in one of the monster's eyeballs... It was a holy shotgun.


Leo pulled the trigger as the monster exploded, and organs or dark blood were spilled everywhere.

"It can be solved by violence..." Leo said as he took a deep breath and dashed forward.

The book of the Law became smaller and was hanging from Leo's wrist by a small chain.

*CRASH!!* *CRASH!!!*

The area behind Leo was completely destroyed as tentacles were appearing from the ground and crushing everything in their way.

Leo didn't care about what was behind him because he had a situation at the front as tentacles spawned from the ground and rushed towards him.

Leo moved a little to the left as he dodged an attack before raising his shotgun and blocking a large tentacle.

Sparks were flying between the shotgun and the tentacle as Leo was running alongside them before he pulled the trigger.


The tentacle exploded as the monster was howling from pain before Leo raised his other hand as a Tommy gun appeared.

Leo didn't hesitate as he instantly pulled the trigger and shot the ground under him.


"GAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The ground was shattered as a giant monster rose from it and attacked.

The wings on Leo's back flapped as he jumped up and avoided the attacks before the wings blocked a sneak attack from behind.

Leo did a flip in the air while shooting some other monsters before aiming at the big monster head.

The shotgun in Leo's hand was charging its power as Leo pulled the trigger.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The monster's head exploded as the blood rushed to the sky like a fountain, but Leo didn't care. He was sliding on a tentacle as he rushed towards the door.

The situation behind Leo wasn't good as thousands of monsters appeared before chasing after him.

"I officially hate my imagination" Leo looked back to see the monsters before running faster.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Hey, Leo... Why do you have cthulhu in your mind?!]

"Ah, yes. I also regret reading those Lovecraft shit" Leo said as he shot more monsters blocking his way.

[Big Sister Lion: Okay... What the hell is going on??!!]

"Do you want a long or a short story?" Leo jumped on the head of one of the monsters before his wings ripped him to shreds.

[Big Sister Lion: The shortest story!!!]

"The god recorded in the bible is dead and he was used as a tool for the biggest God from To Aru which I feel that it's a plot from the world will" Leo Tommy gun changed into another shotgun before he blew the heads of three monsters as he said " Maybe it was the world will stuff or something, but Lucifer from To Aru was also involved and he's dead... Well, I'm Lucifer now"

The hoards behind Leo were growing with every second.

" The angel fell from heaven because of perfection philosophy and took Lucifer as a cover for its mistakes which is literally shifting the blame, but also because Lucifer is the best for me as a 6 before moving to 7" Leo saw the door was getting closer before he jumped towards it.

"However, everything was pointless because..." Leo raised the shotgun as he shot the door while screaming "I'LL ALWAYS FALL, SO THE GAME WAS RIGGED FROM THE START!!!"

Leo rolled on the ground as he found himself in a corridor filled with different kinds of paintings, which made him sigh before standing up.

"My wings dark void represents the beginning and the colors are all the possibilities in that beginning which was planned by God" The corridor started shaking so Leo started running again before he said " However, all those different options, possibilities, struggles, and hopes were always useless as I'll fall and meet the same end over and over which is why I called it a cycle"

Therefore, Leo said to the angel to stop being persistent about God and let it go because it is pitiful and pointless to keep chasing behind something that doesn't exist for them.

The dark color on his body means that he's running into the same fate and it'll end up with destruction for his mind and soul. The mind of God is a powerful spell, but it's also dangerous as Leo keeps getting information about things beyond his existence. He's learning more and more until he loses himself and becomes just a machine.

Leo never cared about God, so he saw God as nothing because it doesn't mean anything for him, and it doesn't matter if he saw it or not.

He'll always follow his own way, so why should he go with God's plan?.

This was also written in Leo's phrases and his understanding of them at the moment because he overdrove the mind spell.

1- Secret Emperor: God or the world will and its rules... Probably.

2-Kabbalah: The blueprint of creation as the world and everything was planned by God before everything existed.

3- Alpha: The start of the world.

4- Rhinoceros beetle: the beetle represents the development as the world was moving correctly in the direction where God planned.

5- Spiral staircase: Represents the world and how it develops in a spiral of time and all the ages it crossed.

6- Calathea: This means a new beginning for the world as it'll repeat what God has planned, which is the cycle.

The angel running in circles in this cycle without stopping or hoping to succeed, like a helpless fool which really fits if you think about it.

The six phrases represented in Leo's halo have 6 sharp tips and the meaning of his role and power in the world, which is very close to Lucifer as 6 and a fool. However, something has changed this time.

Leo and his body which were separated now have a connection. The biggest flaw and the near-perfection are now almost one being.

7. Papilio glaucus butterfly: Butterfly represents resurrection and transfiguration, which means a new start for the angel. This start will be chaotic and take another turn because of something small.

This also the 7 trumpets which are the 7 earthquakes in the three realms combined with the 7 phrases from Leo as it made the order broken. 7 phrases also mean Leo is challenging God's judgment as he is approaching him. Therefore, the apocalypse is starting.

The flap of a butterfly wing in the butterfly effect means the little things can produce a bigger change in the overall situation.

Leo is the little thing here, as he broke the cycle that was put by fate and started a new one.

However, this made the reality of God change to attack him as a small curse from Loki grew up with his mind and imagination.

Loki is the god of mischief, as his divinity will curse his enemies automatically even if it's a weak curse, but now, it's a huge curse because of the stupid falling angel.

"It even took the form of a Cthulhu for fuck sake!!" Leo pumped the shotgun before he said " So here's the conclusion for everything I currently know..."

" I was breaking the rules of the God of DxD and now I'm challenging the God of To Aru before taking some power from Lucifer for myself" Leo blasted the head of a monster that came from a painting before he said " I'm disappointed in myself because I didn't take his power from the start".

Poor Lucifer, he was killed, absorbed, and blamed by Leo as the group felt sorry for the devil.

[Bri-Bri: Then what about the long speech about falling with the angel outside?]

"I needed some time to connect with my body and the angel reacted to those words, but those words were true because you forgot something... " Leo said as the hoards reached the door behind him.

The mind landscape was already collapsing as the door was only leading to one possibility, which is the new one that Leo made.

"I'm not an angel originated from the bible and absolutely not a machine or a tool, so it doesn't matter if I fall or not" Leo said as he rushed towards another door.

Angels are tools that follow the most logical thinking and God's orders as the top priority. However, Leo doesn't belong to them so he can ignore God even if he deemed him as fallen.

However, it's still a mystery for him why he was acknowledged by God as an angel from the start if he was destined to fall.

" Well, now... There's only one chance and one way forward" Leo said as he blasted through another door and shot another monster in the head.

This situation wasn't a surprise for Leo and his mind of God, but that gave some members a jump scare.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: Is this a goddamn scary game?! What the hell is wrong with your mind?!]

"Yeah, it's kinda a scary game to reach the center of this reality and... Destroy it" Leo said as his wings became stronger because his connection is increasing with his body.

[Advocate of Gender Equality: *Sigh* I'm still confused, but... Rip and tear!!].

Leo charged the shotgun as it changed before he said " Rip and tear"

[The Strongest Man In The World: Couldn't you just use your power without making these weapons?]

[NEET Princess: I think he wanted to say he's an angel with a shotgun as a reference, but it ended with a DOOM reference and... The Tommy gun of Joseph, huh?..].


"..." The group was silent as they saw Leo holding a rocket launcher and blowing everything around him.

"I played with your rules for enough time and now... I'll burn it to the ground!!!!" Leo wings extended as different kinds of weapons appeared and started to shoot every moving or static thing. The group was more speechless with every explosion happening.

The mind landscape and prison were getting weaker and weaker by Leo's annihilation while the monsters turned into the good guys as they were trying to stop him.


All kinds of weapons were shooting at the monsters, Leo didn't spare anything in front of him as he was going on a genocide run. The area around was also affected as it was broken, but he didn't care.

However, the monsters didn't decrease as they kept coming and growing stronger and larger, which made Leo frown before he rushed to the only normal door in this chaos.

Suddenly, the monsters started screaming and raging as they didn't care about pain or Leo's attack and rushed towards him. All the monsters were desperately trying to stop Leo from going into the door. But the heavy fire gave Leo enough time as he entered the last door.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa…" The monsters screamed as their cries grow smaller before it died in the darkness as this reality is collapsing without Leo who's keeping it together.

"Well, then… I feel this was both surprising and predictable" Leo was standing in front of a house as he didn't know what to say about it.

The house was normal, but for Leo… A long time ago, it was a place he called home.

Meanwhile, the angel and Thor were clashing as the wings and the hammer made sparks in the air.

Thor twisted the handle of the hammer as he changed the attack direction towards the angel head, but the wing blocked him before attacking.

Lightning was raging as Thor dodged the attack and countered the angel before Vidar appeared above the angel and attacked.


This battle was going on between the angel and the two brothers as it was one of the biggest battles in this world, but the world didn't like this at all because the angel was going easy on them.

When they followed Leo's advice, the angel lowered its power to match them before fighting them equally. It wanted to prove its superiority.

Honestly, the battle now is hard with the angel attack speed and defense, but the brothers were angrier than ever.

This is humiliating as the angel can just sneeze and destroy them, but no, it has to play this game with them to show that it can defeat them perfectly even in an equal condition.

The battle continues even if the two brothers tried to stop, but the situation isn't optimistic at the moment.

The supernatural world found the problem in Asgard, and each one of them took a different reaction.

Some gods tried to check on the situation, but they were stopped by Palkia's space barrier and the chaos around the angel.

Angels, devils, and fallen angels were trying to check the situation, but they didn't have the courage.

The situation is in Asgard which means it is beyond their reach to interfere and they felt something terrifying from Asgard.

Most angels and fallen angels didn't dare to look, and the devils were shaking.

Even the four satans had goosebumps while trying to scan Asgard with their powers.

The biblical factions felt the power of the true Lucifer from Leo, even if it was just a form with no power for now.

However, in the dimensional gap, a giant red dragon was rushing towards Asgard... And he wasn't looking happy.


Leo current understanding of the phrases:

1- Secret Emperor: God or the world will and its rules... Probably.

2-Kabbalah: The blueprint of creation as the world and everything was planned by God before everything existed.

3- Alpha: The start of the world.

4- Rhinoceros beetle: the beetle represents the development as the world was moving correctly in the direction where God planned.

5- Spiral staircase: Represents the world, how it develops in a spiral of time, and all the ages it crossed.

6- Calathea: This means a new beginning for the world as it'll repeat what God has planned, which is the cycle.

7. Papilio glaucus butterfly: Butterfly represents resurrection and transfiguration, which means a new start for the angel. This start will be chaotic and take another turn because of something small.

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