Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 224: On the Shoulders of Giants

Chapter 224: On the Shoulders of Giants

No, no! Saunak scolded, waving his hands. Thatll never work!

The mad thaumaturge wore a helm that truly lived up to his name. The metal contraption entirely covered his face, bulging like a dome around his head. Tubes and black wires connected the device to a nearby gizmo, which Vir recognized as similar to the ones Ashani used to spend hours in front ofthe ones with the floating panels.

Saunak's device lacked those floating panels, however, instead projecting moving pictures in front of his eyes when he wore the ridiculous-looking helm.

Vir couldnt be sure what all it did, though one thing was for certainit allowed Saunak to see prana like Vir could. Or at least, a facsimile.

The demon had offered to allow Vir to experience it, but Vir wasnt about to stick his head into such a suspicious-looking device. He still wasnt sure when Saunak was being genuine, and when he had ulterior motives.

Like Cirayus, who had Sikandar in his hand, Vir kept Prana Current active, in case he needed to escape at a moments notice.

What's the trap this time? he thought, looking furtively around. The three stood atop the high railing, though only a handful of Saunaks humanoid automatons had followed them up. The spiders had disappeared back into the walls of his tower, and the ones that remained would pose little threat to the combined might of Vir, Shan, and Cirayus.

So whats his angle, then? Vir thought, eyeing the ridiculous-looking demon suspiciously. It was hard not to be suspicious when he wore something that looked so menacing.

Did he want Vir to show him how he manipulated the Automaton directly? But if so, what would he gain? Should Vir succeed, he was taking an Automaton, whether Saunak let him or not.

No. Hes expecting me to fail. He just wants to study how I use my prana. Hell attack us when hes learned enough.

Though, casting a glance at the mad thaumaturge, Vir wasnt so sure. The logic felt shaky, even to him. Why take such a risk? If Vir succeeded, Saunak would be in a terrible position. Surely, he wouldnt risk his prized Imperium creations so carelessly? It was the likelihood of that very prospect that kept Vir from escaping. The prize was simply too great to ignore, despite the danger.

Well? Try again, try again! Saunak urged, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

Vir returned to his attempts to control the Automaton. He stood too much to gain from this, and while the more prudent part of him considered incapacitating Saunak right then and there, another part of him wanted to believe in the demon. Not just because of the Automaton. If Saunak honored their bargain, it would go a long way toward undoing his prior transgressions against them. And that meant the possibility of working together in the future.

That was a big 'if', however, as both Vir and Cirayus were painfully aware.

The issue is I lose control of my prana the moment it leaves my body, Vir said. Its always been this way.

Hmm. Hmmm. Well, give it another go, anyway, will you?

Vir shook his head in defeat, touching the colossal Automaton Guardians shoulder again. Thinking back to how hed first formed Prana Bladeby shooting his prana out in a jetVir attempted to aim the prana to send it to different points in the Automatons body.

If it were human-sized, his tactics mightve actually worked. With Prana Current, he could now shoot a jetor a dartof prana far further than before. It dissipated much quicker within a solid object, but even then, he mightve managed it.

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The trouble, though, was the Guardian stood sixty paces in height. Nothing Vir did could get his prana to the proper areas.

Okay, forget that, Saunak said. Put as much prana as you can into its shoulder, where youre touching.

Vir complied, cycling Current loops as fast as he could before shooting a jet of Ash prana directly into the Imperium creation.

He was about to give up when its enormous arm jolted and its fist clenched.

Astounding! Saunak shouted in awe.

What? Getting it to move? Vir asked, dubious of the thaumaturges exaggerated reaction. Hed moved the Automaton, yes, but only barely.

No, that was quite pathetic, Saunak said dismissively. Rather, its quite remarkable just how much prana it took to move it even that slight amount!

Vir stared at Saunak expressionless as he considered how strong to make his punch. Saunak was weak, after all. He didnt want to accidentally kill him, lest they bring the tower down upon them.

But before he could go through with his plan, Cirayus spoke up.

Had quite enough of wasting our time? the giant asked. Just give me a reason to remove that head of yours. Dont even need much of a reason. Just something.

Now, now, Cirayus. These are concepts you wouldnt even begin to understand. Stick to swinging your big swords around. Thats where people of your brutish persuasion belong, after all.

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Cirayus leveled a death glare at Saunak, and, once again, Vir was the one to break them up.

Saunak, he really will kill you. Stop goading him. Cirayus?

You neednt worry about me, lad, Cirayus said calmly. So calmly that Vir wondered if the giant was tapping into his Foundation Chakra. Unlike what this egomaniac would have you believe, I do understand the gist of the issue. My question is thisImperium Creations run on Ash prana. Youve confirmed this yourself.

Vir nodded.

Then Saunak must have modified his control tablet to use his elemental affinity. Yes?

Right Vir said.

Can he not simply turn the change back?

Vir blinked. Thats so obvious. How did I not think of that?

Hed somehow assumed that whatever Saunak had done was irreversible.

Well? Vir asked. Can you?

Why, of course! Its a simple task. Actually, I didnt really alter the tablet, so much as switch configurations that were already built in.

If thats true Vir asked, doing his best to keep his eyebrow from twitching, Why didnt you say so an hour ago when I started experimenting?

And waste an opportunity to study you!? Are you out of your mind? Saunak said, genuinely shocked.

Right. Shouldve figured itd be something like that.

Alright, enough games. Change the tablet to accept Ash prana, and teach me the commands, Vir said. And please dont test my patience. Not if you value your life.

Saunak visibly deflated. Very well.

It took only a handful of minutes for Vir to master the controls. As hed suspected, rather than control the Automatons every motion, Saunak had been issuing commands by sending pranic pulses into the metal tablet. Commands like Halt, Walk, Run, Defend me, Patrol this area, Pursue hostile, and Flee were just a handful of the many commands that could be sent. Helpfully, Saunaks tablet displayed the required number of pulses and their durations to trigger each one.

It wasnt hardthe only time-consuming bit was memorizing which pulses mapped to which commands. Vir jotted down the sequences, in case he ever needed to refer back.

With every moment that passed, every step that brought him closer to manipulating the Automaton, Vir's doubts about Saunak's seemingly inevitable betrayal grew. As did his anxiety.

After Saunak guided the Automaton out of its berth, he switched configurations and handed the tablet to Vir, who then practiced the different commands. At first, it took him several seconds to refer to his notes and send the proper signal, but after an hour, hed brought that down to less than a single second for most actions.

Being slow wasnt much of a hindrance in everyday life, but in combat, seconds mattered. Vir ensured he was more than comfortable with the controls before bringing the Automaton back to the berth to drop Saunak off.

This is it. This is where he'll pull something.

Vir tensed, waiting for the demon to pull some trick. To laugh and claim he fooled themthat no one in their right mind would ever simply give away such a priceless treasure. He waited for the moment the demon wrested control from them and summoned his minions.

Instead, Saunak simply turned and sauntered down the raised catwalk, waving behind him.

Youre just giving this to us? Vir shouted after him, his concern turning to outright confusion. No strings attached?

Saunak turned, confused. Well, sure. But when you do inevitably abandon it, Ill just bring it back. Consider it more of a loan.

Abandon? Why would we Virs words hung in his mouth. Ah, right. Cirayus had mentioned it earlier. That theyd never find an Ash Gate large enough to fit such an enormous machine. Even if they did, the prana in the Demon Realm would be insufficient to sustain such a contraption. After riding atop it, he now knew just how much Ash Prana it consumed. The amount was staggering, making him wonder if even the outer reaches of the Ashen Realm had enough to support it.

Well have to abandon it when we leave for the Demon Realm. But until then

Vir grinned. Until then, its ours. Right?

Yes, yes. Of course. Well then, Im a busy demon and Im sure you have places to go, so I bid you a good day, Saunak said, as if he'd suddenly lost interest in them, and was trying to shoo them out. Remember this next time we meet! Oh, the experiments well run

Saunaks whimsy had already moved on, no doubt thinking of his next project, whatever that was.

As Vir watched the thaumaturges receding back, he wondered if he couldnt reap all the benefits he could from this chance encounter with the Thaumaturge. He didnt want to be greedyan Automaton Guardian was already more than he could have ever dreamedbut what was the harm in asking?

Um, Saunak?

Hmm? Yes? What is it?

Do you, uh, have any manuals on basic thaumaturgy? Yknow, that I might be able to learn?

It was something that had interested Vir his entire life. Ever since hed been labeled Prana Scorned, hed wondered how orbs had functioned. If he knew more, perhaps there'd have been a way for him to also do magic... Or so he'd thought.

Unfortunately, humans only knew how to copy the inscriptions that made their orbs work. They knew nothing about the underpinnings. From what hed seen, though, demonic knowledge outstripped that of humans in this area. There was a chance they knew more, and who better to ask than Saunak?

The demons eyes lit up, his demeanor shifting in an instant. Learn Thaumaturgy, you say? All on your own?

Im a quick study. Just ask this guy, Vir replied, thumbing to Cirayus, who grunted in affirmation.

Hmm, Saunak said, before snapping his fingers. A spider automaton melted through the ceiling, dropping onto the metal catwalk. Saunaks fingers played over his tablet, and then the spider ran off.

Thaumaturgy is not a simple art, he said. Even I have yet to unravel all of its secrets.

But youve studied it a great deal, havent you? Vir asked.

I have, he said thoughtfully. Can I not convince you to stay another few days? I promise youll learn more from me than from a stuffy old tome.

No, Cirayus cut in, his tone allowing no rebuke.

Saunak sighed dramatically, though Vir was sure Saunak had expected such a response.

If you insist, the Thaumaturge said. Then just wait here a moment, if you will?

Though Cirayus was on edge, he said nothing, keeping his eyes trained on Saunak.

Vir and Shan did the same, though there was a bit less suspicion in Virs mind by now. The ancient thaumaturge was eccentric, yes, and perhaps ruthless in his pursuit of his research, but he could be reasoned with. He was just more nuanced than Vir had initially given him credit for.

The spider automaton returned a few minutes later, though Vir couldnt be sure if it was the same one, as they all looked the same. It carried a large book above its head, which Saunak casually tossed to Vir.

He caught it, raising a cloud of dust.

The most basic of the basics. I havent touched that manual in centuries. Might be of use to you. Or it might all be gibberish. Come back to me when youve mastered that. Ill give you another.

Vir rolled his eyes. As if returning to Saunak was such a simple matter.

Why not just give it to me now?

Spoken like a layman, Saunak scoffed. Itd do more harm than good, boy. Without a solid foundation, you risk learning incorrect methodologies. A perfect recipe for tragic results. No. No, I think not. Old Saunak here will guide you when the time comes. Now begone, both of you!

And with that, the mad thaumaturge turned tail and disappeared into his tower.

Vir turned to Cirayus.

So, uh I guess we can go?

The four-armed giant looked as dumbfounded as Vir. I suppose, lad. I suppose.

And so, Vir, Shan, and Cirayus set out. Not Leaping or Blinking, but riding on the broad shoulders of one of the most advanced creations the realms had ever seen.

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