Ashborn Primordial

Chapter 225: Among Them (Maiya)

Chapter 225: Among Them (Maiya)

Dont think we dont know what youre up to, the man said, his rotten breath nearly making Maiya gag as he leaned in close, his hand on the wall next to her head. Whats a little dove like you doing here, anyway?

The man was in his thirties and wore an unkempt beard. He looked and smelled like he hadnt bathed in months. He was also a full head taller than Maiya, and he used his height with the well-practiced motions of someone whod mastered the art of bullying.

So this is what Vir had to deal with all his life Maiya thought. Except, of course, he never had the luxury of knowing three dozen ways to maim, incapacitate, or kill his bullies.

There was security in that. Or, there would be, if only Maiya could employ any of those options. While she always carried her orbs with her, she suspected slicing the mans arms off wouldnt win her any favors with the Children. Especially not with them.

Maiyas eyes met the gaze of an unassuming woman whod watched the entire event from a nearby wall.

The Sisters of Gray.

She wasnt the only one watching this tussle, but she was, by far, the most important person around. Even in an organization as crazed as the Children, there had to be a small army of logisticians running around making the whole thing work. The Sisters were that army. Comprising the saner cultists, they saw to the organization of recruitment events, the transport and housing of its members, and it was they who managed the coffers.

The fanatics begrudgingly accepted their existence, treating them with the barest modicum of respect. The Sisters were very obviously second class to the deranged cultists, though, in actuality, it was they who held the real power in the cult.

And Maiya knew well that they shunned violence. While that limited her options, she was by no means stymied.

A sudden chill ran up Maiyas spine, though she couldnt say why. Briefly scanning the group of bullies, she found nothing but sour-faced delinquents. Nothing unexpected.

Feels like Im being watched. Her eyes flicked to the Sister of Gray. No, not her. Someone else?

Maiya pinched her nose and wondered if the blood cult was getting to her.

Just then, Yamal and the Silent Man turned the corner. Yamal was saying something to the Silent One, but stopped immediately when he took in the scene. His face turned from confusion to shock, and finally to anger. The Silent Man simply frowned, and both started for Maiya when she shook her head.

Ill deal with this myself.

They got the message. Yamals frown turned into a smirk, and he leaned against the wall with a look of amusementno doubt expecting a beatdown.

This is actually a good opportunity,

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Maiya thought. If I handle this well, maybe Ill catch their eye.

Maiyas eyes innocently flickered over to the woman, and, like a moth to a flame, the man followed her gaze.

Tch. Shoulda known. Youre in with them, are you? Faithless scum, he spat.

F-faithless!? Maiyas face warped into a mask of feigned shock. Ill have you know that Ive drunk no less than three bottles of blood today! Look!

She produced a red vial from her belt, holding it up.

Would you like to drink together? As fellow believers?

The man jerked away as she dangled the vial in front of his face. Confusion melted through his anger. He stared at the vial, unbelieving.

I hear this blood comes from an especially ferocious Ash Beast. I can just feel the power course through me whenever I partake. Cant you?

Maiya batted her lashes, grinning deliriously up at the man.

He took an involuntary step back, bumping into his lackeys, who bore equally horrified expressions on their faces.

Maiya didnt let him retreat. She stepped forth and planted her face just inches from his, then brought her voice down to a whisper.

I hear that if were especially lucky, we might even get to bathe in Ash Beast blood again. Can you imagine?

I uh. I have matters to attend to, the man said, nearly stumbling over his feet as he pushed past his friends to get away from her. Just dont cause us any trouble, you hear?

He turned and strode off, followed by his dumbfounded friends.

Maiya dropped her fake expression and smoothly returned her vial to its place on her belt.

The tale has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the violation.

Uh, Maiya? Yamal approached slowly, as if eyeing a dangerous beast. W-Why do you carry a vial of blood on your belt?

Hmm? Why else? she said, winking at the woman whod studied her exchange. The dark-haired Sisters expression remained stoic, though if Maiya wasnt mistaken, her tight lips curled ever so slightly upward.

Howd I do? Maiya mouthed silently.

The woman spoke in a voice far deeper than her slight frame would suggest. Perform at the Orientation Camp, and the Sisters will welcome you into our ranks. Then, before Maiya could reply, she turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd of dispersing onlookers.

Yes! Maiya mentally pumped her fists.

Please dont tell me youre thinking of drinking that, Yamal said worriedly.

Relax. Its to deal with situations like this, Maiya said in a low voice so only Yamal and the Silent One could hear. Never know when you might have to prove your faith around here. Cant hurt to play along, right?

I never knew you were such a good actor, Yamal said, clearly unsettled. Have you performed in a theater, by any chance? Youre a natural.

Maiya grinned wryly. Oh, you have no idea. And you never will. Now, lets be off before any more of these fanatics decide to harass us.

Maiya navigated the halls of the underground compoundone of many Children bases around the Known World. Theirs happened to be under Jatan Forest, where theyd undergone their Initiation trial.

Thinking about that horrific sequence of events soured Maiyas mood as she tromped up the blood-stained stairs. So many had died pointlessly. She later learned that some had perished on the journey through the forest, though most whod died had been brutally murdered by those Ash Beasts.

Ash Beasts I could easily have dispatched, Maiya fumed. Thered been no rhyme or reason to it. It seemed priests regularly died on these Initiation crusades. That theirs survived had been nothing but sheer dumb luck. Or at least, if there was a purpose to the test beyond simply testing devotion, it was very well concealed.

Just when shed finished with that ordeal, theyd thrust her into another, even more harrowing situation. Theyd marched the survivors down into this very underground complex, to its lowest level where a bath full of blood sat.

Then, one at a time, theyd stripped down to their underwear and stepped into the bath. In full view of the Rectors, the Sisters, and the other Initiates.

It was the most humiliating moment of her entire life.

Maiya couldnt say which was worsenearly drowning in the pool of Ash Beast blood, or suffering the zealots' presence. That the priests only turned their attention to her after she was covered in blood made her shudder; theyd paid no mind to her before.

No bathing in that tub was the worst. Shed nearly bailed at that point. Surely Ira wouldve understood if shed come running back with her tail between her legs?

But shed persisted. It wasnt so much her debt to the princess that kept her going, but rather the thought that she might disappoint the girl. Somehow, Maiya couldnt stomach the thought.

Whyd I have to go make friends with a princess, of all people?

That resolve had nearly crumbled again when her turn was up. Shed thought the priest in charge of her baptism of blood wanted to drown herhed kept her submerged so longbut shed been wrong. When she emerged, he was staring at her with deranged awe.

Maiya was surrounded by psychopaths. And shed be among them for the foreseeable future.

Her eyes landed on Yamal. Out of all the eyes in that room, his had been the toughest to bear. Thankfully, both he and the Silent One had looked away out of shame and respect, but even then, the experience still stung.

She wasnt quite sure what the man felt toward her, but it was fairly obvious by the way he treated her that he felt something.

Im going to have to deal with this at some point, she thought, opening the door to an empty study room. But not today. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind. There was much to discuss.

Orientation Camp? Yamal asked, plopping into a wooden chair with a sigh. The tables and chairs seemed to be the only items not covered in blood. Either the Children understood what a hassle it would be, or the Sisters had some hand in it. Their influence within the organization was subtle, but once Maiya knew where to look, she saw their hand everywhere. From the timing, location, and frequency of the blood rituals, to handling recruitment and regulating the numbers of each branch, it was startling just how deeply entrenched they were.

Orientation Camp, Maiya replied, sitting down at the head of the table. As always, The Silent One chose to stand, his burly hands clasped in front of him in a parade rest.

In two weeks, theyre gonna round us up and take us someplace, Maiya said. Well be joined by new Initiates from all over the Known World.

I truly fail to understand the point of all this, Yamal said, scratching his rough hair. Weve been through two ordeals already. Heck, most militaries dont have admissions criteria this strict. Is there some secret purpose theyre training us for?

Yamal gave Maiya a look, though it was hardly necessary. This wasnt even close to the first time hed voiced his complaints.

Go home, Yamal, Maiya said softly.

If I had one, I very well might, he replied, unable to meet her gaze. But as long as youre here

I dont need your protection. Youve seen my strength. Rather, arent you the one who needs to be protected?

Yamal bit his lip, looking down sheepishly. I know youre strong. And I know youre hiding something. I wont ask what. Its not my business. But still I cant leave you here with these madmen. If you leave, though

Id follow, his expression suggested.

Maiya met his gaze. That is not going to happen. If thats what youre hoping for, I suggest you leave now, or youll only be disappointed. If Im right, Initiation Camp will be our golden opportunity to rise within the ranks.

Why? Yamal asked.

Why what?

What compels you to stay within this Ash Damned den of depravity, let alone ascend the ladder? You arent like them. You arent broken. If it were only for the handouts, you neednt have come this far. Id knowtheyve given me plenty of those, and I was nothing but a prana leech.

The Silent One scribbled something on the notepad he always carried, then showed it to Yamal and Maiya.

It said 'The Sisters of Gray.'

Thats your goal, then? Yamal asked. You wish to rise within the ranks of the Sisters?

Maiya went silent for a moment before nodding slowly. She couldnt hide it forever, and unlike her status as a mejai, it served no purpose to keep that information from them. If they were going to accompany her, they deserved to know the truth.

Thats right. I cant say any more than that. At least, not for now.

What about you? Yamal asked the Silent One. If I leave, will you come?

The big man shook his head.

Yamal slumped in resignation. Then Im here to stay. I dont know why, but I feel like if you wont give up, then neither can I. Call me a chal, but it is what it is.

Good. Then wed better prepare. They havent told us much, but I have a few leads, Maiya said, cracking a grin. Lets begin.

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