Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 109 The Demonic Butcher 5

What defines a human, biology uses human constraints to define them. Every attribute is actually a constraint. For example, man has the highest intellect in the animal kingdom. This is the distinction that elevates the species above the beast, yet how smart is a man actually?

For thousands of years, society has had a general benchmark of how high a man's intellect should be. The accepted average IQ score falls between 85 and 115. This benchmark is what defines who is smart and who is stupid. Then what happens when this limit is passed? Why was the limit imposed, to begin with?

Going above an IQ of 140 categorized the person as a genius. They were still human but a little special. But what happens when you double that? Triple or even quadruple it? Can you really still consider those people humans?

The limits of the body similarly follow the same problem. Can you call people who can bench press a fully loaded bus human? What about if they benchpress a building?

The mind is a fickle thing, humans love to divide themselves by labels, creed, religion, gender, and ideology. They make the categorizations for their own sanity.

By separating themselves from what they do not understand, they have no need to improve or try harder, as anything above what they know is less or more than human.

Still, how much effort would allow you to fight a system user? At what point does a system user's humanity start to erode? At 100 STR, a system user can literally decapitate a person with a punch.

With bones that are stronger than steel, and skin tougher than concrete, are such benefits a good thing? Humanity created its civilizations due to their limits. Armor and weaponry were created in order to increase the chances of survival in combat.

They created houses as they would die if exposed to the elements. Cooking allowed them to consume food safely as most would die otherwise. Even procreating came with the responsibility of increasing numbers to protect the group better.

Once all of those no longer mattered, what else is left? What does one use the time he has for? Humans sleep a third of their lives out of necessity, how would people live their days when such activities were no longer needed?

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As such thoughts revolved around his mind Hiro walked towards the stream to check his reflection. The notion frightened him so much so that since reincarnating Hiro still didn't know what he looked like. However, the realization forced him the confront an ugly truth. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to move on.

What stared back at him was absolutely demonic in appearance. The figure was covered in so much blood, it would be far easier to try to look for a clean spot than the opposite. Bits and pieces of wolf innards were stuck on his clothes, further reinforcing the inhumane depiction of the reincarnator.

Due to healing, the body no longer had any wounds but the reincarnator knew how gruesome those were earlier. Gone they might be the fact they once existed and disappeared added to the definition of a monster.

Remaining silent, the man then washed his face to better see the face of Hiroto Musashi. At the back of his mind, echoes of the system messages kept repeating in a never-ending loop.

(Affirmative, [Initiates] already surpass all threshold of what defines a human. Or it can be more accurate to say you are no longer human once you leave the novice rank.)

Getting annoyed Hiro started to question why did people even want to stay human in the first place. In anger, he scrubbed himself clean, after a few moments the water calmed and showed his reflection once more

"White hair, red eyes, I'm chuuni as fuck. I more or left regained the body I had before I died. Face-wise, I guess is an improvement? Still, what am I becoming in my desire to become stronger?"

The more Hiro thought, the more unhinged he became. What lies at the end of his road, if gaining strength worth losing everything it meant to be who he was? Would his wives still love him once they meet? Would they grow terrified of what he has become and shun his affection?

But then the words of Alter Hiro echoed in his mind.

("Hiro, in this world weakness is a sin. Grow stronger, stronger than I ever was, stronger than anything and everything. This is the only way Raylene, Vanessa, and Jade will survive. If not for me do it for them. I don't deserve them due to my stupidity. But you still have the chance to make things right.)

And just like that, all hesitation disappeared. Contemplation of philosophy and physiology can be done after you win. If staying human means the death of his loved ones, then Hiro would be the first in line to abandon his humanity.

Additionally, the words of Diaz Hiro's father figure reinforced this trail of thought.

(So what if you are a monster? Having the ability to kill people but choosing to stay your hand is true strength. Lacking the former is merely being a weakling, while missing the latter makes one no more than a mindless beast.)

(Balancing the two is what makes one just. Never apologize for being a monster. Strength is the only way to protect your family in the future. )

"Right, being helpless is not the same as being kind. Isn't that right Diaz? I believe in my girls, and I trust in their love. I know they will never abandon me. No matter what I become, I know they will stay by my side."

(Haha, bark all you want flaccid impotent bastard. You still got put down by weak ass girls. Despite your size, my darling is a hundred times manlier than you. Go home and cry to your bitch of a dom, maybe she can suck you hard enough that your cock can stand again.)

(Please remember the feeling of your insides getting destroyed, you overgrown hammer fetish bastard. Come at my beloved again and I will ensure I shaft your toys into your rectum as well. Ah! Also, please get treatment for your erectile dysfunction as soon as possible.)

(Words are cheap. Noisy like bitch. Act then brag. Limp dick bastard.)


As Hiro remembered the words of his wives, his heart grew lighter. Their words drove away the darkness about to encroach in his heart. After laughing his heart out, Hiro then looked towards the sky and spoke a silent prayer.

"I miss you all… I miss you so much I can't stand it. I'm sorry but I cannot return just yet. Please forgive me."

Hiro then picked up the newly created Wolf bone swords he stab to the ground and resumed his hunt. As Rilu said they were safe, he will believe her. Even if did he return, without sufficient strength it would be useless.

"Wait for me girls. I will grow stronger and come back. And when I do, no one will be able to force me to leave you three ever again. Taking on the entire world is nothing if it guarantees your safety."

And for the next 30 days, Hiro kept on fighting. He devoured and annihilated anything and everything he could fight inside the forest. Using his map, he chartered every inch of the area ensuring the deaths of everything in it.

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