Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 110 The Demonic Butcher 6

A caravan of three carriages was traveling on the trails on the way to their destination. The carriage driver noticeably rubbed his arms in an effort to keep warm.

"Why are these trails toward the forest cold when the sun is so high?" A mercenary beside him took a flask of beer and handed it to the driver. "What do you expect when the place is called 'Frozen dew forest'?"

"I guess so, but isn't this forest supposed to be a den of monsters? I heard the lowest-leveled monsters in this place were at Level 50. Aren't we in danger then?"

The mercenary came close as he whispered to the driver. "That would normally be the case, but there is reliable information that something fucked up the forest."

"What do you mean?" asked the driver.

"This forest is normally crawling with high leveled bastards right? They routinely send battle harems to cull the monsters to an acceptable level. Leave them to make babies for too long and you got a demon tide on your hands."

The driver stayed quiet as he waited for the mercenary to share the rest of the story. "Around a month ago, a legion of 10 battle harems came to reduce the numbers like normal right? But instead of finding a bunch of monsters, you know what they find?"


"Nothing! Absolutely nothing! There was nothing but blood trails, wolves, bears, treants, you name it everything was gone! Can you believe that? Even with the exterminations they could never kill even the low-level ones.

"But, man they told me the sight was surreal. They investigated until the middle of the forest and still encountered no resistance. Only silence. The leader battle harem tried to investigate further but then they encountered…"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Like a mystery novel the driver was kept at the edge of his seat, unable to reign in his curiosity he blurted out in excitement. "What? What did they find? Come on man don't leave the juicy parts out!"

Amused at the audience clamoring for more the mercenary made a dramatic pose as he continued. "They encountered the Wolfen butcher…"

"The Wolfen butcher? What the hell is that?"

"A lunatic that wielded large swords made from bone supposedly. According to the ones who investigated he wad a man with a wolf's pelt on his head that hunts owlbears for food."

"An owlbear? Aren't those extremely dangerous?"

"Aye, a fully grown one is usually level 70, capable of demolishing an entire building with a swipe of its claws. Rank A Battle Harems at the minimum are needed to take one down."

"Holy fucking shit! What happened next?" urged the driver.

"The first time the legion saw him, the Wolfen butcher was eating an Owlbear's leg like a turkey leg, while he washed it down with its blood. You know the best part the butcher used a Steelapes skull as a fucking cup! A fucking cup!"

"No way really? Aren't Steelapes very hard to kill? He not only managed to kill one, he even kept the corpse?"

"Aye! That's the fucking scary thing! Having bodies that are tough as armor, and lacking any soft bits in them, hardly any harem without a mage can kill them. If that is not enough Steelapes become batshit insane when one of their group dies.

"Normally the ape would release a smell that would draw the entire tribe to kill you. It is why their bodies are worth more than gold!"

The driver then theorized. "Doesn't that mean the butcher doesn't care? Or maybe the Steelapes gave up?"

"That's what the legion thought too until they looked around and noticed hundreds of Steelape corpses around them. The butcher seems to not be able to eat the monsters. It then dawned on them what happened to the rest of the missing beasts."

"He fucking ate them all? What the actual fuck! How is that even possible?"

"Yeah! That's exactly how everyone felt until he fought with the entire legion and sent them packing." Exclaimed the mercenary.

"He fought an entire legion? Where did this guy come from? Isn't he extremely powerful?"

"I don't know the details, but the legion backed off and left the butcher in the forest. No one has dared ventured since. But when the merchants heard the news. A guild tried to pass a caravan through the forest. And they got to the other side without any casualties!"

"Oh? Wow! Now that I think about it, if everything is dead, nothing can harm you! These merchants are too crafty." The driver admired in wonder.

"Yeah, basically all roads around the forest suddenly became passable. So merchant caravans like this one are all scrambling to deliver goods to the kingdoms near the forest."

Having a sudden epiphany the driver then shouted in excitement. "Ah, so that's why everyone was fully booked. My buddies and I have really been scrambling to complete all the jobs. Carriage rentals have been booming. Hell, I should be thanking the butcher then! Haha, thank you butcher!"

"Aye, the same goes for bodyguards, when we heard the routes all passed by the Frozen Dew Forest everyone left it to the rank A battle harems, but there were hundreds of them. The B ranks tried it and said it was the easiest job they ever had.

"My party is already on our fourth run, I finally saved enough to be able to afford to apply for a battle harem license."

The envy in the driver's voice couldn't be hidden as he asked about his compatriot's plans for the future. "Ho? Look at you Mr. big shot. Aren't those licenses extremely expensive? You going for a boatload of babes?"

"You know it! What kind of sane dude would get a battle harem and fill it with dicks! I got assessed the other month. I have a Domination rank of B."

The mercenary then came closer and whispered to the driver. "And just between you and me, our cargo right now is full of combat and sex slaves. I plan to get in tight with the merchant and request for a discount."

"You plan to fill your harem with slaves? Is that a good idea?"

The mercenary then proceeded to boast in anger. "Why not? Who wouldn't want to jump at the chance to become a system user? Hell just getting 100 STR is enough to give you immunity to disease and the weather. The slaves would be more than happy to join my harem."

"I am guessing the fact that you can spoon them without fear of rejection doesn't mean anything?" teased the driver.

"Reject me! Who in their right mind would reject me? I can give them safety and security. They should be happy to be warm my bed."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm happy for you. Maybe fate will allow me to join a harem too. I don't have the courage to try and level up. How many girls do you plan on getting?"

"Five, I will be fucking bitches from night till morning hehehehehe. That all awaits at the end of this trip, so come on let's get a move on."

Suddenly a large object charged outward from the forest. Its momentum caused the trees to fall down en mass as it ran towards the caravan.

"CRAP! AN OWLBEAR! HELP! GET CLEAR!" exclaimed the driver.

However, the beast stopped a few kilometers away from the caravan and turned around. It made a loud screech and stood up on two legs.

In the direction the owl bear faced a man with a wolf coat walked forward, he had an assortment of swords on his body. On his shoulders was a long stick with bone hooks along its length that had chunks of meat on them.

"Oy, don't tell me, is that who I think it is?


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