Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 111 The Strongest Slaves Of The Continent

The sun shone high in the afternoon. People were scrambling to get away from what could only be considered as a chaotic battle of titans. A bear-like monster with an owl's head stood on its hind legs as it screeched.

"FUCK! That is one gigantic mother fucking owlbear!" Exclaimed the mercenary, the caravan stopped and had its escorts spread out while the strongest fighters gathered at the front.

A warrior escort expressed his shock at the unbelievable size of the beast before them. "Dude! That thing must be an overlord in the forest! It's like ten times what an owl bear should be!"

Owlbears were abominations made by the land of Valorious. Bear, while powerful usually had poor senses, operated in limited daylight, and were not the sharpest tools in the shed. Owls on the other hand had extremely high intelligence, inhuman sight, and hearing, and were known terrors of the night.

Combining the deadliest traits of both, you get a powerful hunter that had high intelligence and operated both day and night on top of excellent senses. If that was not enough typical Owlbears only stood at two and a half meters and only weighed in at 500 kilograms. The behemoth in front of them was obviously many times that!

The caravan leader shouted in a loud voice in his attempt to regain some semblance of order. "Calm down everyone. Our task is not the Owlbear, ensure no one gets near the carriage. There is already someone fighting the beast. However, just to be safe, keep your guard up! After the butcher takes it down we can pass."

"But Hach, what if he turns on us? How can we fight against someone who can take on an entire legion of battle harems?" Quipped another mercenary.

Unfazed the leader explained in a cool manner while never taking his eyes off the battle. "You guys forget that the frozen dew forest rush has been going on for almost a month. During that time numerous people encountered the Butcher. None of them died. In fact, some of them got saved by him. His goals are simply to kill everything in that forest."

Another mercenary asked in a panic. "Isn't that a bad thing though? There should be a law or something to safeguard the creatures in the forest or something. What if the monsters charge out of the forest or something?"

Hach then grabbed the panicking mercenary on the shoulder and said in a soothing voice. "There would be if anyone actually gave a damn about the beasts. The only reason there are still alive is that no one is powerful enough to exterminate them all. The nobles have had plans to turn the forest into a city for more than a decade now."

Intense sounds of combat could be heard as the butcher used footholds in the sky to strike the Owlbear all over its body. He kept moving as he used his skills to evade, block, and attack the monster.

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"This is the reason no one is saying anything. As it silently helps their goals, the upper echelons of society are putting all investigations on the butcher on hold until he completes the extermination. Why not use free labor right?"

The ground then shook as the Owlbear's body smashed to the ground in a violent fall. On its chest was a man barely two meters slamming his weapon on the beast's sternum.

"Besides, while he hasn't killed anyone yet. Who the hell has the balls to go and tell him to stop whatever it is he is doing? Do not forget a legion of ten battle harems couldn't even overpower that bastard. I don't think anyone outside of Royalty would have a prayer of ordering him to do anything."

As if to affirm his comments, the entire caravan proceeded to bask in awe at the overwhelming might of the Wolfen butcher in reverence. A figure shrouded in mystery, who suddenly appeared just over a month ago. Now battled in front of them.


- Alert: 20,030 damage dealt to Owlbear King Lvl 92! -

- Alert: 13,030 damage dealt to Owlbear King Lvl 92! -

- Alert: 25,030 damage dealt to Owlbear King Lvl 92! -

"This fucking piece of shit! Die already! We have been at this for over three days now! I want to go home you muscle-bound googly-eyed bastard!"


"Well fuck you too!" The butcher carried a large two-handed greatsword made from bones. he then leaped into the sky and prepared an overhead slash aimed at the monster's forehead.


The Owlbear then gathered Calibers into its claw and swiped upward to oppose the man. Two powerful forces collided which caused the air to tremble. The caravan almost got toppled over if not for some timely intervention by its escorts.

Suddenly the force behind the Owlbear's attacker disappeared. Despite the momentary victory, however, the large monster tucked its body into a ball to the surprise of many. A man's words echoed into the sunlit sky less than a second later.

"[Apis Drive]!"

A loud earth-shattering shockwave came from the abdominal area of the Owlbear soon after. The impact caused the gigantic beast to fly into the air.

"[Psyche Illusio]!"

Suddenly the man's image flickered like a shadow and then hundred of copies of the man in an Iai stance appeared in formation in the skies. They all then slashed what looked like a katana made out of bone numerous times.

As thousands of sword slashes made from pure mana assaulted the large body of the Owlbear, the monster's blood spilled in torrents as it kept its guard up yet green liquids noticeably entered its wounds unknown to the beast itself.

The hundreds of illusions then vanished after completing their task and only a single man carrying two long-sword-sized blades, climbed on the monster's back.

Regrettably when the man was about to stab the monster's neck the owl's head suddenly turned around and bit on the man's right arm and punched him into the ground. The spectators grew terrified at the sudden reversal of the battle.

Like it stood on an invisible road, the Owlbear ran on the very air as it charged towards man. Due to suddenly losing his dominant arm the man on the other hand tried to steady himself as he spiraled towards the ground.

As the 10-meter beast barreled down towards its opponent, the butcher placed the sword in front of him as he roared. "[Blessing of Metal]!" Once the skill got invoked the entire man's flesh turned metallic.

When the beast caught up with the man, the Owlbear hammered him into the ground in a flurry of claw slashes. The beast absolutely pummeled the man into dust from the number of attacks.

The monster stopped its assault to verify if it won, unfortunately, a voice then came from beside its ear. "That hurt you asshat. my turn." Then the beast's left ear got carved out of its head.

Unsure what would happen next the Owlbear tried to swipe the man away from its neck, only for the man to instead jump into the wound made out of the ear.

"Let's see how you survived me shredding you from the inside out."

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