Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 149: Missing you

Chapter 149: Missing you

" Hello hubby, why are you staring at me like that without even helping me out? I thought I heard you say I should wake up some minutes ago or don't tell me you didn't mean it? Did you rather prefer that I shouldn't have woken up?", Lie Ruge asked groaning in pains. Yi Lan quickly ran to her aide when he heard her talking about not waking up.

" I'm sorry.... I was just so shocked to see you finally awake. Sorry for my manners wifey. It is so nice to have you back", Yi Lan said helping her rest her back against the wall. He put pillows behind her back in order to make her feel comfortable.

" Hubby, my hand feel can of stiff so can you help me out? I want to at least be able to touch and feel you so please... help me massage my hands a little hmm...", Lie Ruge said looking so pitiful.

" Sure why not? You just need to say the word and I will come running to your side", Yi Lan said happily avoiding her gaze, he started massaging her two hands gently. He only stopped massaging her when she told him that she was alright.

" Ge'er, let me get the doctor to check up on you. I will be back in a jiffy", Yi Lan said attempting to rush out but Lie Ruge held onto his wrist firmly. He was taken aback by her sudden action, he didn't understand why she did that when he only told her that he was going out to get the doctor to check up on her.

" Hey! Are you not happy that I am finally awake? Why do you keep avoiding having any eye contacts with me? And why does it feels like you are doing this on purpose? Although you seem to be staring at me but the two of us both know the truth that you were not actually staring at me. Lanlan, did I do something wrong?", Lie Ruge asked feeling wronged.

" Of course I am very happy. I didn't mean to make you worried Ok? I'm so sorry if I made you feel bad. I am trying my hardest to hold myself back right now. I'm afraid I will hurt you if I do what's on my mind as you know your wound has not healed yet. Come here", Yi Lan said sitting down beside her on the bed while wrapping his hand around her body.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

" I'm also doing the same thing right now. I really want to bounce on you right now but I can't do that because of my injury. I really felt terrible leaving you like that back then but I don't regret taking the bullets instead of you, I'm sorry I left you just like that", Lie Ruge said hugging him tightly to herself.

" Sssshh... you don't have to apologize I'm just so happy that you have woken up. If there is ever a next time don't ever do what you did that day alright? Do you know how miserable I felt when I saw bleeding in my arms? I had wished I was the one shot back then", Yi Lan asked as he  pecked her on her forehead.

" I missed you so very much, I was so afraid thinking that I will not be able to wake up but I'm so glad I'm still alive and breathing. I missed having a feel at your awesome abs, your handsome face and of course your sexy lips", Lie Ruge said planting a kiss on his lips. She had wanted to give him a light kiss on his lips, but she realized that after getting a taste of his delicious sexy lips she could not bring her herself to pull back. Yi Lan was not an exception, he could not hold himself back. The kiss that started as a play graduated to a heated one. They kissed each other hungrily, their kisses really portray how much they actually missed each other. Yi Lan quickly pulled back when he felt Lie Ruge trying to pull his shirt up.

" No more wifey, that is how far we can go for now", Yi Lan said stroking her hair in a loving manner.

" But I can go further than this", Lie Ruge said pouting her lips in an annoyed manner. 

" Do you know you look extremely cute doing your lips like that, it makes you look so tempting. It actually feels awesome to hold you properly in my hands once again. You don't have to get upset because I stopped you from doing all the crazy stuffs you desire, you know your body cannot handle any stress right now and moreover I'm not going anywhere and as my second favorite woman once said ' I am all yours to take' so I can wait till you are fully alright Ok?", Yi Lan asked tapping her nose.

" And who is this your second favorite woman? I hope you didn't cheat on me while I was asleep right?", Lie Ruge asked glaring at him warningly.

" Why will I go around looking for another woman when I have world's prettiest woman all to myself? Out of trillion of ladies in the world you are the only one I want, nobody else. And I'm so happy that out of those trillion ladies my heart choose to beat for you and only you alone", Yi Lan said smiling brightly for the first time in three weeks plus.

" When did my hubby become so cheesy?", Lie Ruge said smiling back. It was just like magic, it was as if setting her eyes on Yi Lan made all her pains disappear and so was the case with Yi Lan. His world was finally complete with Lie Ruge around.

" I made a vow that I won't hold myself back from telling you how I truly feel when you were asleep and what I have just said is the absolute truth. Your beauty is so blinding even though you are just putting on an hospital gown", Yi Lan said tapping her nose gently.

" And so are you , you look so dazzling in your causal house wears, I'm afraid that all the female nurses and doctors might try to snatch you away from me", Lie Ruge said laughing after listening again to the nonsense she had just pouted from her mouth.

" I should be the one saying that. Do you know that even while you were asleep, the male doctors and nurses could not take their eyes off you? But as you know, nobody dares take away what is mind", Yi Lan said playfully while tapping her nose gently once again. They laughed loudly after Yi Lan has said his own part of the sentence, it was the manner he said the words that made Lie Ruge burst out laughing while Yi Lan follow suit.

" Ouch. ....", Lie Ruge shouted in pains when she laughed too much.

" Sorry, let me go get the doctor so that they will do overall check up on you alright? ", Yi Lan said unwrapping his hands from her body.

" You don't have to, I like the way we are now so lets just stay in this manner for a little while longer and you don't have to actually go out and call them, because there is a button here you can press if you need the assistance of the doctor", Lie Ruge said hugging Yi Lan as if he will run away never to come back to her.

" You were not here when the doctor showed us where the button was located so how come you know exactly where the button is located?", Yi Lan asked.

" I had some psychological problems when I was a child or should I say I was suffering from a very painful trauma which automatically affected my thinking, so I was often admitted at the hospital that is why I am quite familiar with stuffs like this", Lie Ruge said carefreely as though her childhood memories did not affect her but her tightened grip around Yi Lan's body exposed her true emotion.

" You were traumatized?", Yi Lan asked curiously. Although the background check he did on her said something about her witnessing her mother's murder at the age of ten, nothing was mentioned about her being traumatized in any way.

" When I was ten years old, my mum and I went for shopping due to our school party which was supposed to take place the next day. At first my mum did not want to accompany me to the mall because she was busy but since I was very naughty back then, I disturbed her till she finally agreed to my request. After running around choosing everything that fanciedmy eyes combined with the ones my mum personally choose for me, I told my mum that I was hungry, so I dragged her around the streets in search of some good restaurant to have our lunch, but we couldn't find any one and moreover after shopping we gave our stuffs to our bodyguards to put it in the boot of the car, so they could not locate us on time. We walked around almost all the streets for about fifteen minutes but we could not find any restaurant that was up to my taste. My mum was so tired after the long walk so she suggested we go back home but I immediately threw a tantrum saying that I will not move an inch unless my mum accompany further in search of some good restaurant and my mum reluctantly agreed once again to my request after she could not persuade me. But before we knew what was happening we found out that we had lost our way. We found ourself in a very lonely area with tall buildings surrounding us. My mum quickly dialed our bodyguards' line and described our current location to them but immediately my mum disconnected the call a snipers bullet was aimed at us but my mum quick enough to see the bullet so she pulled me, and we rolled on the floor to prevent the bullet from piercing us. We waited for about five minutes in our hiding place and when my mum did not hear any sound from outside, she had assumed that maybe those who shot the gun had left and she carried me on her body in order for us to sneak out of the place. She carried me on her back and ran in order for us to get out of there to safety but the person still fired the gun unexpectedly and the bullet entered my mum's right leg  as if that was not enough another bullet was shot yet again. When I saw my mum bleeding, my tears would not stop flowing as I held her tightly to my tiny body. Do you know the most painful thing, although my mum was shot numerous times she didn't let me out of her embrace she continued to hug me tightly to her already bloody body. Although she sustained those injuries she wouldn't have died, but she went as

far as taking two bullets for me. I think the person who ordered the hit wanted the both of us dead, so they aimed at my head but my mum blocked the bullet for me and the bullet pierce... her heart. Our bodyguards only arrived after my mum was killed", Lie Ruge said as tears filled her eyes. Tears flowed from her eyes like a river, Yi Lan felt so sad and guilty as he let her rest her head on his shoulder. He cleaned the tears off her eyes.

" Ge'er it's alright you don't have to say anymore. I'm sorry for reminding you about your painful past", Yi Lan said petting her.

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