Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 150: Lets talk about us

Chapter 150: Lets talk about us

" What would have a ten years old girl like me had done after seeing her mother murdered in her own presence? My whole world came to end that day. A once playful girl and bright child became a shadow of her old self. Nightmares haunted me every time I closed my eyes, so I was always scared of going to sleep. As a little child, sometimes I couldn't get a wink of sleep for three days straight as if that was not enough my classmates made life a living hell for me. I vividly remember the looks of scorn on their faces every time I walked pass them. " Go to hell Lie Ruge! You still have the guts to show yourself in public after killing your own mum. Why don't you just die and follow your mother because as you can see nobody loves. Nobody even wants you so what are you still waiting for, murderer' that was the words and even some more horrible words they had always said whenever I came across them but all their taunting did not end only in school but also in the playgrounds and malls. What exactly was my crime? It's not like I was happy when my mum died. I was suffering but why didn't the world see my pains? Do you know that It got to a point my trauma got so severe that I had to be hospitalized for about two months and even when I was discharged I still had to visit the hospital regularly for my treatment after school. Nobody took my side back then apart from Xiao Bai and Xiao Min. Xiao Min was often preoccupied attending lessons here and there since he was the future heir of their company but Xiao Bai was always there. She stood by me till the end, she willingly chose to become an outcast alongside with me. My experience in the hospital back then made me develop strong dislike for hospitals, although I feel so uncomfortable right now but it is bearable since I you have by my side right now", Lie Ruge said as she grits her teeth in pain. She thought she had gotten over her past, but she just realized at that moment that she hasn't been able to do that no matter how strong she has become, it still hurt as if the incident had just occurred a day ago.

" It pains me so much to see you in pain. It breaks my heart to see you this hurt Ge'er. If I had known how painful your childhood days were, I wouldn't have asked you the question, I'm sorry so don't cry again Ok? I'm sorry I was not there to protect you when you need protection the most and I'm sorry I wasn't there to comfort you when you were in so much pain but starting from this moment onward I promise you this with my life, anyone who dares to hurt you must pass through me first before he/she can gets to you. All those tears you shed back then both in secret and in public will be replaced by happy memories. I promise I will make you smile all the days of your life. I will replace all your painful memories with one filled with laughter to the extent that your past memories will not haunt you ever again. I promise you that even though the whole world choose to give up on you, I will always stand by you no matter the circumstances. And Ge'er, you don't have to always keep everything to yourself, any time you encounter any problem in the near future just have it in mind that there is someone who is there to share your pains and happiness with you. I promise you all these with my life and I won't break this promise no matter what so you can always count on me", Yi Lan said letting her lie down comfortably on the huge hospital bed. After chatting for some time the couple dozed off in each other's embrace, they were cuddling each other so tightly as though they were afraid that they will wake up and find each other missing. Yi Lan who could not have a peaceful sleep since the day of the incident slept like a baby in Lie Ruge's arms. He didn't even feel the presence of the doctors when they came to check up on Lie Ruge.

" Sssh.....", Lie Ruge had said when the nurse accompanied by the doctor opened the door. She  signalled them to go out so that they will not disturb Yi Lan's peaceful sleep. Yi Lan slept for five hours straight before he finally woke up. The first thing he layed his eyes on was Lie Ruge's pretty face. He only found out from her that she had been staring at him for quite sometime before he finally woke up. He was stunned when he realized that he had slept for five hours straight.

" Oh my gosh! You should have woken me up when you noticed that I have been sleeping for a long time", Yi Lan had said when he realized that it was already night. Meanwhile, Xiao Bai was asked to present herself at her agency on her way to the hospital that evening and so was Yun Yi, his father asked him to be at the main Mansion that day. He only agreed to drop by at the main Mansion after his father resorted to threats. Tan Fan on the other hand could not bring himself to visit the hospital alone without the company of either Xiao Bai or Yun Yi since he was scared of his Third brother.

Inside the hospital VVVIP's room after the doctors had checked up on Lie Ruge and found nothing wrong with her, they left the couple alone to have their privacy.

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" Damn it! I totally forgot to call Xiao Bai earlier. I got so carried away seeing you again to the extent that I forgot about every other thing. I bet the two guys must be worried sick because of me too. I missed them so much", Lie Ruge said trying to pick her cellphone which was placed on the side table.

" Xiao Bai texted me some minutes ago, she said she will not be able to come over to the hospital today because her agency called her up when she was on her way to the hospital. I'm sure she is busy right now and Yun Yi also texted me too, he wrote in his text that his father just summoned him to the main Mansion, so he might not be able to drop by today. I'm certain Tan Fan is afraid to drop by when the others are not around. Since tomorrow is weekend, they will drop by early so you don't have to worry about them. What we should be after right now is how we can spend quality time with each other before tomorrow finally arrives. We won't be able to have a time for each other with the two guys around", Yi Lan said.

" Xiao Bai will get really mad at me if I don't call her right now, she might even refuse to talk to me because of that", Lie Ruge said feeling uncomfortable.

" Relax Ge'er, she won't have the heart to get upset with you and even though she gets upsets, I will handle the issue perfectly for you so let's talk about us right now", Yi Lan said adjusting his sitting position.

" Us? What about us?", Lie Ruge asked a little confused.

" Yeah, us? Particularly what you told me before you passed out on the day of the incident", Yi Lan replied looking into her eyes.

" I don't really recall what I said back then because I was in so much pain, so can you refresh my memory on what I told you that day?", Lie Ruge asked acting as though she had forgotten what she said when she vividly remembered all she told him that day.

" What! Come on Ge'er that is so unfair", Yi Lan said acting as if he was upset. Lie Ruge felt like teasing him, so she decided to play around with him a bit.

" It's not fault, my brain could not think straight back then, so I'm afraid I can't really recall what I said but can you be so kind enough to remind this wife of yours what exactly she told you on that day?", Lie Ruge asked cupping his already angry face with her two palms.

" Don't worry about it. If you easily forgot it that means it wasn't important to you so you don't have to be bothered about it", Yi Lan said as he avoided looking her at her face.

" Are you angry with me? Seeing you this upset it doesn't look like it was some unimportant topic. From the looks on your face it feels like it is something that I should have recalled no matter what and this is killing me. Hubby don't be like this, tell me, what did I say exactly?", Lie Ruge asked trying to look all serious when she was merely holding herself back from laughing.

" I'm not upset, I think I just realized that I'm very hungry right now", Yi Lan said picking his cellphone on the table, he dialed someone's number and asked them to buy food in one of the restaurant they often frequented. Since Lie Ruge was not allowed to eat any solid food, his maid only delivered soup and porridge to them. They ate their food in silent, Yi Lan did not mean to get upset, but he couldn't help feeling disappointed, all his dream to propose to her just went down the drain with Lie Ruge's lost of memory about confessing her love to him. After disposing the used plates, he brought clean water and towel to clean up her body as always.

" You said you were not mad at me but why are you treating a sick person in this manner, I feel so bad already not remembering what I actually said to you that day but your current behavior makes me feel worse ouch..... that hurts", Lie Ruge exclaimed in pains when Yi Lan wanted to change her hospital gown.

" Sorry ok, I was wrong. I won't get mad at you any more", Yi Lan said stroking her hair as he held her close to his body.

" Really? Then peck me here to show that you are no longer upset", Lie Ruge said mischievously as she tapped her right cheeks. As Yi Lan unwrapped his arms around her, he bent over to peck her on her cheeks but Lie Ruge immediately turn her face so Yi Lan ended up pecking her on her lips instead of her cheeks.

" You cheated, you said your cheeks but why did suddenly put your lips instead?", Yi Lan asked playfully.

" Hmmmm.... because it tastes better to be kissed on the lips rather than the cheeks and I never cheated you are the one who fell for my tricks", Lie Ruge said smiling. Yi Lan made her rest her back against the pillow while her head rested on the wall after he had finished dressing her up.

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