Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

Kim Jong-seos proposal quickly took shape under the hands of the officials. However, it was Kim Jong-seo himself who did the lions share of the work.

As he accepted Kim Jong-seos proposal, Hwang Hui spoke a word to him.

Your idea sounds plausible, so were going to go ahead with this plan. But let me tell you something, if you dont do it right, youll be going back to Hanseong having only seen Gyeongbokgung Palace.

O-ho, my lord. Im doing it properly, I assure you.

Hwang Hui snorted at Kim Jong-seos words.

Hm! Really? Have you forgotten who the one approving this plan is? If you just make something half-assed, youll be packing your bags and heading back right away.


Kim Jong-seo gulped at Hwang Huis words. Knowing Hwang Huis personality as he did, he knew that was entirely possible.

Seeing Kim Jong-seos expression, Hwang Hui continued.

But if you do it properly and get approval, youll be spending a long time in Hanseong, starting with preparing funds for implementation and handling all sorts of other tasks. How long do you think it will take?

At least a month

Kim Jong-seo found himself blurting out an answer, before quickly tensing up.

Please leave it to me! I wont do it twice!

Do it well. Because the time you spend in Hanseong rests in your hands!


Kim Jong-seo was filled with a renewed sense of determination.

From then on, until the plan was finalized, Kim Jong-seo relentlessly drove his subordinates.

You idiot! The numbers are wrong here!

No! I told you not to use the vulgar form!

Oh my~. Look at this mess! Did you write this sentence with your hands or your feet? Do I have to rewrite it myself?

Kim Jong-seo berated his subordinates using the regional dialects he had learned while living with officials from all eight provinces of the country.


After about a month of preparation, Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo returned to Hanyang with their proposal.

As they traveled down the east coast, connected through the northeastern frontier, passing through Wonsan and Cheorwon via the Goguryeo structures, Hwang Hui turned to Kim Jong-seo.

Were currently planning to rebuild the entire road network of Joseon. The route we took through the northeast seems the best option, doesnt it?

Kim Jong-seo nodded in agreement.

Definitely better than accidentally crossing the wrong mountain range and ending up as tiger feed.

Make a note of that.


At Hwang Huis command, Kim Jong-seo pulled out a writing board with ink and brush, and despite riding, his writing flowed smoothly, a skill honed from his long stay in the northeastern regions.

Hwang Hui internally grumbled as he watched Kim Jong-seos calligraphy.

This guy his handwriting is bold and earnest, but his actions are nothing but dawdling How am I supposed to deal with this

Wow! Well written! Truly a master of calligraphy!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Oblivious to Hwang Huis concerns, Kim Jong-seo, having finished writing, admired his own work without cease.

Hwang Hui looked up to the sky and sighed deeply.

Phew~. How did I ever get saddled with such a lifetime commitment to this fellow How am I supposed to handle these damn sons of mine

Hwang Huis thoughts of his own misfortune made any sympathy for his sons vanish into the distance.


After going through various events, Hwang Huis group finally passed through Sukjeongmun, the northern gate of Hanseong, and the cityscape of Hanseong came into view.

Hanseong! Im back!

Woof woof woof!


At Kim Jong-seos loud voice, the sound of a dog barking came from a nearby thatched-roof house. When Kim Jong-seo, who was startled by the sudden barking, shouted, Hwang Hui, who was next to him, spoke a word.

Stop talking nonsense with your friend and lets go. We need to get to Gyeongbokgung Palace before sunset.

Yes Yes? My lord! Friend? Are you calling me a dog? Thats a bit harsh!


The two of them continued their banter and headed towards Gyeongbokgung Palace on horseback. The guards following them behind whispered quietly.

Theyre really a match made in heaven.

I agree. Every time I see them bicker like that but still stick together



Sejong sniffed as he looked through the report submitted by Hwang Hui. He had already heard the explanation verbally from the ministers, but he was going through the process of checking it again by looking at the actual document.

After reading it all, Sejong closed the book and looked at the ministers. He saw Kim Jeom counting something with his fingers, his eyes fixed on the distance, and muttered softly.

I guess I have the answer

However, there was a procedure to follow, so Sejong coughed loudly.

Ahem! Ahem!

Sejong gathered the attention of the ministers with his cough and got to the point.

What do you think, ministers?

At Sejongs question, the ministers took a moment to collect their thoughts and opened their mouths one by one.

In my opinion, I think it is a very good idea.

I agree. The Jurchens are inherently violent people, and if their lives are not stable, they will immediately show their viciousness. It will require a lot of money, but it is not a loss at all if we can stabilize and pacify the Jurchens.

The ministers evaluated Hwang Huis proposal as useful.

Sejong looked back at Hwang Hui after hearing the ministers evaluations.

I will accept the proposal you have brought. Immediately consult with the ministers of the Six Ministries and finalize the scale of the necessary resources. You have come a long way, so take a day off first and then start working.

Thank you very much!

Hwang Hui bowed deeply to express his gratitude to Sejongs order. It was a good thing that Sejong accepted the plan that Kim Jong-seo had made, but what he was most grateful for was the day off.

Kim Jong-seo felt the same way.

Thank you very much!

Sejong smiled and opened his mouth at the sight of Kim Jong-seo expressing his gratitude in a loud voice.

Are you Kim Jong-seo?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Ive heard rumors.

Sejong continued, looking at Kim Jong-seo with a mysterious smile.

I wont say anything if you just guard the border.

Thank you very much!


The drinker of Hanseong has returned!

The news of Kim Jong-seos return quickly spread to the Gisaeng district.

Which house will he go to first this time?

The Gisaengs customers waited for Kim Jong-seo to arrive, looking out the street.

Not long after, Kim Jong-seo appeared in the Gisaeng district and shouted loudly.

Im back!

Oh, my dear! Welcome!

Dear! Come to our house today!

No, come to our house first!

Kim Jong-seo looked back at Hwangbo-in at the even more fierce solicitation of the customers than expected.

Why do you think the solicitation has gotten worse?

Because business is not good in this neighborhood either.


At Kim Jong-seos puzzled expression, Hwangbo-in explained the reason.

The officials are too busy working to have time to go to the Gisaeng houses.


Kim Jong-seo nodded at Hwangbo-ins explanation and dragged him into his favorite Gisaeng house.

Since its been a while, bring us a good table!

Yes, sir!

After a while, the table was set and the Gisaeng came in. The Gisaengs performance began and Hwangbo-in, who had taken a sip of the alcohol, frowned.

This alcohol is tasteless! Bring us a proper one! Otherwise, I wont pay the bill!

Oh my! Yes, sir!

At Hwangbo-ins shout, the Gisaengs quickly moved to change the alcohol jug.

Hmm? Wasnt this the original taste?

At Kim Jong-seos question after tasting the alcohol in his glass, Hwangbo-in answered briefly.

You may not know it, but I have to go to court tomorrow. If I want to avoid getting scolded for being late, I have to eat quickly, get drunk quickly, and go to bed quickly.


Kim Jong-seo shook his head at Hwangbo-ins explanation.

It has always been said that alcohol should be drunk slowly

Youll have to get used to it if you want to survive in Hanseong.

Kim Jong-seos face became filled with a sense of loss at Hwangbo-ins answer.

This is not the Hanseong life I had in mind

By the way, drinking alone to get drunk quickly and end the night quickly became a custom and bad habit passed down from generation to generation among Joseon officials.

Just as the sailors and lower class people of the Age of Discovery sought rum to get drunk quickly and cheaply, so did the Joseon officials seek solo recitals.


Hwang Hui, who had obtained Sejongs approval and even secured the necessary funds, set off on the road back to the northeastern frontier with Kim Jong-seo.

No, did you really hate leaving Hanseong that much? You look like youve lost everything.

At Hwang Huis question, Kim Jong-seo answered in a gloomy voice.


As Kim Jong-seo told him about what he had experienced every time he went to the Gisaeng house, Hwang Hui burst out laughing.

You idiot! Do you know what the most common saying in the court these days is? Its There are not enough people! Do you know how bad it is that theres even talk of the ministers of the Six Ministries gathering to evaluate every single petition that comes up? With a shortage of people and a pile of work to do, do you have the time to drink alcohol leisurely?

Even so, alcohol has always been

At Kim Jong-seos expression, still unable to hide his regret, Hwang Hui sighed softly.

Thats true Alcohol does taste better when you drink it slowly. In that sense, wouldnt the drinking parties in the frontier be better? The alcohol may be a bit rough, but theres also decent clear alcohol if you go to a local tavern.

That is true

Kim Jong-seo nodded unconsciously at Hwang Huis words. The work in the frontier was hard, but the drinking parties still had a certain charm to them.

Right? So what do you think? This time, lets settle down in the northeast region for good. Soon, well start reclaiming the virgin land in the east

Absolutely not! Im going back to Hanseong as soon as the frontier is sorted out!

Kim Jong-seo strongly rejected Hwang Huis words before he could finish. Hwang Hui clicked his tongue at Kim Jong-seos reaction.

What a pity He was almost there


With the funds provided by the central government, Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo soon created a new organization.

Labor Support Agency

After creating the organization and appointing officials, Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo immediately began recruiting laborers from the defected Jurchen people.

So youre saying youll pay us?

Yes! Thats not all. While working on land reclamation and agricultural assistance, you can learn how to farm and get a job right away by learning civil engineering skills by participating in road construction!

Many Jurchens had stern expressions at the officials sweet talk.

Among the Jurchens, there were quite a few who farmed, but their farming methods had hardly developed since the old Samhan period. However, the Joseon farmers were in a more developed situation than that.

Of course, to the eyes of Hyang, who had experienced the 21st century, it was all the same.

Nevertheless, the number of Jurchens applying for the job was increasing as the government guaranteed wages.

The main reason was that it could solve the problem of survival, which was the biggest problem that the Jurchens had to live a nomadic life. Thats why many Jurchens, regardless of gender, knocked on the door of the Labor Support Agency.

The existence of the Labor Support Agency was also a great help to the farmers who were promoted to the policy of common people.

The average area of farmland that farmers received per household was 2gyeol. When converted to land unit measurement, this was an area of about 12,000 to 16,000 pyeong.

Although they received as much land as they wanted, it was very difficult for one household to reclaim it. Even though the country provided oxen and horses for farming, it was still too much.

It was also a problem to cooperate with neighboring farmers. The area to be reclaimed also increased in proportion to the number of people working.

At this time, the Jurchens who were supported by the Labor Support Agency were a great help. The Jurchens were tenacious as they had endured the harsh environment.

Although they worked with gestures and gestures because they didnt communicate well, the Jurchens and Joseon people gradually reclaimed the farmland while talking in a mixture of Jurchen and Korean.

Through the reclamation of farmland and the expansion of irrigation facilities, the frontier of the northeast region gradually changed into the appearance of Joseon.

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