Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

The lives of the Jurchens gradually stabilized with the help of the Labor Support Agency established by the Joseon court.

Although it was not a high income, the fact that money came in steadily every time they worked was a great blessing for the Jurchen people.

Except for the large tribes, the lives of the Jurchen people were even more difficult than those of the Joseon farmers. Thats why many Jurchens had robbed the villages of Joseon and Ming people.

However, now they had money and could go to the Ministry of Taxations monopoly store whenever they wanted to buy the goods they needed.

The monopoly store of the Ministry of Taxation was the symbol of the capital and its darling.


As the development project progressed, the monopoly store of the Ministry of Taxation was able to escape its status as a backwater.

At first, it was just a place where salt and sugar were sold as a monopoly.

Therefore, the Ministry of Taxation officials who were initially assigned to the monopoly store were quite dissatisfied.

I studied so hard and passed the civil service exam, and now Im a merchant!

The officials were quite dissatisfied, but none of them resigned immediately.

The reason they had to study so hard was for one goal: to serve the country.

So, the officials who were assigned to the monopoly store and grumbled began to scream soon after.

They were not only selling salt and sugar, but also given an enormous amount of work.

  • They were to copy the land and household registers of the county, the lowest level of local government where the monopoly store was located, as well as those of the neighboring counties.
  • The copies were to be made in two parts, one to be kept at the monopoly store and the other to be sent to Hanseong.

The Ministry of Taxation officials at the monopoly store, after seeing the order from Hanseong, looked nonchalant.

Its been a while since Ive used my writing brush.

Its a lot of work, but its not that difficult.

The officials at the monopoly store consulted with the officials at the neighboring monopoly stores to adjust the number of counties they would be responsible for and immediately began working.

Although the amount of work was considerable, the two Ministry of Taxation officials assigned to each monopoly store proceeded quickly. The reason they were able to work so quickly was because the monopoly store was only open once every five days, on market days.

However, the workload descending from Hanyang continued to increase.

Survey the number of serfs owned by landlords in each military post and county.

Record the yields of barley in spring and rice in autumn, noting the increases or decreases compared to the previous year and recording the average changes to report back to Hanyang.

Especially with the yield records, by the fourth year of reform, it became necessary to document the fluctuations and average changes to send to Hanyang, a task far beyond the capability of just two officials assigned to each trade post.

As a result, by the latter half of the reform period, the number of officials from the Ministry of Taxation stationed at each trade post had increased to four.

Yet, the workload continued to grow. The establishment of the Joseon bank was underway, and with the preparation for currency circulation, the workload showed no signs of diminishing.

Additionally, the range of products handled at the trade posts was gradually expanding. Some items were added by the government, including high-value, low-volume goods like spices, while others were added in response to the demands of the people.

For instance, in remote areas like Gangwon Province, there was a notable demand for paper.

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Are you asking for paper?

Yes. In the area where we live, not even peddlers come by. So, we dont even have paper to hang on the doors.

So, you traveled 30 ri (about 12km), crossing over those mountains?


The Ministry of Taxation officials were perplexed but could understand the plight of the people.

Not just in Gangwon Province but in many parts of Joseon, there were areas that peddlers rarely entered due to difficult terrain.

Although larger communities like counties would have markets every five days, attracting more peddlers, the chances of finding needed items precisely when required were slim.

Thats why the people flocked to the trade posts run by the Ministry of Taxation. Even though they still had to travel to the county level, trade posts consistently received regular shipments of goods.

Eventually, the officials had no choice but to accommodate the peoples requests.

Alright, Ill see what I can do. But it might take at least a month. Is that okay?


Is there anything else you need besides paper?

As such proxy purchasing became more frequent, the matter eventually reached the agenda of the government discussions.

Ultimately, the court decided to increase the variety of goods handled by the stores.

Simply increasing the number of items is a great waste. Order them to accurately identify the items that are absolutely necessary but difficult to obtain in each region.

At Sejongs command, the ministers bowed in unison and replied.

A most just command! We receive your command!

Thanks to this, the work of the officials assigned to the stores also increased.

As things progressed, the variety of goods handled by the stores began to increase rapidly.

I wonder shouldnt we call it Joseon Mart instead of a store soon?

Hyang was so surprised after receiving the report.


Even though the variety of goods sold at the stores increased, the common items sold were salt, sugar, and medicinal herbs. Medicinal herbs were sold as much as salt and sugar.


The people of the countryside treated diseases through folk remedies passed down through the generations. There were many effective remedies, but there were also many that were not.

At this, Sejong summoned the imperial physicians and gave an order.

There are many people who suffer greatly because there is no proper prescription for diseases that can be easily treated! Find an answer to this with your knowledge!

We receive your command!

Although they responded immediately because it was a strict royal command, the imperial physicians looked troubled.

The only thing that the people can easily eat is medicine boiled in water, but isnt it taboo to make medicine recklessly?

Thats right. It is fundamental to examine the patients condition through questioning and pulse diagnosis

The imperial physicians were unexpectedly cautious.

However, they could not help it because the patients they treated were mostly members of the royal family or high-ranking officials. Even a small mistake could result in exile, or even death in severe cases. Therefore, they had no choice but to be cautious.

Theres nothing we can do. Lets go to the Crown Prince!

Thats right!

After listening to the imperial physicians complaints, Hyang immediately asked a question.

Ive read quite a few medical books myself. If I look at the medical books, I think the amount of ingredients to be added is also determined in addition to the list of ingredients?

That is the approximate amount. To make a proper medicine, you need to accurately identify the patients condition and make the medicine by adding and subtracting the amount of ingredients.

The medicine we need now is emergency medicine. It is not a cure, but a medicine to stabilize the condition, so it seems that we can adjust the amount based on medical books and experience.


When a major epidemic broke out in the past and I went out to treat it, didnt I boil medicine in large quantities unless the patient was in critical condition? Think of it as the same situation.


The imperial physicians, who had caught on to Hyangs words, brightened their faces and bowed in unison.

Thanks to your insight, we have found the answer! We are truly grateful!

Thank you!

As the imperial physicians expressed their gratitude, Hyang waved his hand as if it was nothing.

It is thanks to the excellence of the imperial physicians that the work has become easy.

Hyang, who had seen off the imperial physicians, had a vague expression on his face.

Emergency medicine Its something that I cant quite grasp

Hyang, who had been frowning and thinking as if he was chasing something that was only slightly visible in the fog, suddenly snapped his fingers.

Thats right! Opium!

Hyang hurriedly got up from his seat and looked for the eunuch.

Eunuch! Prepare to go to His Majesty! Its urgent, so get ready right away!

Yes? Yes!

Hyang, who had visited the Geunjeongjeon, immediately told Sejong his business.

To stop the cultivation of poppies? Why?

Sejong asked, and Hyang immediately answered.

You are aware that many people use the sap of poppies as an emergency medicine, are you not?

I know. I heard it is quite useful.

However, if you take too much of this poppy sap, you will hallucinate and become addicted. Once you become addicted, you will start looking for more and more poppies, and if you cant get them, you will resort to violence and crime to get them.

What is your evidence?

It is something that is commonly pointed out in many medical books.

At Hyangs words, Sejong looked around at the ministers. Thanks to the fact that reading medical books was a hobby of the scholars, as was mathematics, quite a few of the ministers nodded their heads.

After confirming the reaction of the ministers, Hyang continued speaking.

There are many pharmacies all over Joseon, and this time, medicinal herbs will be sold through the stores. Therefore, I ask that you prohibit ordinary people from growing poppies and have a separate person cultivate only the amount needed to supply the hospitals.

Sejong looked around at the ministers at Hyangs words.

What do you think, ministers?

At Sejongs question, the ministers, who had been calculating in their minds, answered in unison.

We think it is reasonable.

In the absence of opposition from the ministers, Sejong immediately came to a conclusion.

Then lets do it. Now that the people can easily obtain medicinal herbs, it is right to prevent them from associating with dangerous things like poppies.

Thus, an order was issued to ban the cultivation of poppies throughout Joseon.

However, there were always those with the Blue Tiger symbol, so there were those who secretly manufactured and distributed poppies. Therefore, the cat-and-mouse game between drug organizations and crackdowns continued throughout Joseon history.

However, in the process, the sparks flew to an unnecessary place, and that was to Sejong.

Addiction is really scary. Thats probably why the saying too much is too much and the saying excess is in proportion exist.

Thats right.

As the ministers responded to Sejongs words in unison, Hyangs gaze turned elsewhere.

Hyangs gaze was directed at the candy jar placed on the table below the hall, where the officials were seated.

Father. Doesnt the candy jar you put there seem bigger than before?

Ah Ive been drinking tea a lot lately, so

Father, as I told you before, if you eat too much candy, you will get thirsty, and then

Im still fine! I know what Im doing!

Even though Sejong cut him off, Hyang continued speaking, looking at Sejong in a certain way.

Well, you see the rate at which my younger siblings are being born

You rascal, get out!

After chasing Hyang out, Sejong ordered the eunuch.

Change it to a smaller jar.

Yes, Your Majesty!

Sejongs eyes narrowed at the eunuchs bright voice.

You, why do you like it so much?

I was also worried

Ugh go change it right now.

Sejong groaned and held out his hand.

The people visited the stores more and more as the Ministry of Taxation sold medicinal herbs.

Of course, there was a criterion for selling medicinal herbs at the stores: only in places where there was no pharmacy within a radius of 5 li (about 2 km).

However, there were countless such places. The fact that they could now buy medicinal herbs at the stores was a great blessing for the people.

Now we can live a little!

Thats right. Now the number of minor illnesses becoming major illnesses will decrease!

This is all thanks to the grace of the King!

Thats right! We have a wise ruler! A wise ruler!

Words of praise for Sejong flowed throughout Joseon, and his support among the people reached the sky.

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