Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

After the condolences delegation group departed for Beijing, Sunkyunkwan scholars received the royal order of King Sejong.

“… Therefore, the students studying in Sunkyunkwan are encouraged to follow the order of the imperial authority.”

The governor who read the royal order addressed the students.

“What is the reason you all study in this Sunkyunkwan? Isn’t it to advance Joseon by going out into the world? A great opportunity has come, so delay no further.”

After finishing his words, the governor left the Myeongryundang Lecture Hall (A lecture hall for Confucian scholars studying in /1807/1000-won-2007_1807_03344d3fb36e7daabL.jpg (The building in this 1,000 won banknote) 

As the governor left, the students who remained began to discuss amongst themselves.

“Brother Yi, what are you planning to do?”

“And you, brother Kim?”

“I’m thinking of venturing out into the world. I’ve been at Sunkyunkwan for already 5 years, and I have no confidence in the state examination next year, so I cannot miss this opportunity.”

“I’m also the same. It bothers me to see my parents struggling, and I think this could be a great opportunity.”

Among the students staying at Sunkyunkwan, a considerable number decided to venture out into the world, but not a small number of students decided otherwise.

“Why should we venture out now and only achieve a lowly ninth-ranked position? It’s foolish.”

“You’re right. If you were born a man and dreamed of venturing out into the world, shouldn’t you at least start as a sixth-rank official?”


At that time in Joseon, the system allowed for 33 people to be selected through the state examination. The top-ranked, the top-ranked state graduates (Jangwon)1, would start at the sixth-rank. The rest were divided into three groups, depending on their scores, and their rank was determined. According to this division, the lowest 23 successful candidates of the state examination began as ninth-rank officials. Those at the very bottom, the ninth-rank officials, were those who entered through the auxiliary examination.

So, those who are making such noise now are aiming for the rank of the Jangwon (top-ranked) class scholar. However, not many among those who are so loud actually had the skills to match that level. Most of them were children from wealthy families.

What was important to them was the name of being a Sunkyunkwan student. With it alone, they could at least maintain the position of the nobility for three generations, and they could benefit from tax exemption.

The roster of Sunkyunkwan students who wished to venture out into the world was handed over to the senior officials by the Minister of Taxation who had compiled the list.

“How many in total?”



The answer coming from Minister of Taxation made the senior officials’ expressions complex.

“It seems like a decent number… but I can’t understand why I feel so uneasy.”

“I agree.”

The number of students studying at Sunkyunkwan was 200. Of them, 143 had applied, which was quite a large number. However, the feeling of unease crept into both the Minister of Taxation who had compiled the roster and the senior officials who had checked the roster.

Eventually, Chief State Councilor Yi-jik2 took the roster. “Anyway, these are all who decided to venture out within the deadline. Let’s report this to His Majesty.”

“We must.”


King Sejong’s first reaction after checking the roster submitted by the senior officials was to click his tongue.

“143? I know the capacity of Sunkyunkwan is 200, did the rest not apply?”

“That’s correct.”


At King Sejong’s question, the Minister of Taxation answered, “They stay at Sunkyunkwan with the aim to pass the state examination…”

Before the official could finish his words, King Sejong clicked his tongue. Right away, the minister bowed deeply. “Your Majesty, forgive me!”

“What would make me angry? I’m just dissatisfied with the scholars of Sunkyunkwan, who are supposed to be the talent that will carry the future responsibility of the court. Their vision is too narrow. Tsk!”

As King Sejong clicked his tongue, Hwang Hui interjected. Regardless of the situation, the students of Sunkyunkwan were indeed the future of the court.

“They lack experience yet…”

“What nonsense are you talking about! The breadth and narrowness of one’s vision is not a matter of experience but of innate ability! Are you planning to fill the court with such people?”

Chastised by King Sejong, Hwang Hui had to prostrate himself. “Your Majesty! Please forgive my mistake!”

“Goodness, why is he like this? Tsk!”

“Your Majesty!”

At King Sejong’s words, Hwang Hui had to bow even deeper.

Watching Hwang Hui, King Sejong then asked the official. “Enough about Sunkyunkwan but what should we do after this?”

First, the students of Sungkyunkwan will learn mathematics and commerce. The duration will be approximately three months.

“Three months… It’s currently September, so are we starting the preemption business3 next year?”

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“Yes, that’s correct. During that time, we will secure sugarinventory and also build the preemption center building.”

Sejong nodded in response to the Chief State Councilor’s answer. “That sounds reasonable. So, how will the personnel be arranged?”

“First, we will assign Jiui (3rd rank) to eight provinces, as for the local provincial administrative agencies, we will send Sain4 and Jangryeong5(4th rank) officials. Lastly, in the smaller provinces and counties, we will place Jwarang (administrative official) (6th rank). 


As the Chief State Councilor explained, Sejong stroked his chin and made a judgment.

“It’s appropriate. By assigning those with lower ranks than local magistrates, we avoid provoking their pride. However, it doesn’t mean that the rank is so low that the local magistrates can underestimate them. Moreover, it is an organization connected directly to the Royal Secretariat, so the local magistrates would not be able to handle them recklessly.”

In the end, they had obtained another means to monitor the local officials in Hanyang.

“The local officials will have a hard time.”

However, Sejong continued to bombard the Chief State Councilor with questions. “It’s a good method, but won’t there be a shortage of personnel of that rank to send out?”

“That’s correct. Therefore, we will select the well-performing managers and initially assign them to the provisional rank. And that provisional rank will be changed to the real rank, or promotion or demotion will be determined based on their one-year work results.”

“So, they will have worked for at least a year when assigned to the preemption center?”

“Yes, that’s correct. We don’t plan to assign anyone to the same place for more than two years, no matter how long they have worked.”

The items traded in the preemption center were salt and sugar. They would be essential for the people’s diet, so it was certain that a tremendous amount of wealth would circulate. Considering the future additional tasks, it was essential to keep rotating the managers to prevent corruption.

“Then, will the Sungkyunkwan students fill the vacant positions left by the officials?”

“Initially, we will promote the existing managers to fill the positions. The method will be the same as the managers going to the provincial preemption centers. The Sungkyunkwan students will be given a provisional rank based on their academic performance during the training period, and they will be assigned tasks accordingly.”

“How high of a rank will the Sungkyunkwan students receive?”

“We will start from the junior 9th-rank and go up to the junior 6th-rank.”

“The 6th-rank…”

Sejong once again assessed the situation.

The starting rank for the existing state-level examination top-ranked graduates used to be Senior 6th-rank. However, although it was still in the lower ranks, it was now one rank higher, at Junior 6th-rank.He was planning to gradually increase the number of officials, but even as their number increased, the standards for promotion were also set to become more stringent.

Sejong, who had been considering the feasibility based on the personnel plan presented by the Ministry of Taxation and future plans, looked at its Minister.

“Everyone will work desperately.”

“That is the purpose.”

Having heard the Chief State Councilor’s answer, Sejong reached a conclusion.

“Very well! Proceed with Minister of Taxation’s plan!”

“I will take note of it!”

“But! Even though it is a provisional rank, make sure to pay them accordingly to their rank! If the work is difficult,they should at least be compensated appropriately.”

“I will keep that in mind!”

Later, upon hearing the plan, Hyang muttered with a bitter expression, “Whether it’s the 21st century or Joseon, interns are always expected to work desperately.”

And those who had decided to stay at Sungkyunkwan could only regret their decision.

“To think it’s 6th-rank!”

* * *

Meanwhile, chaos ensued as a large number of newbies entered the Ministry of Taxation. The cause of the uproar was the ‘Rite of Initiating the Newcomers'6.

A large number of newbies entered Sungkyunkwan, and with the existing officials also getting promotions, the superiors weren’t idle.

Extravagant feasts were set up as a matter of course, and when all sorts of bizarre events started to occur, the Office of Censors raised a protest about it.

“How dare they!”

King Sejong erupted in anger when he received the protest.

The chaos of the Rite of Initiating the Newcomers was famous since ancient times, and the kings of Joseon have been trying generation after generation to eradicate this bad habit.

King Sejong himself had punished officials who performed the rite just last year, in the GyeMyo (Year of Black Rabbit) year (1423).

“I issued an order to prohibit the Rite of Initiating the Newcomers just last year! Have you seen these impudent creatures? Minister of Taxation! What have you been doing?!”

At King Sejong’s roar, the minister was literally pinned to the ground.

“Please, I beseech you, take my life!”

“What did the rest of the ministers do?!”

The other ministers too had to be pinned to the ground at Sejong’s reprimand.

“Please, I beseech you, take my life!”

“What happened to those impudent creatures who conducted the Rite of Initiating the Newcomers!”

“First, they kept vigil in their homes….”

“Herald! Call the palace guards immediately!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Due to the furious Sejong, all the officials who conducted the rite were locked up in the palace prison.

Receiving the report, Sejong gnashed his teeth and glared at his ministers. “A king’s command should be obeyed no matter what… do you guys think of me as a joke?”

“Please, I beseech you, take my life!”

“If you don’t think of me as a joke, then why did this happen!”

“Please, I beseech you, take my life!”

The ministers had to follow the Chief State Councilor and the Minister of Taxation, bowing down to the ground. Over the heads of such ministers, Sejong’s roar flowed.

“Do you guys only know to say ‘granting your death’? Should I really do so?”

“Your majesty is just!”

Shortly after, the summoned palace guards entered the hall. Sejong immediately issued a command to the palace guards.

“Immediately arrest and imprison the officials from Ministry of Taxation who are keeping vigil at home!”

“We receive your command!”

Following Sejong’s furious command, 23 officials were imprisoned in the palace jail. Upon receiving the report, Sejong gnashed his teeth and muttered, “How should I punish these damn bastards….”

Hearing the rumor, Hyang ran to the palace and smirked at Sejong’s figure. It was because he remembered his past life in the 21st century. The welcoming party for new students after entering university in the 21st century was a memory that Hyang definitely wanted to forget.

Villains under the name of seniors forced him to drink ‘bowl alcohol’ mixed with all kinds of weird trash, or forced him to drink until he was almost dead.

‘This damn tradition….’

Remembering the nightmare of the 21st century, Hyang smirked and spoke to Sejong, “Your Majesty. It seems that the officials have enough leisure to perform the Rite of Initiating the Newcomers.”

At Hyang’s words, Sejong’s expression turned vicious. “Is that so. So they asked for more personnel because they were short-handed?”

Upon hearing Sejong’s words, the Minister of Taxation exclaimed with a pale face. “Absolutely not! We really do need more personnel!”

“Even though they have enough leisure to conduct the initiation rite?”

“That was the misdeeds of a few officials who forgot their responsibilities!”

The Minister of Taxation adamantly defending himself.

Seeing such a scene, Hyang spoke to Sejong, “Your Majesty. Judging by the words coming from the minister, it seems that those who violated your Majesty’s orders this time are quite competent.”

“Huh? How so?”

“Given the situation where everyone, including minister here, is screaming for more people due to the workload, the fact that they conducted the initiation rite suggests that they had spare time after completing their own tasks, doesn’t it?”

“Ah! I see! So they must have been quite competent personnel!”

“That seems so.”

Listening to the conversation between Hyang and Sejong, the ministers increasingly felt an unknown sense of anxiety creeping up.

As the ministers trembled in fear, Hyang proposed a way to utilize them.

“The sorting of the registry data (census) and the preliminary land register collected during the recent vaccination campaign have not yet been completed. These now imprisoned individuals were competent enough to hold the initiation rite with time to spare after completing their own tasks. How about entrusting this job to them?”

“That sounds right!” At Hyang’s words, Sejong slapped his knee. “Truly a bright idea! Registrar! How long did you say it will take to organize the census data and preliminary land register?”

“At least 5 more years…”

“Immediately assign the people involved in this incident to the organizing task! The deadline is 1 year! If they fail to finish within that time, they will be immediately sent to exile! The exile period will be proportional to the unfinished amount! If 10% is left, they will be exiled for 1 year, if 50% is left, for 5 years! Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes, yes!”

At Sejong’s words, the ministers broke out in a cold sweat and replied. Looking at such reaction, Sejong continued his words, “During the organization, cut 80% of their salary and pay the rest. There’s no need for their families to suffer as well. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I fully understand!”

“Then carry it out immediately!”

“Yes! I’ll heed your command!”

Thus, the saying “Document organization punishment is scarier than execution or exile” began to circulate among the officials of the Joseon Dynasty.

  1. “장원급제자” (Jangwon Geupjeja) refers to the top-ranked state examination graduates in the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. The state examination was a rigorous and highly competitive test conducted to select individuals for government positions based on their knowledge, skills, and moral character. They were considered the most talented and accomplished scholars among the candidates who passed the examination. The title “Jangwon” refers to the first-place position in the examination rankings.[↩]
  2. A real person, and was Sejong’s minister.[↩]
  3. purchasing of goods rights before others[↩]
  4. an official in charge of managing governmental documents and archives.[↩]
  5. an official who takes charge of a government office.[↩]
  6. In other words, hazing[↩]

So, I found it a bit odd when the Minister of Taxation popped up in this chapter dealing with interns. It's usually the Minister of Personnel's turf, right? I had to double-check my translation just to make sure.

But then again, maybe the reason he's managing the interns is because they're short-staffed at the business centers that Hyang's planning to launch soon.

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