Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

After nearly a month, the emissaries who had gone to Ming to pay their final respects for the former Emperor returned. The emissaries immediately began to report to King Sejong.

King Sejong began with words of comfort. “You must be tired from the long journey. I apologize for summoning you immediately. However, considering the importance of the matter, I hope you understand that we cannot delay any further.”

“No, Your Majesty. As your vassals, we merely did our duty.” The chief envoy who led the funeral delegation, the Minister of Rites, responded with humility.

“Good. How is the new emperor?”

“He seems to have a fairly mild personality, with a relaxed and gentle voice, and an easygoing demeanor.”

“Is that so? And the assessment of his subjects?”

“Based on brief conversations with various dignitaries, including the Grand Council, whenever the previous emperor had to leave his position for conquest expeditions, the new emperor took over, and they said he was very stable, as an acting Emperor.”

“Is that what they said? Does it seem like the new emperor will also be active in conquest expeditions as well?”

At King Sejong’s question, the Minister of Rites shook his head. “No, Your Majesty. He reportedly publicly declared that he will not engage in conquests unless there is a major incident, as there are budget issues due to the frequent campaigns carried out by the previous emperor.”

“Is that so? Then the situation with the Jurchens should be quiet for a while.”

Upon the Minister of Rites’ answer, King Sejong’s expression brightened. Whenever the Ming Emperor moved to punish the northern barbarians, the Jurchens also became noisy. This, in turn, caused Joseon to become restless.

With a brightened face, King Sejong moved on to the next topic.

“Where are the accompanying physician and physiognomist?”

At King Sejong’s call, the physician and physiognomist came forward and bowed deeply.

“Imperial physician Lee Hansu pays his respects to His Majesty.”

“This lowly physiognomist Choi Gae pays his respects to His Majesty!”

“Good. What kind of person did you see the emperor as?”

At King Sejong’s question, the physician and physiognomist began to tell what they had analyzed about Emperor Hongxi.

King Sejong’s face turned serious upon hearing the two men’s stories.

“So, you’re saying there is a serious problem with the new emperor’s health?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“That is correct.”


After hearing the two men’s responses, King Sejong stroked his beard, lost in thought. After a long while of thinking by himself, King Sejong gestured to the two men.

“That was a good report. You may leave.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

After the physiognomist and physician left, King Sejong threw a question at the Minister of Rites. “Did you also see any problems with the new emperor’s health?”

“I also did not see him in good condition, Your Majesty.”

The Minister of Rites recalled the appearance of Emperor Hongxi1 he had seen. The heavily obese emperor had to breathe heavily even while speaking.

“Well, that’s…” Listening to the Minister of Rites, King Sejong grimaced with a bitter smile. “So this is why Hyang kept making a fuss about me losing weight…”

‘How to make him lose weight?’ was one of Hyang’s biggest concerns. Because of that, Hyang controlled Sejong’s diet, the amount of food he ate, and made him exercise.

“You brat! Someone catch him!”

Every time Hyang nagged, Sejong would grumble, but honestly, he didn’t feel bad. It felt good that his child was caring for his health. Thinking about Hyang’s work, Sejong once again smiled bitterly.

“It’s all good, but the word ‘obesity’…”

Sejong was 27 years old. Even if he spent time with women in every chamber, the vigor of his youth would still prove its presence every morning.

Anyway… Minister. So, does it mean that it will be difficult for this emperor to reign for a long time?”

“Nobody can guarantee life expectancy, Your Majesty.”

At the Minister’s answer, King Sejong nodded. “That would be the case. Only heaven knows the length of a human’s life…”

“Your Majesty.”

“There is no need for you to worry, Minister. I was just being a bit hasty… Anyway, with the change of emperor, what do you think will happen to the completed commercial office that was completed in Shandong?”

At King Sejong’s question, the Minister responded in a bright voice.

“Ah! That was the most talked topic this time. It has been three months since the Shandong’s commercial office was first built, but it is said that the merchants of Joseon and Ming have gathered to trade actively, and the taxes paid to the Ming court are increasing.”

“That is true, even this Majesty is aware of it. The amount of money coming into our court is increasing significantly, so what are you all planning to do?”

For King Sejong, the issue of the retention of the trade port in Shandong was one of the most important concerns.

In response to Sejong’s inquiry, the minister replied, “The new emperor also issued a decree, stating that the trade port in Shandong should be respected, and is beneficial to both Joseon and Ming, being akin to a symbol of Goryeo. Also, all the subjects of the Ming court have all agreed.”

“Is that so? That’s fortunate.”

In addition, to brace for unexpected encounters with the Japanese or pirates, the Ming court has opted to consolidate their naval forces. An imperial decree to construct a new naval base adjacent to the trading port has been issued as part of their strategic plans.


Upon hearing the minister’s response, King Sejong’s expression hardened. However, the ministers, unaware of Sejong’s expression, began to express their delight.

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“This is indeed good news!”


“It is a blessing from the heavens!”

As the ministers enthusiastically continued their chorus of approval, almost in unison, Hwang Hui interjected, only with slightly different wording, “If the Ming navy defends us, our safety will be guaranteed! This is a favor from the Ming!”


The ministers, who were reveling in joy, instantly froze at the sound of Sejong clicking his tongue. Sejong glared at the ministers with a furious expression.

“You all… I’m starting to wonder if maintaining connections with you all truly serves Joseon’s best interests.””

At Sejong’s words, all the ministers bowed and exclaimed.

“Y-Your Majesty!”

“If you’re going to respect me, then don’t do things that shouldn’t be done. Isn’t that right, Right State Councilor?”

Hwang Hui, who was directly pointed out, nervously responded, “P-please punish us!”

“I said don’t do what shouldn’t be done. Do you know what mistake you made?”

“Your Majesty!”

“Tsk! Good grief… Who started this rumor… Argh! Let’s take a short break!” An infuriated Sejong declared a recess and stormed out.

As Sejong left abruptly, the ministers exchanged conversations with grim expressions.

“Where in the world did our mishap originate from?”

“I’m curious about that as well.”

One by one, the ministers turned their attention to Hwang Hui. This was because Sejong declared a recess immediately after Hwang Hui spoke. As the attention focused on him, Hwang Hui angrily shouted.

“You’ll all find out!”

Hwang Hui, who stormed out, looked up at the sky, letting out a long sigh and murmured, “Sigh~. It’s so frustrating, I can’t handle this anymore. I really should quit….”

Recently, Hwang Hui had often been overwhelmed with the urge to resign several times a day.

‘Damn it! My son is the same age as you! It’s so frustrating! I should just quit! Who spread the rumor? It’s your father2, you brat!’

He wanted to say this to Sejong’s face and hand in his resignation, but each time, he had to grit his teeth and bear it.

‘My lord! You must endure! Think of your children! Especially your daughter who married into the Lord Seo’s family and has yet to bear any children! For her sake, you must bear it and hold on!’


Recalling his wife’s desperate plea, Hwang Hui sighed while looking up at the sky. In his eyes, there were small teardrops.

While the ministers were scratching their heads unable to find an answer, the Minister of Taxation left the royal court and headed to Eastern Palace. The place he headed was an annex building next to Eastern Palace.

“You’ve arrived, Minister?”

“Good work.”

After a light reply to the guard guarding the separate building, he entered.

“Is Lord Jeong here?”

“He is inside. This way.”

Guided by the steward, he headed to where Jeong-cho was working. Jeong-cho, who was discussing with his subordinate officers, warmly welcomed the Minister of Taxation.

“Isn’t this Lord Minister of Taxation? What brings you here?”

“Ah, I wanted to seek your opinion, so I came.”

“An opinion?”

“Can we have a little chat for a moment?”

At his request, Jeong-cho led him to his office.

“Follow me.”

The minister, following Jeong-cho into his office, began to vent his frustration as soon as he sat down.

“… Given the situation, I can’t live, I just can’t live with the current situation! I need to know what kind of mistakes we made… Lately, I feel the urge to hand in my resignation and return to my hometown twelve times a day.”

With a bitter smile, Jeong-cho consoled Hopan, who was venting his frustrations.

‘It doesn’t matter whether it’s here or elsewhere…’

The main issue was that His Majesty was extremely angry.

After a moment of thought, Jeong-cho stood from his seat. “Let’s go together.”

“Where to?”

“There’s someone who knows the answer.”

Jeong-cho headed for the main Eastern Palace.

Hyang, who had just returned from Area 51 and was organizing documents, had to stop what he was doing to listen to Minister of Taxation’s complaints.

Listening to the old man’s teary complaints, Hyang let out a long sigh.

“Haah~. This is really…”

Minister of Taxation became tense as Hyang’s reaction was similar to that of Sejong.

“Your highness…”

“You should’ve refrained from doing anything frustrating. Aren’t you in charge of the finances of our nation?”

“To a lesser extent, I am indeed in charge.”

“You’re in charge, yet you don’t understand the problem? Huh~. I can’t believe it. Tsk!”

Upon seeing Hyang reacting just like Sejong, something hot welled up inside Minister of Taxation from the bottom, but he had to forcibly suppress it.

“I’m frustrated. Please enlighten me on what I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple. The issue is the Ming Empire’s naval base being constructed next to our nation.”

“Excuse me?”

“Is the Ming Empire overflowing with finances?”


At Hyang’s words, Minister of Taxation let out a word of admiration. Seeing him like this, Hyang explained in more detail.

“The barbarians’ movement has decreased, but we haven’t fully suppressed them. That means the navy entering next to our nation is a newly formed one. How much do you think it costs to maintain it? And what about the maintenance fee? Where do you think they’ll get the funds to cover these costs?”

“… From our nation’s taxes, I suppose.”

“That’s right. The Ming Empire’s court will surely propose to raise the tax rate from our nation. But do you think that’s a good thing?”


“Moreover, who knows if the cost the Ming Empire is putting forward is solely for naval maintenance, or whether it includes filling the gaps in other areas?”

At Hyang’s pointed words, Minister of Taxation bowed his head. Hyang’s words echoed in his ears.

“You need to send someone from our nation right away to gather information. We need to know the scale of the newly established Ming Empire’s naval base, how much a navy of similar scale in the Ming Empire uses in a year, and so on to prepare in advance. Do you understand?”

“Yes? Yes!”

“Then get moving! Didn’t the King tell you last time? He said he’d do as you nobels wish. If you don’t want to collectively drink poison, move quickly!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Upon the completion of Hyang’s sentence, Minister of Taxation hurriedly got up from his seat, bowed respectfully, and rushed off to the side room.

Watching the back of the minister disappear with the dust, Hyang turned his gaze to Jeong-cho standing next to him.

“Do you think the minister will report exactly as he was told?”

“He likely will.”

“And how do you think dear Father will evaluate it?”

“If compared to a test score, it would be a grade of ‘fail’.” Jeong-cho quickly replied to Hyang’s question. He was already accustomed to Hyang’s way of assessing.

Hyang always demanded an answer that was even a penny more improved than what he said. That’s Hyang, the child of Sejong.

“I’ve got the answer! I’ve found the answer!”

The ministers, who hadn’t been able to find an answer despite much debate, flocked to Minister of Taxation shouting “I’ve found the answer!” led by Hwang-Hui.

“Well then, what is it?”

At Hwang-Hui’s question, Minister of Taxation conveyed the solution that Hyang had suggested. The ministers simultaneously brought their hands to their foreheads as they heard Minister of Taxation’s explanation.

“Oh no!”

“How could we have overlooked that!”

Realizing their mistake, the ministers showed a stunned expression. If Minister of Taxation’s explanation was correct, they had failed to recognize the biggest problem and were obliviously happy.

“What should we do now….”

“If the king evaluates us….”

“Even if we are scolded….”

Hwang Hui, who was watching the stunned ministers, stepped forward.

“What’s done is done. Since we know the answer now, let’s report it to the king. And, let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again in the future.”


After a moment,

“His Majesty, the king has arrived!”

At chief eunuch’s shout, the ministers returned to their seats and straightened their clothes.

Sejong, who entered the side room and sat at the top of the house, looked down at the ministers.

“So, do you ministers realize the mistake you made?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Hmm, let’s hear it, Right State Councillor.”

At the curious Sejong’s command, Hwang-Hui cleared his throat and explained the problem. Sejong, who listened to the explanation quietly, stroked his beard.

“Is that all?”

“Yes? So far…”

At Hwang Hui’s answer, Sejong sighed deeply. “Huh~, it can’t be helped. I hope you’ll work harder in the future.”

“We will abide by your order!”

“Then, let’s move on to the next agenda.”

“Yes. The next agenda is….”


  1. Emperor Hongxi died of a heart attack, and had only reigned as an Emperor for less than a year.[↩]
  2. It’s kind of an insult[↩]

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