Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

In the 7th year of Sejong’s reign (1425, the Year of the Rooster), the state examination was held. This was an irregular examination, only for the literary and military branches, as it was not a regular Siknyeon exam years1.

Contrary to the original history, this examination was peculiar in many ways. The reason was simple:

“We are short of officers! (We lack people to push around!)”

Due to the implementation of new positions and systems in both the literary and military branches, there was a dire need for a massive influx of personnel. Accordingly, Sejong issued instructions to the observers conducting the first round of examinations:

– In the case of the literary first round, do not conduct the examination for the national-ranking graduates, only for those who graduated from a local-ranking examination.

– The number of successful candidates should be 50% more than the sum of the successful candidates from the previous national and local examinations.


Although the observers who received the instructions scratched their heads, they held the local examination and selected the successful candidates according to the instructions. As soon as the selection was completed, the records of the successful candidates from the first round were immediately sent to the capital.

“Father, I passed the examination!”

“Oh, it is the glory of our family! We must hold a feast!”

In accordance with the expanded quota, feasts were held in decent-sized villages throughout the country to celebrate the passers. There are 162 administrative regions in Joseon, including counties. Previously, through the Hyangsi (local examinations), the number of successful candidates would be 140. As a result, about 50 villages would not produce successful candidates.

However, this time, 220 candidates passed. As a result, the number of villages that did not produce successful candidates was only 11 throughout the 8 provinces of Joseon. The local Confucian schools in those villages were thrown into chaos.

“What on earth are they teaching their children!”

“Shame, shame, where in the world is there such shame!”

* * *

In March, the successful candidates of the first round went up to Hanyang to take the second round of examination.

Some arrived in Hanyang with sl*ves carrying sacks of rice and bundles of firewood, while scholars and commoners arrived carrying their own luggage, looking for places to stay. Those without relatives in Hanyang sought accommodation in decent-looking houses or unpacked their luggage in temporary accommodations set up by the local officials.

On the other hand, those who had well-off relatives in Hanyang found lodging with them.

“Has my brother-in-law not returned from work yet?”

“He’s been coming home late every day recently.”

“I see.”

In a refined hanok (traditional Korean house) located north of Jonggak, a major aristocrat residence area known as Bukchon2, a young man from the countryside was having a conversation with an aged woman. While talking about his mindset for the examination and other personal affairs, a servant informed the woman.

“The master has returned from work!”

“I see.”

Upon hearing that the homeowner had returned from work, the woman and the young man quickly got up from their seats. That evening, the homeowner and the young man faced each other over a drink in the main hall.

“So, are you confident about the second round?”

“I will do my best.”

“That’s the right spirit. So, have you had your Daerye (大禮, Hanja for wedding)?”


“And the children?”

“I have two sons and one daughter.”

Hearing the young man’s response, the homeowner murmured under his breath.

“Fortunately, the lineage will not be broken. No one knows, but it’s easier to control…”

“Pardon? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you well ….”

“Oh! I was just talking to myself, just talking to myself!”

Waving his hand to interrupt, the homeowner shifted the topic.

“As you may know, the number of successful candidates in this first round has increased. The number of successful candidates in the second round will also increase substantially.”

“Is that so?”

Seeing the young man’s face relax, the homeowner warned him.

“That’s not something to be happy about. Now, the issue is not whether you pass the second round, but what happens after.”


“If I were to offer you some advice, you’ll likely want to resign at least a dozen times in a single day. It’s by enduring this that you’ll be able to climb up the ranks.”

“I am prepared for the civil service examination.”

Upon hearing the young man’s response, the landlord chuckled softly.

“Heh! The civil service exam? Is there a big shot out there who could take that? The moment you take it, you’ll experience a living hell… Well, there’s no point in me telling you. You’ll understand once you experience it.”

“Yes? Yes….”

Believing the conversation to have concluded, the landlord stood up and left his seat.

“Your room should be ready by now. Start by relaxing and clearing your mind. Then pray for luck.”

“Thank you!”

* * *

Three days later, the civil service examination took place. Seats were set up in the spacious area in front of the Geunjeongjeon, right after passing through the Geunjeongmun. Candidates who had confirmed their identities started to come in and take their seats.

[T/N: Geunjeongjeon is the main throne hall of Gyeongbokgung Palace, where the king formally granted audiences to his officials. Geunjeongmun is the gate to this hall.

(Geunjeongjeon Hall)

(The Geunjeongmun gate at the back of the examiness)

“The king has arrived~!”

All of the seated candidates stood up and bowed their heads.

Soon after, King Sejong and the ministers entered and took their seats, and the candidates paid deep respects to King Sejong. After King Sejong returned the bow and stepped forward, the attendants brought out the loudspeakers that Hyang had created before and set them up.

King Sejong, standing in front of the loudspeakers, encouraged the candidates.

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“…Therefore, what we need most in order to expand our Joseon is talented individuals. I sincerely hope that you all will be those talents.”

“We will do our best!”

After King Sejong’s encouraging words, warnings about cheating followed. Lastly, instructions about the examination procedures were given.

“…thus, the candidates will take the exam in two stages. The first stage will be on the classics, and the second stage will be on arithmetic.”


“Why arithmetic?”

With the unexpected subject added, the candidates murmured and whispered to each other.

“Quiet! This is all done with the intention of selecting talent, in accordance with the king’s and the ministers’ opinions. Do not question it! If you cannot let go of your doubts, leave the examination site immediately!”

At the proctor’s scolding, the murmuring quickly subsided.

“Then, let the examination begin!”

Thus, the first exam, which tested understanding of the Four Books and Five Classics, ended, and the second exam on arithmetic began.

The second exam was peculiar from the start, as the court officials handed out printed exam papers with the problems on them to each candidate.

“Do not forget to write your department and name at the top! Then, begin!”

* * *

After the exam was over, the candidates began to leave the examination hall one by one. And then, the war amongst the officials began.

“Let’s see….”

“Hmm? Is this interpretation possible?”

While the officials responsible for grading the first exam, which evaluated understanding of the Four Books and Five Classics, were in a rather relaxed mood, those grading the arithmetic portion were in a tense atmosphere.

There, officials from the six ministries of the court and researchers from institutes gathered and engaged in fierce arguments as they graded the exam papers.

“Let’s see, the score is….”

“Hey! Why are you taking that paper! Are you trying to cheat from the start!”

“Maintain the integrity! Maintain the integrity!”

If they had had knives in their hands, they would already have been cutting each other down in this intense atmosphere.

* * *

The day began with an exchange of opinions on this year’s examination for government service.

“I have a request for your Majesty.”

“A request?”

As soon as Hyang mentioned the word ‘request,’ the ministers and envoys tensed up.


“Yes, your Majesty. Please add one more subject to the test in the upcoming civil service examination.”

Upon hearing Hyang’s request, Sejong stroked his beard, expressing his doubt.

“Add a subject to the test? What subject do you want to include?”



“Yes, there is a shortage of staff in the research institute. Therefore, we wish to hire from among the civil service examination candidates who are proficient in arithmetic.”

“Why the civil service examination?”

“Because those who take the advanced examination are the ones who have already been screened and hence, are more valuable candidates for your Majesty.”


Sejong pondered while stroking his beard at Hyang’s words. A positive feeling seemed to hover around Sejong’s silent contemplation.

“Your Majesty! The Ministry of Taxation also needs those who are good at arithmetic!”

Seizing the opportunity, the Minister of Taxation demanded more staff. Sejong expressed doubt at the request.

“Didn’t the Ministry of Taxation just receive additional personnel?”

“Your Majesty! The staff we have is barely enough to ‘piss on an ice surface’! We are severely short of staff to cover all the nationwide taxation offices, not to mention to monitor price trends and conduct surveys on source materials!”

“Is that so? Hmm…”

“Your Majesty! The Ministry of Public Works also needs them!”

“So does the Ministry of Military Affairs!”

“The Ministry of Law Enfooorcement also lacks personnel….”

“So does the Ministry of Personnel…”

The Minister of the Ministry of Taxation’s request had broken the dam. Just as the Minister of the Ministry of Rites was about to open his mouth, Hwang Hui interjected.

“Why on earth do you need so many people?”

“In the case of the Ministry of Public Works, the officials are working all night just to organize the status of new and maintenance projects for levees, fortresses, and bridges across the nation! To conduct research on the ‘National Land Development Comprehensive Plan’, we need people proficient in arithmetic!”

“The same goes for the Ministry of Military Affairs! To organize the types of weapons and soldiers from each jurisdiction, we need people who are proficient in not only writing but also arithmetic!”

“The same goes for the Ministry of Law Enforcement! To investigate and organize the number and types of crimes happening all over Joseon, we need people proficient in arithmetic!”

Each of the ministers of the departments ardently argued why they needed additional personnel.

“Each of you makes a valid point….”

Sejong mumbled with a troubled expression and looked at the ministers.

“Do we really lack so many people in our Joseon?”

In response to Sejong’s question, Hwang Hui explained the reason.

“It’s not that we lack people, but that we lack the budget.”

At Hwang Hui’s response, Sejong unknowingly spat out a curse.

“Damn it….”

In the meantime, the department heads were having a heated debate among themselves.

“Didn’t the Ministry of Taxation just get more people? They should have some conscience!”

“Why are the ministries of Military Affairs and Law Enforcemenr, which already have a lot of people, saying that they lack personnel!”

“What’s the use of having many people! Half of them are illiterate! Do you think those who only know how to use a sword can do paperwork! By the way, why does the Ministry of Rites need people! Why do they need to do arithmetic in the Ministry of Rites!”

The heads of the six departments bitterly argued back and forth.

“Like parents, like children….”


As the heated debate advanced to the point of inquiring about the condition of the opponent’s parents, an overreach bordering on personal insults, Sejong decisively ended the argument with a shout. 

Seeing the ministers fall silent in an instant, Sejong clicked his tongue.

“Good job! You guys are doing so well~”

“Your majesty!”

At Sejong’s words, all the ministers bowed down, their heads lowered. Sejong turned his gaze to Hyang.

“You, brat… “

Just like the ministers, Hyang, who had been hit with a criticism, had to bow his head as well.

“Your majesty!”

“That’s enough! How many of you do I need?”

“At least twenty…”

“Can’t we fill the positions through recruitment?”

“The caliber of the candidates may vary…”

At Hyang’s answer, Sejong clicked his tongue.

“I understand when you say ‘The caliber varies.’ It means they must be somewhat smart if they’re considered for the lower civil service exam.

“It is a clear fact that we’re short on manpower, but there’s the issue of the budget…”

Sejong, who was summing up the situation, asked the ministers, “How long did they say we would have to wait to mine gold and silver from the gold and silver mines discovered by the Resource Department?”

“They said it would take at least half a year, your majesty. However, to get a properly refined product, it would take at least a year at the earliest.”


Upon hearing the answer, Sejong started to calculate in his head. 

‘Taxes collected by the district offices and revenue from the trading post… Hmm…’

After a long time of addition and subtraction, Sejong came to a conclusion. “Crown Prince, did you say we need twenty?”

“Yes, Father. At least twenty…”

“Cut it down to ten.”

“… Your order is accepted.”

Starting with Hyang, Sejong began to adjust the headcount.

“We will increase the number of successful candidates for this lower civil service exam. And, as per the Crown Prince’s request, we will also hold an arithmetic exam. You ministers should coordinate the necessary people for each department and report to the exam commissioner. Just now, the exam commissioner has halved the Crown Prince’s request. I hope you ministers also will not only think about satisfying your own greed, but reach an agreement through concessions.”

“Your order is accepted!”

* * *

And the result was the fierce stare-down taking place now.

“The marking is complete.”

“Let’s see. They’re arranged in order of grades, right?”

“That’s correct.”

Upon the chief examiner’s answer, Jeong-cho quietly selected ten from the top and got up. At that moment, the Minister of Personnel held onto his sleeve.


“Why so?”

“Does my lord truly have no morals! What is the use of just taking the smartest ones! You, your excellency… You’re shameless!”

“The research institute needs people who are good at arithmetics.”

“Isn’t that the case for all of us!”

“Right! Lord Jeong, now that I see it, you’re truly a bad man!”

The examination hall was filled with voices condemning Jeongcho in an instant. However, Jeong-cho didn’t back down.

“It is the Crown Prince’s command.”

Even though Jeong-cho mentioned the Crown Prince’s name, the other officials did not back down. The representative was the Minister of Personnel.

“Have you forgotten His Majesty’s command! He said not to only satisfy your own greed! Where are you trying to commit such an impiety!”


“Discard your greed.”


Jeong-cho clicked his tongue. Everyone gathered here were first ministers. They were not people Jeong-cho could simply push around, whether it be in terms of career or age.

In the end, Jeong-cho proposed a compromise.

“I’ll take five from the top, and five from the average. Don’t I also have to follow the Crown Prince’s order?”

At Jeong-cho’s words, the moaning ministers proposed a compromise.

“Four from the top. Among the top ten, one each must be taken, shouldn’t it?”

After contemplating the Minister of Personnel’s compromise proposal for a while, Jeong-cho nodded.

“Let’s do that.”

* * *

Once he stepped outside, Jeong-cho sighed.

“Phew~. His Highness was right.”

Before coming here, Hyang had called Jeong-cho and laid out a plan.

“Although I’d like to bring all of the top ten performers, that would be impossible.”

“That’s right.”

“So, I thought about it and…”

The plan Hyang laid out was a ‘bluff from the beginning.’ Naturally, there would be objections, and from then on, they would gradually make concessions while creating drama, aiming to secure as much talent as possible.

  1. Siknyeonsi is a regular exam held every three years[↩]
  2. Popular hanok area, you can wear traditional Korean garments and walk along the streets that housed rows of traditional hanoks[↩]

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