Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

After the supplementary (bok-shi)1sogwa (preliminary civil service examination) concluded, five days later, the announcement of successful candidates took place. Near Gwanghwamun Palace, the candidates who took the examinations gathered, waiting for the results.

“Has the list not been posted yet?”

“Hey, move your head!”

Amidst the slight disturbance caused by the anxious candidates, the side gate of Gwanghwamun opened, and the officials and palace personnel came out.

As the officials emerged from Gwanghwamun, the commotion among the candidates quieted. They swallowed nervously, their eyes darting around.

An official spread a paste on a massive billboard constructed on one side of the wall next to Gwanghwamun and attached a notice.

“It’s the list of successful candidates!”

As soon as the list of successful candidates was posted, they hurriedly ran to the billboard to check if their names were there.

“I’m on the list!”

“Me too!”

“Hahaha! I’ve passed!”

There were those who celebrated their success, but there were also those who vented their frustration over failing.

“I’ve failed again!”2

“What should I tell my parents…”

In front of these people expressing joy, anger, and sadness, the palace staff reappeared and set up a small podium.

As the podium was set up, an official in dark blue uniform climbed onto the platform, raised a funnel-shaped object to his mouth, and shouted.

“Yi Soonji!3  Is Yi Soonji here? Yi Soonji from Yangseong4!”

Upon the official’s shout, a young man who must be barely in his twenties ran forward from among the candidates.


“You are Yi Soonji? From Yangseong in Gyeonggi-do?”

“That’s correct.”

“Year of birth?”

“It’s the year of Eul-yoo5.”

Upon hearing Yi Soonji’s response, the official checked his records.

“Yi Soonji… Yangseong… Eul-yoo year… That’s correct. Stand to the side.”

“Yes? Yes.”

After Yi Soonji stood aside, the official called out another nine names.

“Let’s see… one, two, three, four… ten… it’s all correct. Follow me.”

“Yes? Yes.”

With questions swirling in their minds, Yi Soonji and the nine other successful candidates followed the official into the Gyeongbokgung Palace.

“Who are those people? Hey, look. Chief Examiner, do you know anything about this?”

“I’m not sure either.”

As the candidates were murmuring, an official in a blue uniform climbed onto the podium.

“Quiet! Quiet! Everyone be quiet!”

With the official’s shout, the gathered candidates fell silent. The official placed the funnel-shaped object to his mouth and shouted, “Successful candidates move to the right for verification procedures! And those who failed, better luck next time!”

Following the official’s instructions, the candidates moved in two different directions. The successful ones went to a place on the right of Gwanghwamun for the verification process, while those who failed turned away, looking disappointed.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the side hall, a conversation about this round of sogwa (preliminary civil examination) was taking place between King Sejong and his ministers.

“How many are the total successful candidates for ths time’s sogwa?”

“The total is 185.”

“185? The number of successful candidates has actually decreased?”

Hwang Hui responded to King Sejong’s question.

“They passed the classical literature examination, but those who failed the arithmetics exam were disqualified.”

“What’s the failing standard for arithmetics?”

“Those who scored below the average by 20 points.”

“Hmm… They are talents who passed the literary examination, isn’t it a pity?”

Upon King Sejong’s question, Hwang Hui explained his reasoning.

“It might seem so, but teaching arithmetics from the basics and deploying them in work takes too much time and resources.”

“Is that so? I understand. They are talents carefully selected for national affairs, so they must be utilized as much as possible.”

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Upon King Sejong’s instructions, the ministers all bowed their heads.

“We will heed your advice!”

“How about those who finished their education after the selection process? What about their ranks?”

“Like the students of Sungkyunkwan, they will be divided into grades according to their performance in the arithmetics class. After a probation period of three months, they are planned to be evenly distributed in the six ministries.”

“That sounds good. But what if there are those who insist on going to Sungkyunkwan?”

“Even if they pass the Daegwa (higher civil service exam) through Sungkyunkwan, unless they are Jangwon (top-ranked) scholar, they have to start from the 9th rank. If they have their own plans, they will know that it is much more advantageous here than being at Sungkyunkwan.”

“I see.”

At Hwang Hui’s response, King Sejong nodded his head. Seeing King Sejong’s reaction, Hwang Hui continued his explanation, “In addition, Sungkyunkwan will have a different role from now on, so we plan to make all students leave.”

Upon hearing Hwang Hui’s words, King Sejong chuckled, “Huh! Those who were trying to take an easy route would end up like the dog chasing the chickens6.”


Similar stories emerged while explaining the situation to the successful candidates.

“…so, after you complete the process, you will be assigned to your respective duties.”

As soon as the official’s explanation ended, one of the successful candidates quickly raised his hand.

“I’m aiming to take the Daegwa (higher civil service exam)! Is it impossible to get back into Sungkyunkwan?”

The official who was asked the question gave a brief answer.

“No, it’s not possible. Sungkyunkwan’s duties have changed since this year. Sungkyunkwan will only conduct ceremonies for the Confucian (Munmyo) shrine and educate candidates to be high-ranking officials. Oh, and while I’m at it… the eligibility for the daegwa exam will also change. Simply put, if you want to become an dangsanggan (high level government officials), you need to be an official first.”

The official provided a simple explanation, but the actual situation was far from simple.

To become an upper government officials, one had to pass another civil service exam, and to take that exam, one had to prove their capabilities in their job.

However, the official didn’t go into details for a simple reason.

‘We have to weed out the unripe ones from the start!’

The ones in front of him now and those who would continue to come were his subordinates and potential competitors. While they were in competition, they had to choose the capable ones for their immediate convenience.

As the official’s explanation ended, the earlier successful candidate again swiftly raised his hand.

“Can’t I just return to my hometown, continue studying, and then sit for daegwa exam?”

At these words, the explaining official roared angrily.

“You foolish chap! Have you been listening to my explanation, or have you been eating it? What did I just say? Didn’t I say the nature of the daegwa exam has changed? What rubbish are you talking about after hearing my explanation! You, dismissed!”

“Dismissed, you say…”

“Fail! You idiot!”

At the official’s words, the concerned successful candidate roared angrily.

“But, this scholar (me)! Do you even know who I am!”

“Who are you!”

“A relative of mine served as a Censor in the Office of Inspector General, and my cousin is currently a Left Lieutenant in the Ministry of Law Enforcement!”

At his words, the official snorted with laughter, “Humph! So, in the end, you’re saying you’re a nobody.”

“What did you say!”

The one who had been treated as a low-grade citizen got very angry, but the official gave an order to another official next to him.

“Go to the Office of the Censor-General and bring someone from the Song family. If they ask who sent you, say it was Minister Kang from the Ministry of Personnel.”

At Minister Kang’s words, another official, who was sitting with him, nodded his head and stood up from his seat. The official who stood up from his seat glared at the concerned successful candidate and went outside.

Meanwhile, the successful candidate who had been boasting about his connections turned pale at the mention of the ‘Office of the Censor-General’.

Watching such a successful candidate, Minister Kang raised his voice, “Where is this good-for-nothing bragging about his connections! This good-for-nothing! You don’t think I can dismiss you as I wish? It’s all orders! Got it? My backing is His Highness the Crown Prince! How dare you, a rotten thing, brag about your connections!”

Eventually, the successful candidate who had caused the commotion was dismissed and failed at the same time.

“Just forgive me once!”

The dismissed successful candidate was dragged out, pleading for mercy, but the officials were unyielding. After a brief commotion, Minister Kang warned the frozen successful candidates.

“If you cause trouble during the academic training and practical period, or if you can’t keep up with the task, or if you cause a scandal, you will be dismissed immediately. Remember this. Understood?”


The successful candidates answered in a loud voice.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Censor-General immediately submitted a report to King Sejong. King Sejong, who had read the report, immediately ordered punishment.

“The fact that a newly successful candidate from the entrance examination was so arrogant shows that he firmly believed in his connections he mentioned. As an old man, reading the report and recalling the past incident of Ryu Jeong-hyeon, I feel truly dejected.”

“Your Majesty speaks the truth!”

At King Sejong’s words, all the subjects bowed their heads. Over the heads of such subjects, King Sejong’s words continued, “If he’s audacious enough to throw a tantrum at a royal official, we can guess what kind of audacity his connections have committed. Chief State Councilor, command the Board of Punishments to investigate the relatives this man mentioned and uncover any wrongdoings.”

“I receive the command!”

Following the investigation by the Board of Punishments, the one who had served as a Censor in the Office of Inspector General had all his government posts revoked, and the one who had been working in the Ministry of Law Enforcement was demoted to a commoner, then was given the punishment of ‘sorting out documents’.

* * *

While the chaos unfolded outside, Yi Soonji and his group were also steeped in disorder.

“Where are we heading right now?”

As they passed through the gates of the Gyeongbokgung Palace and continued deeper into the palace, Yi Soonji asked the leading official in a voice filled with fear. The official who had been walking ahead answered succinctly.

“We’re heading to the Donggungjeon (Eastern Palace).” 


At the mention of ‘Donggungjeon’, Yi Soonji and his fellow candidates for the officialdom were shocked. They were heading towards the place where the next heir to the throne resided.

Seeing the tense faces of Yi Soonji and his group, the official who had been leading the way chuckled.

“Relax. Anyone would think we’re heading into a tiger’s den.”

“Yes, sir! Yes, sir!”

Looking at the faces of Yi Soonji and his group, who still couldn’t relax, the official muttered to himself as he turned away.

“Maybe the tiger’s den would be better?”

* * *

“Welcome, everyone. I am Jeong-cho, the Deputy Director of the Research Institute.”

The one welcoming Yi Soonji and his group was Jeong-cho. First, Jeong-cho conveyed his apologies.

“Under normal circumstances, the crown prince would have welcomed you all, but due to the busyness of Area 51, I am here to welcome you. I apologize.”

“Ah, no, my lord.”

As Jeong-cho bowed his head, Yi Soonji and his group hastily followed suit.

“Now, please sit down.”

As Jeong-cho offered them seats, Yi Soonji and his group quickly sat down on the chairs. Looking at the faces of Yi Soonji and his group, who sat rigidly in their chairs and looked only at him, Jeong-cho smirked.

‘When I think of what these guys are about to go through, I feel sorry for them.’

“Hmm, ehem!”

Clearing his throat lightly, Jeong-cho got straight to the point.

“Let me tell you what you’ll be doing from now on. First, does anyone know about the celestial chart?”

At Jeong-cho’s question, Yi Soonji quickly raised his hand.

“Oh? I thought celestial chart isn’t widespread yet, how did you know about it?”

“I saw the peddler who often visits my home use it.”

“Is that so? The rest of you… you’re alone then. So, what’s your name?”

“I am Yi Soonji, who came from Yangseong.”

“Okay, you will learn the celestial chart together with other students for revision.”


“Once the learning of celestial chart is over, you all will learn arithmetics. And…”

Jeong-cho told them what they would be learning and doing from then on. After finishing his explanation, Jeong-cho concluded as follows.

“You will be given a month and a half to go home, inform about the appointment, manage your household and return to Hanyang. I look forward to seeing you again. The crown prince has great expectations of you, and I too have high hopes.”

“We’ll do our best!”

* * *

After a month and a half, Yi Soonji and the other students all arrived at the research institute without fail.

“Nice to meet you all!”

Hyang warmly welcomed the newcomers. The 10 people in front of him were the ones who had been recruited through direct evaluations, different from the existing staff who had been pulled in based on nearby evaluations.

“I believe that you all will do great things!”

In response to Hyang’s words, filled with expectation and trust, the new researchers all replied in unison.

“We will devote ourselves!”

And it took less than two weeks for that cheer to turn into groaning.

“Oh my, I’m going to die…”

“Fellow brother Song, did you work overtime yesterday as well?”

“I haven’t been home for five days already. I’m worried if this continues, I might be seen as a bachelor.”

During a brief rest, the new researchers gathered in the break room and complained about the toughness of the work while massaging their necks and shoulders.

“At least the salaries are good…”

“The ones placed in Group 6 are still in practical training and dying. They’re falling apart because they’re evaluated every day.”

“Well, I wonder… if we’re the lucky ones or if they are…”

While they were discussing the hardships of the other successful candidates who were suffering as trainee officials after receiving temporary ranks, Yi Soonji walked by in front of them. With a heap of documents in his arms and a spring in his steps, Yi Soonji had an energetic look on his face.

Looking at him, the new researchers all grumbled.

“That scholar really found his true calling.”

“Indeed, he did.”

  1. An exam held for candidates who narrowly missed the cut-off marks for the main preliminary civil service examination, or sogwa[↩]
  2. The candidate failed the supplementary exam after failing the main (sogwa) examination[↩]
  3. Yi Soonji is an actual historical figure, and was a civil official and astronemer during Sejong’s reign. While many thought Jang Yeongsil the most famous scientist then, but Yi Soonji was thought to be unparalleled in terms of developing Joseon’s astronomy and calender. His notable accomplishments include creating the first Hanyang-based calender or almanac, called, “Internal and External Parts of the Seven Planetary Calculations” replacing the previous Ming’s almanac. He was also the most talented out of all many civil officials who were ordered to learn arithmetic by Sejong as well. At the end of his life, his highest position was the Royal Secretary, and also the head Judge of Central Secretariat Office.[↩]
  4. 陽城, current city of Anseong in Gyeonggi province[↩]
  5. 50th year in the 60th year sexagenary cycle[↩]
  6. Comes from Korean proverb/phrase: “Like a dog that chased a chicken looking at the roof”. Basically it means to describe a situation where someone has given their all to achieve something, but in the end, the object of their efforts is beyond their reach, leaving them feeling frustrated or empty-handed. The imagery in the proverb is of a dog that has chased a chicken, but the chicken has flown onto a roof where the dog cannot reach.[↩]

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