Call Of The Dark

Chapter 92 Everything They Have

Emma wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his jawline. The blood was caked all over his face and she should have felt repulsed, but all she wanted was to kiss him and make sure that he was fine. She saw him fighting against the rogues and her heart had twisted so much that her chest had tightened. Even though she was with Nephie, there was not a moment when she wanted to go back and be with him. He had saved her against those rogues, putting his life at risk. And all for Maeve…

"Lorza…" she moaned his name as she peppered kisses all over his face. "I missed you."

Lazarus closed his eyes, savoring the feel of his mate. He felt that he could die at the moment with her in his arms. She was the last thing he would see that would be his salvation. "How are you?" he asked, unable to communicate his feelings. He was just terrible in that department.

"I am well," she responded, tipping her head up. "And you?" There were too many bruises on his beautiful face and her heart ached seeing them. She traced one of them and he jerked at the pain. "Oh, I am so sorry!"

"No, I am fine," he said in a deep throaty voice that made her melt.

"You aren't. We must go back to Wilyra to show you to a healer."

He stroked her hair as he chuckled at her innocence. "My wound will be healed in a day."

She took a ragged breath and rested her head against his chest. She murmured, "I don't know whether to thank you or not, but I guess… thank you… I don't want to be late in saying it because in a week, I won't be there."

He hated when she said that. He placed his finger on her lips. "Don't say that again, okay?"

Her lips curled up in a sad smile. She kissed his finger and said, "You know if things were different, we would have been excellent for each other. I wouldn't mind having babies with you."

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His chest filled with so much warmth that it showed on his face. "My babies?" he rasped. With Emma? He wondered what they would look like. The thought instantly sent him into a whirlwind of emotions. But most of those emotions were gutter. He curled his fingers below her chin and lifted her face up. He planted a kiss on her lips and said, "Let's go. The night is not young and we have to go a long way."

She nodded sadly. "I have a small request, Lord Lorza," she said.

"And that is?" he asked, loving the nickname she had given him.

"Let us not fight for the week that I have."

His face darkened as his brows furrowed. "I won't."

"Thanks," she murmured as her eyes locked with him for a long time. A small grunt from Nephie broke their reverie. They both got up feeling a little awkward. Something between them had changed and none could pinpoint what it was.

Lazarus gave a tight nod to Nephie in acknowledgement. She got up on her feet and gave him a hard stare as if not pleased with him at all.

She snuffed again as if in acknowledgement. 'Stay safe, little one,' she conveyed to Emma. 'I will fly above you while you go to Wilyra.' Saying that, she turned the opposite side and after running for a few meters, she opened her wings and shot in the air.

Lazarus picked up Emma in his arms. "I can walk!" she insisted because even he was wounded.

"No, you are unwell," he said strictly and then took her to Titan. He looked up at Nephie who was circling above them. "Will she follow us?"

"Yes," Emma said. "I don't think she will leave me alone now."

The way Lazarus helped her sit on the mount it was as if she was a rag doll. In one swift motion he was behind her on the saddle. "Where's your cloak?" he asked.

"Left behind in the tent."

He opened the button of his cloak and wrapped her with it. "Button up," he ordered. Emma bit her lip as a blush rose to her cheeks, but she settled against his chest and buttoned up the cloak. The feeling was… wonderful. He was so warm and she loved that she could rest against him. Lazarus nudged Titan into a gallop.

"Where are Magnus and Olya?" she asked.

"I have sent them back to the cabin."

"Will they be there for the ritual? I would like to meet Olya one last time."

"Stop talking about the ritual," he growled.

Emma became quiet as she withdrew her head inside the cloak. Soon, her eyes became droopy and she went off to sleep. When she opened her eyes, she found herself being carried into an unfamiliar place. "Where are we?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"In an inn on the outskirts of Wilyra."

Emma opened her eyes and saw that the night had given way to the morning and the sun's golden petals were slowly stretching the sky. Perhaps, that's why Lazarus needed to rest. He couldn't travel during the day.

He carried her all the way upstairs. A server must have opened the door for him for he bowed to the prince and hurried away. Lazarus closed the door behind him and made her lie on the mattress. "Do you want to take a bath?" he asked.

She saw how bright the room was as the sun's rays filtered through the window. Before replying she hurried to draw the curtains and made sure that not a single ray of sun entered. "Yes, that would be wonderful," she replied, panting.

Lazarus gave her the warmest look that his face could express. He nodded. "I am going downstairs to ask for hot water. What would you like to have?"

Her stomach grumbled. "Everything they have!"

His lips curved up for a fraction of a second. "Then I will order everything for you."

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