Call Of The Dark

Chapter 93 [Bonus ] Bathe You

The servants at the inn brought in hot water and filled the copper bathtub that was in the corner of the room.

The inn was located about a night's journey from the main capital and wasn't upscale. When Lazarus had come in with Emma, there were only two guests. He had paid the owner to book the entire inn and asked him to make the other two vacate.

The owner was terrified when he saw Lord Lazarus as one of his customers. He had never had royals in his inn. When Lazarus offered him to book the entire inn, he was overwhelmed. He gave the best room to Lazarus.

Right now, Emma was looking at the servants who were pouring hot water in the tub. Lazarus wasn't there as he had gone to order food for her. She really needed a hot water bath because she was extremely tired. Suddenly, she heard a distant screech and her lips curled up. Nephie was somewhere around and suddenly, Emma wished that she knew a way to communicate with her.

The servants bowed to her after emptying their pails of hot water in the tub. Emma pursed her lips, wondering what she was going to wear after a bath.

One of the servants pointed at the chair beside the tub and said, "M'lady, there's fresh linen and soap bars for you. If you like we can arrange for a light gown for you. My father says that it will start snowing soon and you won't be able to go out." She looked at the fireplace. "I will send a boy to light the fire. Please stay in, m'lady," she requested, fluttering her eyelashes over her warm honey eyes. "It is going to become very cold."

Emma nodded with a smile. "I will." She liked the way the girl spoke with her out of pure concern. She was barely over thirteen. It seemed that the inn owner was her father.

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The girl bowed to her again and went away, the two servants with her following after her. Emma stripped her clothes. They pooled at her feet and she stepped out of them.

When Lazarus came in, he was holding the saddlebag. However, the moment he stepped in, he froze. Emma was in the bathtub, naked. He could only see her bare shoulders over the rim of the bathtub. Her hair was spilled over one side. He clenched his teeth as his fangs threatened to grow. Using his willpower, he tore his gaze from her and turned to bolt the door so that no one else would see her naked. Then he walked to the bed to keep the saddlebag and sat down, keeping his eyes away from her and controlling his already wavering self-restraint.

"Won't you take a bath?" her soft voice was wrapped in hot iron and it sliced through his self-restraint as easily as it would slice butter.

He turned to look at her. She had rested her hands over the edge of the tub and her head was over her hands. She was looking at him with her emerald green eyes which were full of invitation to join her.

"I will…" he said in a shaky voice. "I will after you…"

She took a deep breath in and slowly moved to the far edge of the tub. Waving her fingers at the other side, she said, "There is plenty of water and space for both of us over here."

And whatever self-determination he had, cracked. He got up and walked to her. "Are you sure?" he asked as his chest vibrated with a delicious rumble.

"I am," she nodded without breaking contact from his eyes.

Lazarus peeled his clothes out slowly and let her watch him, let her watch his body. He could see her gaze raking him all over and a blush rose on her cheeks. This wasn't like the time when he lusted for her. This was different. This felt like… new. He sucked in a sharp breath before lifting his leg and getting in the bathtub. He sat right in front of her.

"You should come here and sit, Lord Lorza," she said in a husky voice. "I can scrub you well."

Lazarus had no words. Dumbfounded at her invitation, his heart thundered in chest and very carefully so as not to hurt her or spill water out, he slid towards her and sat in between her thighs. He grabbed the edge of the copper tub to stop himself from shivering at the contact of her naked skin. He knew that her sex was right behind his hips and the thought was making him crazy. His eyes became droopy as her scent of violets surrounded him, mixed with that of her sex. Self-control was important.

Emma poured water over his back. "You have many bruises here," she said huskily as she rubbed the caked blood there.

Her fingers were warm against his skin and he reveled in her touch. "Hmmm…" His shaft was semi hard, his muscles strained as her thighs pressed against his.

It was sweet torture.

She rubbed the soap bar on his back gently and removed every flake. Then she rubbed his shoulders and neck. Her breasts raked across his back as she did that and a groan escaped from his lips. "Emma…" her name came out like worship.

Without replying, she took the bar in front of him and rubbed it on his chest as she pressed herself against him completely. Lazarus's cock became painfully hard. "Yes, Lord Lorza?" she said after a long time. Her fingers moved in circles as she tried to gather lather. "You should cut your hair. They are too long." Her fingers went further down at his navel and then touched the apex of his thighs.

"Fuck!" he rasped as he caught her hand over there. His shaft pulsated. "What are you doing, Emma?"

"Giving you a nice bath," she replied. "And then hoping you would give me too."

His eyes flew wide open. And the next moment, a large amount of water spilled over the tub, as he pulled her right in front of her. She squealed and laughed when she was seated right in the middle of his thighs. "Then let me bathe you first!"

She bit her lip. A moment later, she rested against his chest and handed him the soap bar.

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