Dawning Skye

Chapter 100

100 Concerns of Intrigue

“What?! Jacob? Jacob?! Damn it, ye piece of shit! Who offered ye what?!” Skye bellowed from within the pitfall.

“Skye! Are you ok?! Where are you?!” Tidas called out in near hysterics.

“Ima ok! Just pissed off that the bastard died before he could talk!”

“What happened? Where are you?! I’m coming down!”

Before her husband could begin his descent, Skye called out a warning; “Ah, I don’t suggest it! There’s spikes all over the ground, and I don’t have the magic to smooth it out right now!”

“But I do!” Maevis added as she fluttered over to the edge of the hole with an apologetic expression; “I’ll even be so kind as to make you some stairs.”

Within a short time, Tidas was at the bottom of the pitfall, heading towards his wife. She stood staring at Jacob’s lifeless body, with a frown plastered on her face. Based on what she’d yelled before, Jacob must’ve said something to dishearten her. As he came close, Tidas slowed his pace, and delicately examined his wife’s arm.

Aside from her bloody dress, Skye showed no signs of ever being hurt. Tidas knew better; he’d seen the damage Jacob had done to her. The sight of her arm had caused his vision to turn red, and it took all of the prince’s self-control not to rush Jacob on the spot. If Skye hadn’t been his hostage, Tidas would’ve killed the bastard in an instant with a smile.

The entirety of Moonstone castle was attempting to jam themselves into the hallway directly outside Skye’s bedroom. All anyone really knew was that their young lady had been attacked again. Felicia had still been sleeping in Peggy’s room when Jacob had pinned Skye against the door. When she’d heard him shut the bedroom door; the servant girl had ran as fast as she could; first to the banquet hall, then to the lord’s quarters.


Most of the other servants had been busy with their chores, and there had been hardly anyone in the halls. Anyone Felicia did see; she told them to find any and all the guards, and tell them that the princess was in danger in her room. When she finally reached the lord’s quarters, she was so out of breath, she’d barely gotten out; “Skye, her.. her bedroom..JACOB!!”

Tidas grabbed a short sword that Lucas kept near his desk at all times, and told all the Fae to stay put. Maevis tried to argue, but the prince warned her that her mere presence could set him off, due to before. She huffily agreed, but told him to send for them the moment he could.

Aero gripped Celestia’s hand as fear and worry covered her beautiful features. Nicolas reminded his fellow fairies that Skye was more than capable of protecting herself. It made the royals feel better, but Maevis knew the terror that Jacob had brought upon Skye the past year. Not to mention the incident from before. It was a bad situation, and the old Fae couldn’t sit and wait while her friend’s life was in danger.

“You three stay; I’m going.. I’ll fly around from the outside and catch him off guard,” Maevis stated as she flew towards the door to go out through the lord’s bedroom, then out through the courtyard.

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Nicolas grabbed the edge of Maevis’ robes and yanked her down. She nearly fell over, but Nic caught her before she could. She attempted to pull away from him in a huff, but he held her in place. She called him several choice words before her old friend finally spoke.

“You can’t go Maevis! If the Fowler lad sees you, he’ll kill you!”

Struggling against his, Maevis laughed derisively before replying; “Like that could ever happen!”

“Maybe not you, but Skye’s life IS at risk! He Has her! If he even sees you, he might kill her!”

Nicolas’ words stung at Maevis with their validity. She wanted to save Skye, not cause her injuries or death. Nicolas had a point, but Maevis couldn’t sit and wait. She didn’t want to endanger her friend’s life, but felt her life would be in greater danger, if she didn’t go.

Slamming her foot down onto Nicolas’, Maevis took off the moment his grip loosened. Celestia and Aero called out to her, but the elder was out the door and gone. After watching Nicolas jump around in pain a minute or so, the three decided to head for Skye’s quarters to wait. All four Fae had magic, and wanted to be ready to help, if they could.

When Maevis had reached Skye’s room, she stayed by the one closest to her vanity. She watched as Jacob repeatedly slammed his foot down on Skye’s lower arm. The old Fae was shocked Skye wasn’t crying out. She saw the tears streaming down her cheeks, but heard no sound other than laughter coming from the lass. She slowly began to pull up on the window, to try and sneak in to ambush him.

Once she’d opened it enough to get in, she wiggled in and hid behind the vanity. She then poked her head out just in time to see Jacob snap Skye’s upper arm near her elbow. The scream her friend made was on par with the screams she’d made while making the dragon armor. Maevis so badly wanted to enter the window then and there, but Tidas burst through her door.

The memories from their previous fight sprang to mind, and Maevis attempted to create a pitfall. As soon as her magic reached the spot beneath him, she realized what Skye had created. After surveying her work; Maevis removed several spikes that Skye was most likely to fall on. She also tilted and sharpened the ones she calculated Jacob would fall on. Just as Maevis finished, Skye released her hold on the topsail and marble floor.

Sensing Skye’s magic still present; Maevis knew the princess was alive. She couldn’t hear what Jacob had said, but it had caused Skye’s magic to surge. Maevis was astounded at the depth of the lass’ abilities every time she used them. As the dust settled, the old Fae could see Skye’s mangled hand healing at an alarming rate.

Maevis understood the immense control and knowledge needed to properly heal such extensive damage. There was no way Skye could have progressed that far without first studying human physiology. Maevis could see the effect it was having on Jacob, and assumed Skye was putting on a front for that purpose. The old Fae feared the ramifications brought on by the hasty actions of her friend, and made a mental note to have a qualified doctor examine her later..

After Skye and Tidas came out of the pitfall, several guards went down to remove Jacob’s body. After they trudged out through the closet door with him, Maevis quickly fixed the hole in Skye’s room. Without dust covering everything, and the one rug stained in blood; no one would ever know anything had been amiss.

Skye used Tidas’ guest room to bathe and change. The only dress she didn’t have packed away was a deep purple one she’d never worn. The sliver colored neckline was far too deep for her liking before. Now that she had Tidas, it didn’t seem to bother her. If anything; it made her want to wear it, to entice him.

Maevis had followed after she fixed the room. She spoke with Skye about the color and fit of her dress, and how it complimented her. As she finished dressing and chatting, Lidia entered the room with a worried expression on her face.

“Your father just told me what happened. Are you alright? Did he hurt you?!” Lidia’s voice was panicked as she examined her daughter.

“Ima fine, mother; don’t fret. It’ll take somethin much worse than Jacob Fowler to take me down,” Skye replied as she slipped her matching shoes on.

Seeing her daughter was unharmed, she turned to Tidas and asked; “How did he even get out?! He had to have had help.”

Tidas had been sitting in a chair near the door, stewing. He was thinking the same as Lidia, but wasn’t sure what to say until Ralph came back with his report. Right as the thought crossed his mind, a knock came from the door. The other three Fae and Ralph all filed into the room.

Celestia immediately flew over to Skye and began checking her, like her mother just had. Nicolas began to lecture Maevis, but stopped as Tidas stood up, and gave his guard captain permission to speak.

“We checked his cell sir, and discovered his handcuffs were unlocked with a key. The key doesn’t belong to anyone here; it was a skeleton key. The body of one of our men lay next to the doorway... I can only guess that the key came from him..”

“Who was it?” Tidas inquired with anger in his voice.

“One of the new ones, sir. His name was Wilkins, sir. He was the some of a butcher, so I have no idea how he could afford a gun. It’s a real artifact, too; not a replica,” Ralph handed the prince the pistol as he finished.

Examining the gun, Tidas added; “This is a Colt, too. Those are extremely expensive and hard to find.”

Skye quirked an eyebrow before asking; “And how would you know, husband? Do ye like guns?”

“Aye, and I own several as well. Is that a problem?” the prince’s voice was almost challenging as he spoke.

“Only if ye don’t let me have a go with them. Da has one; they’re much easier to hunt with,” his wife replied with a smirk.

“Skye?! Your father let you use that thing?! I’ll kill him myself!” Lidia practically screamed.

After the two finished a quick back and forth, Ralph posed; “Do you think he stole it, maybe?”

Tidas shook his head before he replied; “No, something like that would’ve been reported as stolen, even before we left.. I think he either bought it, or it was a gift, of sorts..”

“Like a buy off?” Ralph asked as he scratched his chin.

“For what?” Aero added.

Skye stepped forward before speaking; “Jacob said that he ‘should’ve taken the lad’s offer, and watched Tidas and I fall and die’. That implies that he has to be working for someone with influence with the king, if not worse..”

“What could be worse?” Nicolas asked.

Skye and Tidas looked at each other and shared worried expressions before Tidas answered; “It being done on either my brother’s order, or my father’s...”

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