Dawning Skye

Chapter 101

101 Always Be Yer Home

The implication that someone at the capital was already plotting against Tidas and Skye wasn’t really new, but it was still sobering. Tidas had been targeted his entire life; for being his father’s son, for his works against the slave trade, or simply because he was a royal. His enemies going after his wife was something he’d calculated, but not until they’d reached the capital. The fact that they were able to plant a spy in his guards was evidence of their reach. Limiting the list of suspects to only a few.

Skye looked despairingly at her husband before saying; “Ye think it could be him? Magnus would never do something like this, but He might..”

The prince’s gut wrenched in response at the thought of one particular name: Marco. Tidas knew his brother had to be behind it, but without the guard or Jacob to elaborate, there was no proof. Accusing the future king of attempted murder wasn’t something he could do without evidence to back him. And even then, it would be nearly impossible for him to convince his father of Marco’s darkness.

Magnus had always doted on Marco, even as a child. He was born with incredibly rare magic; ether. But the night their uncle tried to kill their father, Marco nearly died trying to stop him. He’d been stabbed with the Ethereal Spear, and drained of his magic. According to him, he’s never recovered it.

Tidas couldn’t remember a time when his older brother didn’t frighten him, except for then. He thought Marco was courageous for trying to stop their uncle, and told him as much. It was one of the few times Marco had genuinely smiled at Tidas, and told him that he would grow up to be a strong protector one day as he laughed. It was one of the few times that they’d ever connected, but it’d been a long time ago.

Marco was a completely different person now, and Tidas wouldn’t doubt him to attempt an assassination. Their father refused to see the monstrous side of his son, even though it could lead to the collapse of the kingdom. The commoners didn’t care for Marco because he favored the nobles in every situation; no matter who was in the wrong. If given a choice; even some nobles would choose to side with the third prince.

The second prince was the king of Ruscovic Kingdom, therefore had no claim to the throne of Alcon any longer. It was a rule upheld by the kingdoms since around Roland Snare’s time. The Regicidal Laws were passed in Alcon only a couple hundred years ago, and few generations had adhered to it. It was Magnus’ wish that his sons not fight over the throne that had any meaning for the third prince.

Tidas had always planned to follow through with his father’s wish, but now he hesitated. Every time a law was proposed that would benefit the commoners, but cost the nobles any kind of rights, power, or money; he denied it. Most servants were indebted to their lords and ladies for providing lodgings, clothes, and meals while working. Everyone earned wages by law, but after the cost for everything came out, workers barely had enough left to buy groceries for their families.

Most places in Alcon weren’t as bad as the capital now. Lords and ladies like the Moonstones were becoming more common, thanks to the influence of the third prince. Tidas inspired others with his selfless actions, creating a kind of trend that the aristocrats didn’t expect. Only a handful of the younger nobles idolized the prince for his heroics, but many of the older ones preferred the third prince. As well as all ages of commoners. Making Tidas the people’s choice for a ruler..


After the group discussed the possibilities a bit more, Peggy came in and announced dinner would be ready shortly. As everyone began to file out, Lidia called out to Skye to wait. Tidas kissed her cheek, and told her he’d be waiting outside for her. She wanted to protest, but the weariness she saw in his eyes made her reconsider.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Once the door was shut, Lidia beckoned her daughter to sit next to her. After taking a seat, Skye looked to her mother to speak. She was a little taken aback by the array of emotions that crossed her features. Variations of love and pain fought for dominance; finally ending on a mix of the two.

Taking a deep breath, Lidia smiled softly and handed Skye a small box while nervously saying; “I wasn’t sure if I should give this to you. It’s a bit complicated, but it was my husband’s.. The stone, not the; well, that..”

Skye gasped as she opened the box to reveal a small, handmade hair clip. The stone matched the moonstone from her necklace perfectly. It was her favorite piece from the set, and she planned to wear it often in the capital.

The stone was crescent shaped, and the part of the clip that held it in place was shaped like a silhouette of a fairy. It was beautiful, and Skye nearly shrieked in her happiness. She squeezed her mother in a bear hug before pulling back to examine the clip again.

“Where did ye have it made?” Skye asked enthusiastically.

“Actually, I made it for you; do you like it?” Lidia twisted her hands nervously as she awaited her daughter’s answer.

Skye didn’t answer right away because she’d been so shocked by the gesture. Her mother had never made her something before; nothing like this. The stone used to be her deceased husband’s, so she knew how important it must be for her mother to give it to her. A happy, nervous feeling crept into her stomach at the realization of the significance of it.

“Are ye sure I should have this? Won’t you miss it?” Skye grabbed and held her mother’s hand as she’d spoken.

Lidia smiled broadly at her daughter before replying; “I think he would’ve liked you having it.. I feel bad just letting it sit in a box. He had magic too. He told me it helped with conserving his magic, by helping him focus.”

“He once told me that his magic had it’s own.. sound. And invoking certain feelings affected the sound. The stone helped him to focus on certain aspects of his trait. I hope this helps with your training, my little lass,” Lidia grabbed Skye’s hand with both of hers, and gently squeezed them.

For the first time since Skye was four, her mother called her by her pet name. Tears gathered and flowed down her cheeks as the gravity of her mother’s gift and words settled in her heart. She wished she had more time with her now.. To talk about her childhood, her deceased husband, how she met her father; everything she hadn’t.

As if reading her daughter’s thoughts; Lidia said to Skye with a grin and a hug, “I’ll tell you about him some time when you visit.”

“Could you at least tell me what type he was?” she didn’t want to pry, but Skye’s interest was peaked.

Lidia flashed a smile her daughter had never seen before. It was filled with pure joy as she laughed at her unspoken memories. Nodding at no one, she looked to Skye and said; “He was an elemental...Fire.. I never knew fire could be beautiful, until I saw his blue flames..”

Skye smiled at her mother as a new understanding dawned on her. She knew her mother and father loved each other, but it wasn’t the same as the love she shared with Tidas. She’d assumed time had mellowed their feelings, but that wasn’t it.. Her mother truly loved another, the same way she loved Tidas.

The memories of Tidas’ fake death were still plenty fresh in Skye’s mind. If she ever actually lost Tidas, she might resemble her mother. The thought made her heart feel heavy, prompting another hug; which her mother welcomed.

The two held each other a few moments before Lidia broke away. She sniffled and wiped at the makeup around her eyes, making Skye smile at their shared sentimentality. Straightening her back, Lidia cleared her throat and said; “We best hurry; your poor husband is still waiting for us..”

A total of twenty minutes had passed, by the time Skye and Lidia emerged from the room. Tidas was by himself; sitting on the cold floor with his his knees up to his chest, and head against the wall. It reminded Skye of how he sat when he was frustrated or cold as a child. She gave a small giggle at the memories that ran through her mind, prompting Tidas to ask; “And what, dear wife, is so funny to you?”

Still smiling, Skye replied; “Just glad to see the lad I fell in love with still be there.”

As he stood up, Tidas said something about Peggy being thrilled at her comment. He was smirking, which only widened as he realized how lovely his wife looked in her dress. He’d been so preoccupied in the room with their conversation, he honestly hadn’t noticed.

“You look rather fetching tonight, Princess.. Your husband in a lucky man,” Tidas extended his arm to escort his wife as he spoke.

“Thank you, sir.. I keep telling him the same thing,” Skye replied playfully.

Laughing loud enough to create an echo, Tidas took his wife’s arm in his, then offered his other to his mother in law.

“I think you might need to trade up, Skye. This one seems to have good manners; unlike that rakish prince,” Lidia joined in.

“Oh I have much better manners than the prince, and I’m better looking, too,” Tidas added, causing all three to laugh as they walked to the banquet room.

Dinner flew by quickly as they all talked. Nicolas, Maevis, and Aero confirmed that the deals were well off enough for the royal couple to leave right after their meal was finished. Nicolas and Aero agreed to use Nic’s beta Hugo as a go-between for communications. That way no one could trace their messages, or discover the Fae Sanctuary.

Celestia, Skye, and Lidia sat chatting about Skye’s hair clip. The queen explained that the rock was a moonstone, but enchanted with very old magic. When Dkye inquired how old, Celestia replied; “Old enough that only my mother would know of it.”

Ralph had been invited to eat with them, but he wanted to double-check that the men were ready to go as soon as they were. Lucas sat watching his lively dinner table with a grin. It would be a long while before his house felt whole like this again. Taking a large sip of his whiskey, Lord Moonstone stood and delivered a small speech to his daughter and their friends.

“I know yer leaving after the meal is over.. I cannot say Ima too happy to see my wee lass leaving. I know we weren’t the closest of families, but always remember that yer mother and I love you.. And that no matter what the future holds; you will Always be our little girl, and this will Always be yer Home..”

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